
参考答案 One evening, when my mother was cooking in the kitchen, someone else called up.My mother hurried to the living room to answer the phone.She thought she would be back in a minute.Bu it was an important phone.They talked and talked and my mother completely forgot the cooking.When my mother returned to the \kitchen, what did she see?The food in the pan as burning! What could she do?She took a cover of the pan and covered the pan immediately.In a second, the fire was put out, but she food was burnt.What a pity! 根据内容要点、语言表达和卷面书写情况分档次评分: 1、优秀12-15分。内容要点齐全,语言准确,行文连贯,表达清楚。句式富于变化,词句优美。卷面整洁,字迹清楚、规范。 2、较好8-11分。内容要点基本齐全,语言基本准确,行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚。词汇、语法错误不多。卷面较整洁,字迹清楚。 3、一般4-7分。写出部分要点,语言表达错误较多,但尚能达意。卷面较潦草凌乱,字迹欠规范。 4、较差0-3分。内容要点严重不足,语言表达错误很多,语句支离破碎,很难看出要求表达的意思。卷面脏乱,字迹难以辨认。 |