
A: Hi, Mei.【小题1】        .
B: Yes. I have just heard that I had got the chance to go to Switzerland on my student exchange program.
A: Really? How lucky you are!
B:【小题2】        . You know I have to live with my host family. I have never been there before, so I don’t really know what I am supposed to do.
A:【小题3】        . I know something about that. First, don’t be late. In Switzerland, it’s very important to be on time.
B:【小题4】     . I think I’ll have to buy a watch.
A: And you can’t visit other people’s homes without calling them first. If you want to visit your friends, you must call them first.
B: Oh, that’s pretty different from the customs in Colombia where I am from.【小题5】        .
A: Yes, that’s the difference. Good luck!
B: Thank you!

【小题1】You seem / look very excited / happy
【小题2】But I am a little nervous now.
【小题3】Take it easy/ Don’t worry / Don’t be worried
【小题4】I know Switzerland is the land of watches
【小题5】We are pretty relaxed about time.

【小题1】根据后文回答可知上文在猜测对方高兴,故填You seem / look very excited / happy
【小题2】根据后文解释I don’t really know what I am supposed to do.可知他有一些紧张,故填But I am a little nervous now.
【小题3】根据后文给的建议可知在劝告对方不要紧张,故填Take it easy/ Don’t worry / Don’t be worried
【小题4】根据上下文,故填I know Switzerland is the land of watches
【小题5】根据哥伦比亚的习惯,故填We are pretty relaxed about time.


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