Ìáʾ´Ê»ã£ºÍø¹ºshopping on line£»±ÜÃâ×öijÊÂavoid doing sth£»ÉÌÆ·goods£»µ¼ÖÂcause
With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping on line£®
¡¡¡¡One possible version£º ¡¡¡¡With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping on line£®It has become a fashion in our daily life£®Some of us students also join the group£® ¡¡¡¡Shopping on line has many advantages£®Just by a click of the mouse, you can buy what you¡¯re interested in without going outdoors£®You can avoid getting tired and being trapped in the crowded people and cars and save time£®When shopping on line, you can choose from more varieties of goods, whose prices are generally lower£® ¡¡¡¡Every coin has two sides£®Its disadvantages are obvious, too£®On one hand, it's very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the Internet£®On the other hand, shopping on line may cause people to buy goods that are not badly needed£® ¡¡¡¡That's a waste of money£® ¡¡¡¡All in all, I love shopping on line£® |

Óŵã | 1. ×ã²»³ö»§£»½ÚԼʱ¼ä£»±ÜÃâÓµ»¤¡¢ÀÍÀÛ 2. ×ã²»³ö»§£»½ÚԼʱ¼ä£»±ÜÃâÓµ»¤¡¢ÀÍÀÛ 3. ¿É¹©Ñ¡ÔñµÄ·¶Î§¹ã£¬Æ·ÖÖ¶à |
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Ìáʾ´Ê»ã£ºÍø¹ºshopping on line; ±ÜÃâ×öijÊÂavoid doing sth; ÉÌÆ·goods; µ¼ÖÂcause
With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping on line.
Ëæ×ÅÍøÂçµÄ·¢Õ¹¡¢ÈËÃÇÏû·Ñ¹ÛÄîµÄת±ä£¬ ¹ºÎ﷽ʽҲÔÚÇÄÈ»µÄ·¢Éú±ä»¯¡£¡°Íø¹º¡± ³ÉΪһÖÖʱÉУ¬Ô½À´Ô½¶àµÄѧÉúÒ²¼ÓÈëµ½Íø¹ºÈºÌåÖС£ÇëÄã¸ù¾ÝÒÔϱí¸ñµÄÌáʾ£¬ дһƪÍøÉϹºÎïµÄÎÄÕ¡£
Óŵã (advantage) | 1.²»ÐèÒª³öÃÅ£»½ÚԼʱ¼ä£»±ÜÃâÓµ¼·¡¢ÀÍÀÛ |
2.¼Û¸ñͨ³£±È½Ï±ãÒË | |
3.¿É¹©Ñ¡ÔñµÄ·¶Î§¹ã£¬Æ·ÖÖ¶à | |
ȱµã (disadvantage) | 1.Ö»¿´µ½Í¼Æ¬£¬ ¿´²»µ½ÉÌÆ·±¾Éí |
2.ÈÝÒ×¹ºÂò´óÁ¿²»Ì«ÐèÒªµÄ¶«Î÷£¬ Ôì³ÉÀË·Ñ | |
ÄãµÄ¹Ûµã | ¡¡ |
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Ìáʾ´Ê»ã£ºÍø¹ºshopping online; ±ÜÃâ×öijÊ avoid doing sth.; ÉÌÆ· goods; µ¼Ö cause
With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping online.
Ëæ×ÅÍøÂçµÄ·¢Õ¹¡¢ÈËÃÇÏû·Ñ¹ÛÄîµÄת±ä£¬ ¹ºÎ﷽ʽҲÔÚÇÄÈ»µÄ·¢Éú±ä»¯¡£¡°Íø¹º¡± ³ÉΪһÖÖʱÉУ¬Ô½À´Ô½¶àµÄѧÉúÒ²¼ÓÈëµ½Íø¹ºÈºÌåÖС£ÇëÄã¸ù¾ÝÒÔϱí¸ñµÄÌáʾ£¬ дһƪÍøÉϹºÎïµÄÎÄÕ¡£
Óŵã (advantage) |
1.²»ÐèÒª³öÃÅ£»½ÚԼʱ¼ä£»±ÜÃâÓµ¼·¡¢ÀÍÀÛ |
2.¼Û¸ñͨ³£±È½Ï±ãÒË |
3.¿É¹©Ñ¡ÔñµÄ·¶Î§¹ã£¬Æ·ÖÖ¶à |
ȱµã (disadvantage) |
1.Ö»¿´µ½Í¼Æ¬£¬ ¿´²»µ½ÉÌÆ·±¾Éí |
2.ÈÝÒ×¹ºÂò´óÁ¿²»Ì«ÐèÒªµÄ¶«Î÷£¬ Ôì³ÉÀË·Ñ |
ÄãµÄ¹Ûµã |
¡¡ |
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Ìáʾ´Ê»ã£ºÍø¹ºshopping online; ±ÜÃâ×öijÊ avoid doing sth.; ÉÌÆ· goods; µ¼Ö cause
With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping online.
Óŵã |
1. ×ã²»³ö»§£»½ÚԼʱ¼ä£»±ÜÃâÓµ»¤¡¢ÀÍÀÛ 2. ×ã²»³ö»§£»½ÚԼʱ¼ä£»±ÜÃâÓµ»¤¡¢ÀÍÀÛ 3. ¿É¹©Ñ¡ÔñµÄ·¶Î§¹ã£¬Æ·ÖÖ¶à |
ȱµã |
1. Ö»¿´µ½Í¼Æ¬£¬¿´²»µ½ÉÌÆ·±¾Éí 2. ÈÝÒ×¹ºÂò´óÁ¿²»Ì«ÐèÒªµÄ¶«Î÷£¬Ôì³ÉÀË·Ñ |
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Ìáʾ´Ê»ã£ºÍø¹ºshopping on line; ±ÜÃâ×öijÊÂavoid doing sth; ÉÌÆ·goods; µ¼ÖÂcause
With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping on line.