
A:Hello.     【小题1】       ?
B:Yes,please.I’d like to buy a scarf.
A:All our scarves are here.    【小题2】        ? It’s made of silk.
B:Hmm.It looks nice, but I’d like to have something warm for the winter.
A:Maybe you would like a heavy wool(羊毛)scarf.     【小题3】      ?
B:I think that’s what I want.    【小题4】       ?
A:It’s seventy-five dollars.
B:It’s a little expensive. Do you think it’s possible to get a discount(折扣)?
A:Hmm. Since you like it so much,how about a 10 percent discount?That’s the best I can offer.
B:That’s good. Could you wrap(包)it up for me?
A:Sure.(60)     【小题5】      ?
B:No,that should be it. Thank you!
A:You’re welcome!

【小题1】What can I do for you\
【小题2】What do you think of this one
【小题3】How about this one
【小题4】How much is it
【小题5】Is there anything else I can get for you

【小题1】根据后文回答想买围巾,可知在购物,故服务员说,What can I do for you\
【小题2】根据回答,it looks nice,可知上文在询问对围巾的看法,故填What do you think of this one
【小题3】根据上下文可知服务员在为顾客推荐产品,故填How about this one
【小题4】根据后文回答的价格,故填How much is it
【小题5】根据后文回答,可知在问还能为顾客做什么服务,故填Is there anything else I can get for you


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