On 22 nd January,2007,Dave Comthwaite from the UK became the first person to skateboard across Australia. He made a new world record,by skating a total of 5 ,823 kilometers. Jack Smith,the previous (前 任的) champion,had skated a total of 4 ,830 kilometers across the US in 2003. Dave's journey started in Perth and ended in Brisbane travelling about 60 kilometers a day. It took him five months and 13 pairs of shoes. He had great physical pain and he got really sore feet.

   If Dave hadn’t believed in making his dreams come true,none of this would have happened. Dave left his job two weeks after he had bought a skateboard and decided to go on a journey. He wanted this journey to be about something more than him,so he created an association that would raise money for charities. “If people follow my journey and donations,then Fm doing many people a lot of good ,” said Dave. This journey had plenty of challenges. He travelled across the Australian desert (沙漠) where temperatures reached 481 in the day and Ot at night. He had a serious accident in Adelaide when he jumped on a piece of metal that cut through his foot.

   Dave helped raise more than £ 50,000 for children's charities,wrote a book and encouraged others to follow in his footsteps. I wish we had more people like him leading the way!

1. Where is Dave from?

   A. The US. B. Australia.

   C. The UK. D. France.

2. What can we get from the passage?

   A. Dave skated a total of 4 ,830 kilometers across Australia.

   B. Dave spent 5 months skating from Perth to Brisbane.

   C. Dave was the first person to skateboard across the US.

   D. Dave travelled at the speed of 600 kilometers a week.

3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

   A. Dave got hurt during his journey.

   B. Everyone can help others if he wishes.

   C. The environment of Australia is terrible.

   D. Dave challenged himself to achieve his dreams.

4. Where may the passage come from?

   A. An art book.

   B. A story book.

   C. A science book.

   D. A medicine book.

    Nowadays we can see ATMs everywhere. So we’d better learn how to use an ATM to withdraw money.

   First,we must find an ATM for your cards. Some ATMs can only work with certain bank's cards. But now more and more ATMs can use all the banks’ cards.

   Second,we can put our cards in a slot on the right side of the machine. Make sure the card is facing the right way.

    Then,when the screen says ,“Please enter your PIN,” we can press the numbers. After that,we can select the type of transaction. So we can press the key for withdrawing money.

    Next,we can put in the amount of money we want to withdraw by pressing the numbers. Then the screen may say ,“ Please wait ”. After a short while,we can take our money from the slot at the bottom of the machine.

    At last,if we don't need other services,we can press the key for ending. Then our cards will come out from the slot we put it in. And we can finish our dealing and take the cards and money away.

1. Can we use every ATM to withdraw our money in a certain card?

   A. Yes,we can.

   B. No,we can't.

   C. The author didn't tell us in the passage.

   D. The author is not sure about that.

2. When should we enter PIN?

   A. Before we put our cards into the machine.

   B. After we put our cards into the machine.

   C. After we select the type of transaction.

   D. After we put in the amount of money.

3. The card should be put in the machine .

   A. from the slot on the left

   B. from the slot on the right

   C. from the slot above the screen

   D. from the slot under the screen

4. When will money come out of the machine?

   A. Before we put in the amount of money.

   B. Before we enter PIN.

   C. After we put in the amount of money.

   D. After we end the service.

5. How many times should we press the numbers when withdrawing money once?

   A. Once.        B. Twice.

   C. Three times.   D. Four times.

 One day,while my friend Jenny and I were traveling through Germany,we were very hungry but we didn't have a lot of money. We decided to stop at a village market to get something to eat. I chose some cookies and went to the front counter (柜台) to pay. Near the counter I saw some packaged (包装好的) cookies in a large box. They looked good and were a lot cheaper than the ones I had in my hand,so I took them instead.

    We left the store and looked for a place where we could eat. We found a quiet place under a tree and we ate our sandwiches first,and then the cookies. We thought they were great.

   “Let's get some cookies again,” I said. “They’re cheap and they really taste good. ”

    Jenny could read some German,but I couldn’t,so I gave her the package. She looked at it and then started to laugh.

    “Why are you laughing?” I asked.

    “Because they’re dog biscuits!” she said.

1. Where did the story take place?

   A. In a small town in Germany.

   B. In a village in Germany.

   C. In a big city in Germany.

   D. In a small village in Paris.

2. Why did the writer buy the packaged cookies?

   A. Because the cookies were delicious.

   B. Because the cookies were very cheap.

   C. Because her friend liked eating cookies.

   D. Because she had no other choices (选择) .

3. Where did they eat their sandwiches and cookies?

   A. In the store.

   B. At home.

   C. In a village's restaurant.

   D. In the open air.

4. Why did Jenny laugh?

   A. Because the brand of the cookies was interesting.

   B. Because the writer didn't know German.

   C. Because she could eat the cookies again.

   D. Because the cookies are for dogs.

5. We can know the ending of the story is .

   A. terrible   B. sad

   C. exciting   D. funny

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