
My hobbies

Sport is fun.It can improve our  1  and help to open our minds.I play tennis every Saturday morning.Volleyball is my another  2  sport.In the summer,  3  is fun.In the winter,ice-skating and skiing are  4  interesting sprats.

Traveling with friends is joyful.Enjoying nature and  5  different people will enrich (丰富)our life experience.

Listening to music,reading a book or doing some  6  lets me enjoy a quiet time with my own thoughts.

Dancing is my new  7  .It helps me to stop feeling  8  and helps me to meet new people.

What is more,I am working as a volunteer for library.Taking  9  in social(社会的) activities improves my communication skills and helps me to  10  a lot of great friends

(   )1.A.studies    B.health                    C.took                      D.luck

(   )2.A.favorite       B.strange                C.amazing                 D.boring

(   )3.A.running       B.climbing               C.swimming              D.hiking

(   )4.A.all             B.both                    C.either                      D.neither

(   )5.A.finding        B.beating                 C.meeting               D.helping

(   )6.A.writing    B.shopping                C.cleaning                 D.talking

(   )7.A.subject       B.topic                    C.interest                  D.ides

(   )8.A.free          B.stressed               C.lazy                       D.happy

(   )9.A.a part        B.parts                    C.role                       D.part

(   )10.A.raise        B.take                     C.make                     D.set

1-5  BACBC       6-10  ACBDC


完形填空(共10题, 每小题1 分,计10分)

My online friend is a kind and friendly girl. She is in America. Her   1   is Sophia. I meet Sophia   2   the Internet. She is twelve years old, and I am   3  years old, too.

First, I   4   a letter to her and introduce my hobbies, my school and my everyday life. A few days later, I get Sophia’s   5  . She   6   me a lot about herself. I learn that she loves study, sports and movies. She likes China and Chinese food very much. She tells me something about America too. Sophia is good at English, French, and Spanish(西班牙语), so I ask her to   __7   me with English. Sophia wants to learn some   8  , but it’s very hard for her.

From Sophia, I know   9   about the world outside. I would like to  10  Sophia some day in America.

1.                A.hobby          B.name          C.age  D.job


2.                A.on            B.for            C.at   D.in


3.                A.thirteen        B.eleven          C.twelve   D.fourteen


4.                A.read           B.see            C.write D.draw


5.                A.book           B.letter          C.call  D.photo


6.                A.asks           B.says            C.talks D.tells


7.                A.teach          B.help           C.give D.answer


8.                A.English         B.French         C.Chinese  D.Spanish


9.                A.more          B.less            C.few  D.little


10.               A.call            B.write          C.visit  D.help



Dear Sigmund Friend

My name is Simon and I am a Grade 9 student. I am crazy   31    football! I love   32    football, reading about football, and of course, playing football. My dream   33   a great football player. However, my love of football has become a big problem, and I would like your   34   .

I have   35   friends, and we always play football together at school or in the park after school. We like staying out late to play football. We often play for three hours or more and forget when to stop. Then I   36    trouble at home because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p.m. I really do not understand why they are so strict. I feel stressed and angry      37   . I believe it is important for us to spend some time on our hobbies. They can help us relax and make our lives    38   .I wish I could have my parents’   39   .

Is it bad to stay out late to play football? Should I spend less time on it? I really do not know    40   . Can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies? Thanks a lot.

Best wishes


1.A. for             B. with             C. of               D. about

2.A. watching        B. seeing            C. looking at      D. looking

3.A. am to be         B. is to be          C. is to being         D. are to be

4.A. book            B. work            C. advice            D. school

5.A. much           B. not any          C. few               D. plenty of

6.A. get in           B. get into          C. get on             D. get off

7.A. from time to time              B. from times to times

  C. between time and time                 D. between times and times

8.A. much interesting                 B. more interested

  C. more interesting                         D. the most interesting

9. A. support          B. supported        C. supporting         D. supports

10.A. why to do       D. when to do        C. what to do         D. where to do


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