
Two magazines recently listed the best cities to live in. Here are two of the cities listed as “the world’s best.”
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA  The city has comfortable weather all year round (15℃ to 26℃). Housing is not very expensive in San Jose. Also, many of the city’s older neighborhoods are very beautiful and have small hotels and cafés.Beautiful mountains are around the city. Lots of people go sightseeing there every year. But air pollution is a problem in the city center.
HONG KONG, CHINA    This lively city—once a small fishing village—is today an international business center. It is an interesting mix of East and West, old and new. Modern tall buildings are next to small temples (庙宇). Popular nightclubs are close to traditional teahouses. Busy people fill the streets at all hours of the day. But outside the city, there are parks for walking or relaxing. Hong Kong is famous for its wonderful native dishes. There’s also food from Europe, North America, and other parts of Asia. However, this small city has a large population of nearly seven million! That’s why housing is often very expensive. Traffic and air pollution are also a problem.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT mentioned about San Jose?
A.The weather.B.The mountains. C.The air.D.The traffic.
小题2:What makes Hong Kong the world’s best according to this passage?
A.The lively city and the wonderful dishes.
B.The large population and the traffic.
C.The expensive housing.
D.The beautiful temples.
小题3: The writer thinks housing in Hong Kong is expensive because ________.
A.it is a small fishing villageB.it is a mix of East and West
C.it is a beautiful cityD.there are too many people in the city
小题4:What do the two cities have in common?
A.They both have beautiful mountains.B.They both have a large population.
C.Air pollution is a problem in both.D.They are both crowded.
小题5:From the passage, we can know that       .
A.San Jose and Hong Kong are the only two cities of the world’s best
B.San Jose has more natural sights than Hong Kong does
C.the weather in both cities is fine
D.San Jose used to be small fishing village


小题2:通过:Hong Kong is famous for its wonderful native dishes.这句话可以看出A 为最佳选项。
Students learn many subjects at school, like Chinese, English, math and physics. Some students think it’s hard to do well in math. They say it’s boring. Why do they say this? First, some math problems are so hard for them. They spend a lot of time on them, but they can’t work them out, so they lost heart(失去信心). Second, they are afraid( 害怕) to ask their teachers for help. They think the teachers will laugh at them. Third, they think math class is very tiring because they need to use their brain(大脑)to find out the answers all the time.
How can you do well in math? Here is some advice from a math teacher:
1. Listen to the teacher carefully in class and do some extra(额外的) exercises after class.
2. Ask the teacher for help if you don’t understand anything. Don’t be afraid.
3. Don’t forget to go over (复习) your old lessons.
If you do these things, you will find it much easier to do better in math.
小题1:Doing _______ math problem can make students lose heart.
A.easyB.difficultC.many D.few
小题2:The advice is from ____________.
A.a math teacherB.an English teacher
C.a studentD.a doctor
小题3:Some students think math class is very tiring because _____________
A.they have to listen to the teacher.
B.they have to look after themselves.
C.they need to use their brain to find out the answers all the time.
D.they need to help their classmates.
小题4:If you want to do better in math, you should NOT______________.
A.listen to the teachers carefully
B.ask the teacher for help
C.go over your old lessons
D.lose interest in studying math
What is a library for? Most libraries have books and other things to read. Many of them  have things to listen to. Some libraries even have computers. Very few people would think of a library as a place to live in.
One library in New York City turned into(变成)a home for 250 people for a few days. These were all people near the library. They slept on the floor. Why did the people move into the library?
The people moved into the library because the city wanted to close it to save money. These 250 New Yorkers loved their library. They didn’t want to lose it. So they moved in. They knew that the library couldn’t be closed if they were living inside it. At last the city agreed to keep the library open, and the people all went home.
(   )11. Where did the story happen?_________.
A. In New York City.                 B. In a school in New York City.
C. In the streets in New York City.      D. In most libraries in New York City.
(   )12. The library had hundreds of ___________.
A. workers in it                      B. policemen in it
C. people living in it                  D. computers in it
(   )13. The people in the story _______________.
