
At a restaurant, a cockroach (蟑螂) suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. The lady jumped and started shouting out of _________. She then waved both of her hands, trying to shake it off. Her reaction (反应) was so big that _________ around her also got scared.

The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away _________ it landed on another lady nearby. Then, it was the _________ of the other lady to jump and shout. The chaos (混乱) continued. After a while, the cockroach fell upon the waiter who rushed over to help He stood still, _________ the cockroach with two fingers and threw it out of the restaurant right away. I was drinking coffee there when this chaos _________. I started wondering whether the cockroach _________ this terrible mess in the restaurant. If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed? He dealt with it _________, avoiding more trouble. However, the ladies were so afraid of the cockroach that they made matters even _________.

When you get into trouble, shouting and crying won’t __________. Most of the time, it is not the problem you meet with but your reaction to the problem that creates the mess in your life. If you understand this, you’ll be better problem-solvers in the future.

1.A.joy B.fear C.anger D.kindness

2.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.no one

3.A.so B.after C.but D.as

4.A.turn B.duty C.habit D.chance

5.A.beat B.caught C.prevented D.punished

6.A.died out B.went out C.broke out D.worked out

7.A.led to B.gave out C.depended D.brought up

8.A.terribly B.crazily C.excitedly D.perfectly

9.A.more B.better C.worse D.simpler

10.A.pass B.help C.solve D.change



The Hillside Village Hour Exchange (交换) is a project whose idea came from the international Time Bank movement. The starters of this project recognize that every person can offer services to other people as well as receive services. The unit of exchange is one hour of time. Villagers who agree to join this project can earn a time credit (信用) for every hour they help meet the needs of another villager. Then when they are in need of others’ help, they can spend the credits they get getting services from others. Services for exchange include helping in the home, taking care of the elders and the kids, moving, repairing, gardening, computer service and pet care etc.

Here is how it goes. Leo joins this project and fills in a form on our website, writing down the skills he has and the things he needs. Mary visits our website and searches our Time & Talents page for people who provide shopping service and decides to get in touch with Leo. Leo returns her call and helps her get the things she wants from the village store. Leo then records the time credits he earned online and spends them having Tom play the piano at his party. Tom spends his credits having Lisa help his son little Danny with his math homework. This can go on and on as you like.

For more information, visit www. HEhillsidevillage.com or call Mr. Smith,our project director at 2569-9854 (9 a.m.—4 p.m.).

Information Card

The length (时长) of each unit of exchange


Two examples of the services for exchange


The page Mary searches for her helper


The thing Tom does for Leo at his party


The person who needs help with his/her math homework


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