
Dear Meimei,

    I'm writing to you from America. You don't know 1 happy I am. I have many new friends here. We often play with each other. When I am in 2 ,they always give me a lot of help.

    Cathy is one of my 3 friends at school. She has a round face 4 a pair of glasses above her nose. She is two months older than I,but a little 5 She's always helpful. She is a 6 student and she 7 all her lessons. She often helps me with my English. We like to chat with each other at lunchtime. After school,we always go back home together 8 we live on the same street. Sometimes,I go to the dance club with her. She dances well and she wants to be a 9 when she grows up.

     At weekends,Cathy usually goes swimming. I like going swimming with her,too. I think it's a good way to 10 .

We always have a good time. Write soon.

Love,Li Hua

1. A. how   B. what

   C. why   D. if

2. A. help   B. need

   C. happiness   D. trouble

3. A. well   B. good

   C. better   D. best

4. A. has   B. wears

   C. with   D. on

5. A. longer   B. shorter

   C. taller   D. older

6. A. lazy   B. hard-working

   C. funny   D. happy

7. A. is good at   B. was bad in

   C. do well in   D. was worst at

8. A. so   B. because

   C. and   D. but

9. A. singer   B. cook

   C. dancer   D. writer

10. A. work hard   B. think over

   C. stay healthy   D. learn well

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C

导读这是李华写给美美的一封信。信中介绍了她在美国的 生活情况,她特别提到了新朋友Cathy,Cathy的帮助使她的 生活充满了乐趣。


1. A本句中的happy是感叹句中的表语,是一个形容词,故用how来修饰。

2. D由本句中的help可知,当我处于困境时,他们总是给予我帮助,故答案为D.

3. D由at school可知,作者的朋友有许多,故此处应当用最高级形式。

4. C本句中已经有了谓语动词has ,应先排除掉含有动词的选项A和B;表示一种伴随状态应当用with。

on表示 “在……之上”,不符合题意。

5. B分析two months older和but可知,此处应当是“较矮 的”。

6. B由下一句可知,她是一名勤奋的学生,故答案为B.

7. A由下一句可知,她各门功课都很好。

be good at与do well in是同义词组,而C项中的动词形式有误,故答案为A

8. B由“我们居住在同一条街道上”可知,此处表示原因,故答案为B.

9. C由dances well可以判断出,她长大之后想当一名舞蹈家。

10. C由常识可知,游泳对保持健康是有好处的,故答案为C.

each other 彼此 a pair of glasses —副眼镜 have a good time 过得愉快


I think it's a good way to stay healthy.我认为这是保持健康的好方法。


I think是主句,it's. .. healthy 是think的宾语,是宾语从句,其中to stay healthy是way的定语


    Jenny was a five-year-old girl. One day she saw a pearl(珍珠) necklace (项链) priced at $2.50. She liked that necklace very much,and her mother said, “Well,I'll buy you the necklace,and you can do chores (家务) to pay for the necklace. Okay?” Jenny agreed.

   How Jenny loved those pearls. She wore them everywhere.

    One night Jenny's father asked her ,“Jenny,do you love me?”

    “Oh yes,Daddy,you know I love you, ” the little girl said.

   “Well,then,give me your pearls. ” father joked (开玩笑) but said seriously (严肃地) ,“I love the pearls,too."

    “Oh!Daddy,not my pearls!” Jenny said. “But you can have Rosy,my favorite doll. Or you can have Ribbons,my toy horse. ”

   The next morning,the little girl put the necklace in her father's hand. “ Here you are,Daddy." she said, “Here is the pearl you like. ”

    Dad took the pearl,and his eyes filled with tears. That afternoon,Jenny's father went back home very early,he pulled out of his pocket a blue box. Inside of the box was a real,beautiful pearl necklace.

“Jenny,here is the pearl necklace you like. I love you. ”

1. Jenny's mother bought her a pearl necklace.

   A. expensive   B. cheap but real

   C. cheap but beautiful   D. real and beautiful

2. How did Jenny get money to buy the necklace?

   A. By doing a part-time job at school.

   B. By doing chores at home.

   C. By asking his daddy for money.

   D. By selling her toys.

3. It took Jenny to think about sending her daddy her favorite pearls.

   A. a day   B. a night

   C. a few days   D. a week

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Jenny loved her pearl necklace very much.