A. were all the workers in the library     B. were all people near the library
C. didn’t read any books               D. wanted to buy some computers
(   )14. Why did 250 people move into the library? Because_____________.
A. these people wanted to save money
B. these people needed places to live in
C. the library was very quiet
D. they loved the library and they didn’t want to lose it
(   )15. From the passage we know that ___________.
A. the library was kept open at last
B. the library was closed because no one read in it
C. the library became a home of these people
D. the city saved a lot of money
If you have a problem with speaking, you can do several things. Listen to English as much as possible. You can learn a poem(诗) or a song by heart. You can also learn more dialogues(对话). And practice speaking with your friends as much as you can.
Many people find it difficult to listen to English. The answer is to listen as much as you can. However, don’t do too much at one time. It is better to practice listening for five minutes every day. Don’t sit down and listen for an hour at a time. That’s too much! Do choose listening passages that are interesting and not too difficult. Choose(选择) tapes(磁带) on which the people speak clearly and not too fast. Take it easy, at first. Success with simple tapes at the beginning is the answer. Later on you can practice with tapes that are more difficult.
Finally, how can you learn to write well? How do you use little words like in, on, of and for? There are two answers to this. First, do some study with new words. Keep a list of verbs like look for, look after and so on. Second, read as much English as possible. There are many things that can’t be learnt. You must see them in books many times. Then you’ll be able to use them correctly(正确地) yourself. So, in order to write well, you must first learn to read much.
小题1:This passage is about English ______ .
A.spelling, listening, grammar and reading
B.listening, speaking, reading and writing
C.taking exams, pronunciation, reading and writing
D.pronunciation, reading, listening and writing
小题2:If you ______ , you can speak well.
A.learn more dialogues B.learn a poem or a song by heart
C.practice speaking with your friends as much as you canD.all above
小题3:Which of the following is right according to the passage?
A.It’s better to listen to English for a long time every day.
B.At the beginning, you’d better choose the tapes on which the people speak quickly.
C.At first you should begin with simple tapes for listening.
D.Few people think it hard to listen to English.
小题4:Which of the following ways can help you to improve(提高) your written English? 
A. Buy books of writing practice.        B. Read as much as possible.
C. Do some study with new words.      D. Both B and C.
小题5:Which of the following is not right according to the passage?
A.Many people find it difficult to listen to English.
B.Sit down and listen for an hour at a time.
C.Learn a poem or a song by heart can improve your speaking.
D.To improve speaking, you can practice speaking with your friends as much as you can.
Do you have any foreign friends? Do you know their characteristics(特征)?
The Germans are very quiet and they always keep calm. They don’t like to speak more words. They look very serious. They like different kinds of amusements. The Germans are very hard—working. They like tidiness, especially the women, who always keep their home clean.
In some ways, the Englishmen look the same as the Germans. They are very quiet and never talk too much with the strangers. They are really polite, so we often hear they say “Thank you.” Or “Sorry.” The gentlemen are also the Englishmen.
The French’s holidays are very long. They like traveling and usually spend their long time staying in other countries. The Frenchmen are more outgoing than the Germans. It is very easy to make friends with them.
Compared to the Frenchmen, the Americans are more outgoing. And they are even opener than all of the Europeans. They don’t like to depend on others. So it is very common that the students do part-time jobs in their free time. And in Americans’ eyes, success is an important part in their life.
小题1:According to the passage, ______are very quiet.
A.only the Germans B.only the Englishmen
C.only the Frenchmen D.both the Germans and the Englishmen
小题2: What does the underlined word “tidiness” mean in Chinese?
小题3:In the writer’s eyes, the gentlemen are______.
A.the Germans B.the Frenchmen C.the Englishmen D.the Americans
小题4:What can we learn about the Frenchmen from the passage?
A.They are more outgoing than the Americans.
B.It is very easy to make friends with them.
C.They like traveling in their own country.
D.They look serious and are always hard-working.
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
B.Who are more outgoing?
C.Characteristics of the foreigners.
D.Success is an important part in Americans’life.

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