
  When you ate reading something in English, you may often find a new word.What's the best way to know it?

  You may look it up in an English-Chinese dictionary.It will tell you a lot about the word; the pronunciation, the part of speech, the Chinese meaning and also how to use this word.But bow can you know where the word is in thou-sands of English words?How to find it in the dictionary both quickly and correctly?

  First, all the English words are arranged in the alphabetical order(按字母顺序排列).In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with the letter A, then B, C, D, E, …That means, if there are two words“desert”and“pull”,“desert”will be certainly before“pull”.Then if there are two words both beginning with the same letter, you may look at the second letter.Then the third, the fourth, …For example,“pardon”is before“plough”,“judge”before“just”etc…Do you understand how to look up a word in a dictionary?

  The dictionary will be your good friend.I hope you'll use it as often as possible in your English learning.


When you don't know a word, the best way is ________.

[  ]


to ask your teacher


to think hard


to do nothing


to look it up in a dictionary


When you look up a word in the English-Chinese dictionary, you should understand not only its Chinese meaning, but also ________.

[  ]


its pronunciation


its part of speech


the use of it


its pronunciation, the part of speech and the use of it


In the English-Chinese dictionary, the first part is ________.

[  ]


the words beginning with the letter A


the words beginning with F


the simple words


the very short words


Here are four words,“blind”,monument, murder and“boyhood”.Their right order in the English-Chinese dictionary is ________.

[  ]


blind, boyhood, murder, monument


blind, boyhood, monument, murder


boyhood, blind monument, murder


monument, murder, blind, boyhood


The English-Chinese dictionary is ________.

[  ]


useful in learning Chinese


Our good friend in learning Chinese


Our good friend in learning English


not useful in learning English

Overhead bridges can be seen in many Parts of Singapore,in the places where traffic is very  41 and crossing the road is not safe.
These bridges can help people cross roads  42  . Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way  43 zebra crossings.
They are more efficient(效率高的),thou  44 convenient(方便的)because people have to climb up a lot of steps.This is inconvenient to the old. When people use an overhead bridge,they do not  45 traffic. But when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is kept back. This is  46 the government has built many overhead bridges to help people and keep traffic moving at the same time.
The government of Singapore has spent a lot of money  47 these bridges. For their own safety, people should be advised to use them instead of rushing across the  48 . Old people may find it a little difficult to climb up and  49 the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across the road with all the moving traffic.
Overhead bridges are very  50  . People,both old and young,should always use them. This will stop accidents from happening.

A.easyB.heavyC.hurry D.free
A.safelyB.quietlyC.fast D.slowly
A.fromB.toC.across D.as
A.moreB.muchC.less D.little
A.hold upB.put upC.hold on D.get on
A.whyB.whatC.how D.where
A.protectingB.repairingC.building D.buying
A.bridgeB.roadC.step D.bus stop
A.downB.away fromC.on D.towards
A.greatB.usefulC.beautiful D.especial

Overhead bridges can be seen in many Parts of Singapore,in the places where traffic is very  41 and crossing the road is not safe.

These bridges can help people cross roads  42  . Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way  43  zebra crossings.

They are more efficient(效率高的),thou  44  convenient(方便的)because people have to climb up a lot of steps.This is inconvenient to the old. When people use an overhead bridge,they do not  45  traffic. But when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is kept back. This is  46  the government has built many overhead bridges to help people and keep traffic moving at the same time.

The government of Singapore has spent a lot of money  47  these bridges. For their own safety, people should be advised to use them instead of rushing across the  48  . Old people may find it a little difficult to climb up and  49  the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across the road with all the moving traffic.

Overhead bridges are very  50  . People,both old and young,should always use them. This will stop accidents from happening.

1.A. easy    B. heavy        C. hurry    D. free

2.A. safely    B. quietly   C. fast      D. slowly

3.A. from       B. to        C. across   D. as

4.A. more       B. much     C. less      D. little

5.A. hold up  B. put up     C. hold on  D. get on

6.A. why        B. what    C. how      D. where

7.A. protecting   B. repairing    C. building   D. buying

8.A. bridge    B. road    C. step             D. bus stop

9.A. down       B. away from    C. on       D. towards

10.A. great         B. useful       C. beautiful    D. especial


      Girls wore grey skirts and white shirts, boys wore grey trousers, and everyone wore the school tie.
Some of Sam's lessons were a bit strange for me. We were reading Shakespeare in the English lesson,
and there were quite some old words like "thou" and "thee" to mean "you". In history we studied 20th
Century China. It was strange hearing a foreign side of history-and hearing English people trying to say
all our Chinese names!
      Classes were also a lot more relaxed than in China. Teachers were called "sir" or "miss", everyone
shouted answers and raised their hands in classes. It was more like a debate than a class. A bell rang
at the end of each lesson and everyone jumped up to go to the next class.
     At break we bought potato chips and cookies in the dining room. Lunch was later than in China-at
1 o'clock. We had big plates of pie with carrots. For dessert there was hot sweet rice called rice
pudding. It was good that I'd had an excellent lunch, because at Sam's school Monday afternoons are
taken up with sports.
     I played my first game of netball-a bit like basketball, but with some differences. Luckily I'd had a
quick look in the rule book before I tried to join in the game.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-9:30 Math English Free period French History
9:45-10:15 Math English French French History
10:20-10:50 Biology Free period French Biology Biology
10:50-11:20 Break Break Break Break Break
11:20-11:50 History Physics Biology Chemistry Physics
11:55-12:25 History Physics Biology Math Music
12:30-13:00 English Math History Math Music
13:00-14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00-14:30 PE Chemistry Chemistry Free period PE
14:35-15:05 PE Chemistry English English PE
15:10-15:40 PE Music Physics English PE
1. Paragraph 2 shows that _______.
A. they wear uniforms in Sam's school
B. lessons are different between schools in China and the UK
C. there is a break of 30 minutes every day in the school
D. sports take up much time in Sam's school
2. The underlined word debate in Paragraph 4 means ___________.
A. fight
B. exam
C. discussion
D. suggestion
3. What do they have for lunch at Sam's school?
A. Pie and hot sweet rice.
B. Potato chips.
C. Cookies.
D. Carrots.
4. How many hours do they have for foreign language study?
A. 4 hours.
B. 2 hours.
C. 3 hours.
D. 6 hours.
5. What's the best title for the passage?
A. Relaxed Classes in the UK
B. Clothes, Food and Sports in a UK School
C. Strange Lessons in Sam's School
D. A Day in Sam's School

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