Your eyes allow you to see color, light, buildings and the face of those you love. The eyes are a clear way to feel the world. Here are some tips about how to look after your eyes.

Take an eye break

Many people need to look at computer screens(屏幕)when they work or study. That puts a lot of pressure (压力)on their eyes. So for every 20 minutes spent looking at a screen, you should take an eye break of around 20 seconds. During the break, you should loo at something that is at least 6 meters away.

Wear a sun hat or sunglasses

There are some harmful(有害的)rays from the sun. UV rays(紫外线)can be harmful to the eyes, so it’s best to get into the habit of protecting them from an early age. Wearing a sun hat or sunglasses is the best way to protect your eyes.

Eat eye-friendly foods

You can also protect your eyes by eating some eye-friendly foods. Green vegetables and fish are good to keep our eyes healthy.

Have a good sleep

Make sure you have a good night’s sleep. You may think you are doing nothing when you’re sleeping.But it’s time for your body to rebuild and repair(重建和修复). At night, your eyes keep cleaning out the dirty things that come in during the day.

1.How often should we take an eye break when we look at a screen?

A.Every ten minutes. B.Every hour

C.Every twenty minutes. D.Every twenty seconds.

2.Which is the best way to protect your eyes from UV rays?

A.Take an eye break. B.Wear a sun hat or sunglasses.

C.Eat eye-friendly foods. D.Have a good sleep.

3.Which is eye-friendly food?

A.Green vegetables. B.Hamburgers. C.Ice cream. D.Hot dogs.

4.How many tips does the writer give us to protect our eyes?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five

5.What is the passage about?

A.What kind of food we should eat. B.The importance of our eyes.

C.How to have a good sleep. D.Ways to protect our eyes.

Many people use their mobile phones as the alarm clocks and are often used to check e—mails before sleeping.

Many years ago, my boss stayed up playing with her mobile phone and got badly ill because of that, Now she always leaves her phone in another room when going to sleep. And she encourages her friends to do so. "I sent each of my friends the same Christmas gift—an alarm clock. So they could stop using the phones as the alarm clocks, "she said.

If your mobile phone wakes you up in the morning, it may also keep you up at night. A study shows that people in mobile phone radiation(辐射)mostly have sleeping problems. And according to a Swedish study, a quarter of young people in this country feel like having their phones near them. Most of them feel sorry for not replying to messages, so they even have to reply to their friends before sleeping.

A recent study has shown that three quarters of people aged between 18 and 34 prefer to sleep with their phones near them. That number falls off a little in the middle age, but only people aged 65 and older like leaving the phones in another room while sleeping.

跟据短文内容, 选择最佳答案.

1.The underlined word “that” here refers to __________.

A.using the mobile phone as an alarm clock

B.leaving the mobile phone in the bedroom

C.staying up playing with the mobile phone

D.sending or receiving e—mails at night

2.According to a Swedish study, a quarter of young people put their mobile phones around them before sleeping so that they can_________. games on phones the Internet

C.reply to their friends D.get a Christmas gift

3.From the last paragraph, we know three quarters of the people ___________ prefer to sleep with their mobile phones near them.

A.aged between 12 and 18 B.aged between 18 and 34 the middle age D.aged 65 and older

4.Which of the following is THUE according to the passage?

A.The writer's boss likes leaving her mobile phone in her bedroom now.

B.The writer's boss sent alarm clocks to her friends as gifts.

C.Many people use their mobile phones as the alarm clocks to keep them up all night.

D.Nearly all people prefer to leave their mobile phones near them at night.

5.We can probably read the passage in a(n)____________.

A.magazine on health B.story book C.novel广告)

For teenagers, especially who are going to take part in the big tests, every second is valuable and we should rethink of the ways of spending our time. Whether you have spent your time in a proper way? Here are some good suggestions for you to take.

Firstly, spend time in doing things that are really important. Spend time with your family and friends, and share your feelings and thoughts with them. Enjoy a nice hot meal and eat it slowly. Give yourself time to play and spend enough time in sleeping. Little things like this may seem meaningless. But the truth is that little things matter most in life.

Secondly, you have to know what has been done cannot be undone. Do not allow your mind to stay in the past. Every day is a new start. You have to keep your eyes and ears open to the new chance. It may not be a chance you can get immediately, but it may be a chance for new experiences.

Then, do your best in every task. If you have only one chance to do something for someone, why not do it with the best of your ability? It should not matter whether you are being praised or not. You will take pride in your work because you've done your best. Trust me, your efforts will be rewarded in time.

Lastly, every moment you spend in doing things is the time taken from your life. Don't waste your time away working day and night just for money. That is not your life's worth. The value of your time is measured by how you spend it and whom you choose to spend it with.

1.What should we do to spend our time in life according to the writer's suggestions?

A.We should spend time with our family and friends.

B.We should enjoy a nice hot meal and eat it fast.

C.We should play and spend much time in sleeping.

D.We should pay less attention to little things.

2.Why shouldn't we stay in the past according to the passage?

A.Because the past is not important. B.Because we should have new experiences.

C.Because we have many tasks to do. D.Because a new choice is right there.

3.Which is NOT true about the passage?

A.All little things are meaningless. B.Try your best to do every task.

C.We will get something if we try our best. D.Spending your time wisely is important.

4.What does the sentence "every moment you spend in doing things is the time taken from your life" in the last paragraph refer to(指的是)?

A.Our life is our time.

B.Spending our time doing things is more important.

C.Taking time from our life is more important.

D.We should take advantage of every minute of our life.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Don't Waste Your Time B.Today Is Important

C.How to Spend Your Time Properly D.Value Every Minute

阅读短文, 并按要求完成各小题。

If you think you are too shy and want to be a little outgoing, try the following rules. You can make it.

Tell people you are shy. Just let people know that you are a shy kid. When they know that, they'll understand you better. This also helps you feel more relaxed at home when talking with others.

Try to smile more. People will think you are friendly and easy to talk to. Remember that most of us would like to talk to friendly people and we will stay away from an angry-looking face.

Talk to others first. If you find it hard to do, say something nice about people around you.Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to those people?

Turn your attention (注意) to somewhere else. Think more about ways to enjoy the party or the game. Don't worry about your looks or care if people like you.

Reward yourself. Each time after you say “Hi” or smile at someone for the first time, say to yourself “You did it!” or it could be something bigger, like buying yourself an ice-cream.

Keep trying and one day you won't be shy any more when you talk to others.

1.完成句子 Smile more, because most of us will stay away from ___________________.


reward 在本文中为(名词、动词、形容词、副词)________, 意思是____________________.

3.简略回答问题What should shy kids do to make people understand them better?





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