   B. Rosy and Ribbons were Jenny's good friends.

   C. Father felt very happy when he got his daughter's necklace.

   D. Jenny's new pearl necklace cost her father much money.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Father's Love

   B. Jenny's Dream

   C. Doing chores for Pearls

   D. A Precious (珍贵的) Necklace

   Maria Yuryevna Sharapova  ( bom on April 19 ,1987) is a former World No. 1Russian professional tennis player. Sharapova has won 22 WTA singles titles (冠军) ,3 WTA doubles titles and 3 Grand Slam singles titles. She was also runner-up (亚军) at the 2007 Australian Open. She has also won the year-ending Sony Ericsson Championships in 2004. The Women's Tennis Association has ranked (排名) her      World No. in singles four times. She got this ranking for the fourth time again on May 19 ,2008.     She became the World No. 1for the first time on Aug 22,2005. She is now ranked World No. 14.

   Sharapova made her professional breakthrough (突 破) in 2004 when,at the age of 17 ,she beat      Serena Williams and won her first singles title. She entered the top ten of the WTA Rankings with this win. In 2005,Sharapova held the number one ranking for a short time. She won her second major at the 2006 US Open. 

   Sharapova's 2007 season saw her ranking fall out of thetop 5 for the first time in two years,because she got injured. She won her third Grand Slam at the 2008 Australian Open. After winning the number one ranking again in May 2008,Sharapova's shoulder (肩膀) problems made her out of the game for nearly ten months. Sharapova returned in May 2009 and was ranked No. 126 in the world.    Since her comeback (返 回) ,Sharapova has won 3 singles titles and her ranking went to World No. 12.

1 . How many titles has Sharapova won by now?

   A. 22.   B. 3.   C. 25.   D. 28.

2. When did Sharapova win her first singles title?

   A. In 2004.   B. On Aug 22, 2005.

   C. In 2007.   D. On May 19, 2008.

3. How old is Sharapova when she became the World No. 1 for the first time?

   A. She was 14.    B. She was 17.

   C. She was 18.    D. She was

4. What did Sharapova do from May 2008 to March 2009?

   A. She beat Serena Williams.

   B. She fell out of top five in ranking.

   C. She was away from the game and dealt with her injury.

   D. She has won three singles titles.

5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Sharapova?

   A. She first got her World No. 1 ranking in 2004.

   B. She is ranked World No. 14 now.

   C. She fell out of top 5 in ranking for the first time in 2007.

   D. She was once ranked No. 126 in 2009.

    People all over the world celebrate the new year. However,not all the countries celebrate in the same way,and in some countries,the new year doesn’t begin on the 1 date every year.

   In many countries,the new year begins on Jan 1 ,but people start celebrating on Dec 31 ,New Year's eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square. 2 they’re waiting for the new year,they listen to music,sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 o’clock,everyone 3 down from 10: 10. 9. 8. .. As soon as it's 12 o’clock,everyone shouts very 4 Happy New Year! ”

   New Year's Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine,many families go out for a 5 .

    On New Year's Day,many people make resolutions for the new year. They 6 a list of things,such as “I will help out more with housework.

    I will work 7 at school. ” Or “I won’t spend so much time on video games. ” When they have made 8 list,they read it to their family or friends and promise to 9 their resolutions.

     So it doesn’t matter how they celebrate,10 people in countries all over the world,it's a time to say goodbye to the old year,and to welcome the new.

1. A. familiar   B. same

   C. important   D. normal

2. A. If   B. Since

   C. While   D. Before

3. A. comes   B. turns

   C. looks   D. counts

4. A. loudly   B. quietly

   C. sadly   D. safely

5. A. walk   B. secret

   C. job   D. treatment

6. A. put on   B. write down

   C. take away   D. look after

7. A. quickly   B. hard   C. harder   D. hardly

8. A. its   B. his   C. her   D. their

9. A. follow   B. make   C. do   D. give

10. A. by   B. for

   C. with   D. from

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