
Once upon a time, there lived a wise man. Everyone respected him. His son, however, was very___________and did nothing every day.

The wise man was worried about his son’s future. One day, he said to his son, “I want you to find some treasure. I have drawn a map to___________you.” Then he handed his son a bag. Inside the bag were clothes, some food, a little money and the___________.

The son set out on his long journey the next day. Along the way, he met a lot of people. He sometimes was_________by some with food and by some with a room to live in. However, he also came across robbers (强盗)who tried to rob him.

_________, after a long year, he reached the place where the treasure was. He spent two days looking and digging for the treasure, but found___________. He felt so disappointed. Then he went back to his home. On his way back, he learned to make meals and fix his own clothes _________.He also met the same people who had helped him_________. This time, he helped them in order to repay(报答)them.

When he reached home, he said___________ to his father for not finding the treasure. “There wasn’t any treasure in the very first place, my son.” the father answered____________, “But I think you have found your life’s true meaning.”

1.A.lazy B.busy C.hard-working

2.A.meet B.disappoint C.guide

3.A.key B.map C.knife

4.A.fooled B.praised C.helped

5.A.Finally B.Unluckily C.Suddenly

6.A.anything B.nothing C.everything

7.A.herself B.myself C.himself

8.A.before B.later C.now

9.A.thanks B.sorry C.goodbye

10.A.happily B.sadly C.angrily


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