Portia gave the decision. “One pound of the merchant’s flesh is yours It is what the contract (合同) says. You may take his flesh!”

Shylock held his knife and told Antonio to get ready. “Wait!” exclaimed Portia. “You will not do anything that is not written in the contract. Is that right, Shylock?”

“Yes, that’s right,” said Shylock. He wondered what the wise young judge was going to say.

“Well,” said the young judge, “I have read the contract carefully, and it does not say anything about taking his blood. It says ‘a pound of flesh’. You can take your pound of flesh, but you may not take one drop of his blood. If you take any of his blood, the duke will take everything you own!”

Now it was Graziano’s turn to bless the judge and call him wise.

“You wanted justice,” Portia told Shylock, “and you will have more justice than you wanted.”

Shylock didn’t want to give everything he owned to the duke. He decided not to take his pound of flesh. He said he would take the money.

“Give me ninety thousand dollars,” he said, “and I will have mercy on Antonio and let him go.”

Bassanio was happy to give him the money. He was very pleased that his friend Antonio would not die.

“Wait!” Portia said again. “He does not want the money. It is not written in the contract.”

Bar shylock said he just wanted to have his money back and wouldn’t even demand interest. Bassanio was ready to give it to him, but again Portia stopped him.

“He said he wanted only the penalty that is in the contract.”

Shylock understood that he would not get his pound of flesh. He understood that he would not get his money. He decided to go home.

“Wait!” said Portia, for the third time. The law of Venice, says that if you plan to kill a citizen of Venice, you will lose everything that you own. Half of what you have will belong to the person you tried to kill, and the other half will belong to the duke.

Taken from The Merchant of Venice

1.Who was the young judge?

A.graziano B.Bassanio C.Portia D.the duke

2.What do you think of Shylock according to the passage?

A.brave and clever B.cold-hearted and selfish

C.generous and patient D.helpful and warm-hearted

3.Why did Shylock give up taking a pound of flesh at last?

A.Because Antonio’s ships sunk and Shylock had mercy on him.

B.Because Shylock thought that a pound of flesh was worth nothing.

C.Because Antonio gave Shylock ninety thousand dollars.

D.Because Shylock couldn’t take a pound of flesh without any blood.

4.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Shylock was stopped taking money from Bassanio three times.

B.Shylock would have his money back without interest.

C.Shylock lost everything for planning to kill a citizen of Venice.

D.Shylock would give everything that he owned to the duke.

Your school life is going to end soon.What do you plan to do for your winter holiday?How about going camping?Camping trips can be a great way to relax and learn new things.If you have a good plan,you will have a good camping trip.Of course,different places offer different challenges,so start by making a list of things you might need for your trip.

Consider what kind of trip you want.This will help you enjoy your trip.If you are planning activities,you must be honest with yourself and make sure that you can deal with the challenges you will face.If the challenges are too hard,the camping trip will make you feel tired and sad.

You should also think about what to do if you meet some wild animals on your trip,such as bears,snakes or spiders.

You should also think about the weather.You must bring everything you need for the trip.For camping trips in some far places,you may need special vehicles.You must first think about how you are going to get there.You also need maps if you don't want to get lost.If you want to camp at different places every day,you have to carry everything that you take with you.You have to consider food and places where you will sleep.Water is also important because you need to drink lots of water.

1.From the passage,we learn that ________.

A.the summer holiday will end and school will begin

B.the winter holiday will end and school will begin

C.school life will end and the winter holiday will begin

D.school life will end and the summer holiday will begin

2.The underlined word “vehicles” means ________.

A.交通工具 B.饮食 C.住处 D.帐篷

3.If you don't want to get lost,you need to take ________.

A.food B.a map C.water D.clothes

4.A good camping plan should include ________.

①taking as many things as you need

②considering what kind of trip you want

③thinking about the weather and how to get to a camping site

④thinking about a good report card

⑤thinking about food,water,clothes and places where you sleep

A.①②③ B.②③⑤ C.②③④⑤ D.①②③④⑤

5.The passage was written to ________.

A.give some advice on camping trips B.tell travellers to stay safe

C.advise people to go to far places for camping D.introduce some places of interest to people

At a restaurant, a cockroach (蟑螂) suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. The lady jumped and started shouting out of _________. She then waved both of her hands, trying to shake it off. Her reaction (反应) was so big that _________ around her also got scared.

The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away _________ it landed on another lady nearby. Then, it was the _________ of the other lady to jump and shout. The chaos (混乱) continued. After a while, the cockroach fell upon the waiter who rushed over to help He stood still, _________ the cockroach with two fingers and threw it out of the restaurant right away. I was drinking coffee there when this chaos _________. I started wondering whether the cockroach _________ this terrible mess in the restaurant. If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed? He dealt with it _________, avoiding more trouble. However, the ladies were so afraid of the cockroach that they made matters even _________.

When you get into trouble, shouting and crying won’t __________. Most of the time, it is not the problem you meet with but your reaction to the problem that creates the mess in your life. If you understand this, you’ll be better problem-solvers in the future.

1.A.joy B.fear C.anger D.kindness

2.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.no one

3.A.so B.after C.but D.as

4.A.turn B.duty C.habit D.chance

5.A.beat B.caught C.prevented D.punished

6.A.died out B.went out C.broke out D.worked out

7.A.led to B.gave out C.depended D.brought up

8.A.terribly B.crazily C.excitedly D.perfectly

9.A.more B.better C.worse D.simpler

10.A.pass B.help C.solve D.change

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