
根据所给提示以My dream home 为题,写一篇短文。要点如下:
1. 房子很大,是一个有花园和游泳池的三层房屋,花园里长满了花,很好看。
2. 底楼有一个大的厨房和餐厅,我可以邀请20 多个朋友来吃饭。
3. 二楼有电脑房,和一个大客厅,可以和朋友 在客厅聊天、看电视很舒服。
4. 我有自己的卧室,大又干净。
5. 最喜欢的地方是阳台,是看书,聊天的好地方。
My dream home

My dream home
My dream home is very big. It has three floors, and it is a building with a garden and a swimming pool. There are many kinds of flowers in the garden. They are very beautiful. There is a big kitchen and a dining hall in the first floor. I can invite more than 20 friends to my home to have dinner. On the second floor, there is a computer room and a big living room. I can have a chat with my friends in the living room. It is also comfortable to watch TV in it. Of course, I will have my own bedroom. It is big and clean. My favourite place is the balcony. I can read and chat there.

试题分析:这篇作文要求我们根据所给信息来描述一下自己理想中的家是什么样子的,题目中给了我们详细的信息,这所房子有几层,每一层都有哪些设施,干什么用等。我们需要用正确的英语将这些内容翻译出来。通过审题可知,这篇作文应主要使用一般现在时,第三人称的形式。在写作时,我们可能用到的句型有there be 有,表示在某地有什么东西。还有have a chat 聊天;invite 邀请等。写作时可以按照楼层的顺序来描写,这样可以使文章看起来有条理。
【亮点说明】这是一篇很优秀的范文,作文中作者非常详细的向我们介绍了他梦想中的家是什么样子的。作者在描述时非常的有顺序,按照每一楼层的顺序,每个楼层都有什么设施,干什么用,如作者可以在一楼的餐厅里邀请朋友们来吃饭,在二楼的客厅里看电视,在阳台上看书、聊天等。叙述很有条理,不乱。内容也很完整,包括了题目中所给的所有信息,没有遗漏要点。文章中较好的句式有It is a three-storied building with a garden and a swimming pool、I can invite more than 20 friends to my home to have dinner、It is also comfortable to watch TV in it等。
In most schools, students in one class have the same schedule (时间表). But at Beijing National Day School, each of the 4,174 students can build their own class timetable.
The school has used this alternative (可供选择的) education system since 2011. Students choose courses of different difficulty levels and categories (类别) based on their interests and abilities. They don’t have fixed classrooms or regular (固定的) classmates. Instead, they have more than 400 courses and 272 school clubs to choose from. The school hopes students can become masters of their own study and find their potential (潜能).
Students also like the system. Tian Yatong, 14, said she learns to be responsible (负责任的) for herself through the system.
She has chosen level 2 (the medium level) for math based on her current (当前的) abilities even though she has passed the level 3 tests.
“I like the teacher of level 2. I think it works best for me,” said Tian.
The system also “opens a new world” for students, said 13-year-old Li Zixuan.
Li was amazed to find that she could learn cooking, sewing , making films and many other interesting things at the school.
“You’re sure to find one that interests you,” Li said.
Li has chosen a cooking course this term. Now she can make different cakes at home for her parents.
“I may become a pastry (糕点) cook one day. Who knows?” Li said.
假如你是第二中学的一名初三学生刘红,你要写一封信给青少年专家Sigmund Friend,告诉他你遇到的问题,并请求帮助。请根据下列表格中所列的信息,写完这封信。
姓 名
刘 红
星座 爱好
Gemini, (curious, outgoing) 听音乐,看动作片,偶像是成龙
green (energetic, new life), orange (joy, success)
父母管得很紧,几乎不给时间玩; 迷恋上网聊天,经常晚回家,不能准时交作业;学习成绩越来越差,父母要求你放弃上网,为此很苦恼。
1. 词数90词左右。信的开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。 
2. 信中须包括所有内容要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使语句通顺,意思连贯,符合逻辑。
Dear Sigmund Friend, 
My name is Liu Hong. I’m a Grade 9 student in No. 2 Middle School. I am curious and outgoing,my star is Gemini. My favourite hobbies are listening to music and watching action movies. My idol is Jacky Chen.  I like green and orange best because green stands for energetic and new life and orange for joy and success.
But now I need your help. My parents are so strict with me that I have no time to play. I am crazy about chatting on internet,so I often go home late,,in that case I can’t hand in my homework on time. Because my scores become worse and worse ,my parents ask me to give up surf on the internet.I am very upset. Please give me some advice.
Can you give me some useful advice? I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes! 
Liu Hong 

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
