
can,  until,  out,  job,  difference,  wrong,  because,  find,  leave,  should,  same,  make
Children’s schooling is changing very fast today. In the past, teachers ①____________ children sit in class. They let them remember ②____________ kinds of things. And the children had to repeat(重复) things ③____________ they learned them by heart.
For some children, they were at school only ④____________ their parents made them do so. They usually got ⑤____________ of the classroom as soon as the teacher let them ⑥____________. Many children did part-time ⑦____________ to make money to pay for the schooling.
Today many teachers think it is ⑧____________ just to make children learn. They say they ⑨____________ help children learn. It’s better to heop children know how to learn and how to ⑩____________ out things by themselves.

1. made         2. different          3. until           4. because      5. out
6. leave         7. jobs              8. wrong         9. should       10. find

1. made考查词组:make sb do sth使某人做….
2. 考查形容词:different 修饰kinds of things不同种类的东西。
3. 考查连词:孩子们必须重复学到的东西,直到完全记住:until
4. 考查连词:对一些孩子来说,他们在学校只是父母让他们这么做的:because
5.考查词组:get  out of…离开
6. 考查let sb do让某人做…, 用leave做宾语补足语,
7.考查名词:part-time  jobs兼职工作
8. 考查形容词:很多老师认为仅仅让孩子学习是错误的:wrong
9. 考查情态动词:他们说应该让帮助孩子学习:should。
10. 考查词组:find out弄清楚,查明
There is no way that you cannot have any embarrassing moments. You cant control everything that happens, so youre going to be in an embarrassing situation one day. So how can you solve this problem? The answer is to control your actions and try not to get upset.
◆Remember that you’ll probably laugh about it in a few days, so try to see the funny side of it right away.
◆If it is something so embarrassing that you feel you will never laugh about it, please remember that the ______________(1) will be over after some time.
◆Ask your friends to give you a break and not to make fun of you. If you’ve done the same for them, they’re more likely to agree to give you a break.
Always remember that you are not alone. Everyone has embarrassing moments. While you are sure that everyone is going to remember this moment forever, that fact is that they’ll probably forget it very soon. Most of us remember the moments in which we feel embarrassed, but very few of us remember other people’s embarrassing moments.
Most people have short memories. So while you may never forget the moment when your skirt was torn(撕裂) in gym class, most of the other people probably forget it at once. Although a short memory may not be a(n) ____________ (2) thing when you are trying to remember facts in a history test, it is useful when you are trying to forget life’s most embarrassing moments.
小题1:(1) ________________      (2) _________________
小题2: It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that __________ when you fall down after making a speech.
A.everyone will remember the moment forever
B.you may never forget the moment
C.other people will feel embarrassed
D.you will not remember the moment
小题3: _____________________________________________.
小题4: According to the passage, why does the writer say “you are not alone”?
小题5:What’s the main idea of the passage?
It’s mainly about how to _______________________ when you are embarrassed.
Playing  is serious business for children . In fact , it’s what they do best ! Ask them why they do it , and kids will probably say , “ Because it’s fun !” But it’s much more than that . It’s also good for them .
3.Studies show that from birth babies learning through play . They use their five senses to get know their new world . Touching allows them to discover how different things feel . Brightly colored toys and clothing help develop a baby’s sense of sight .
When small children choose which toy to play with , they begin developing their abilities in making decisions .Children love toys that allow them to use their imagination .Sometimes an empty box is more fun than a high—tech toy . That’s because a box can become anything a child imagines it to be .
Crayons , paints and Play-Doh (彩色塑泥) are also good because they allow children to create . Traditional building blocks teach important pre-math skills like problem—solving .
4.Playing doesn’t become any less important once children start school . Many valuable lessons about life are learned on the school playground . Kids learn how to share , take turns and play by the rules .
What can children do best in their childhood ?______________
What kind of toys do children lover ?
任务型阅读 (10分)
Most Americans enjoy moving from one place to another. For example, they often drive their cars 120 to 160 kilometers away just to have dinner with a friend or even fly to London or Paris just to watch a football match. In some states only one person in five lives in a place for more than five years. 3.One may be born in one city, and go to school in another. He may finish his middle school in two or three cities, and then go to college far across the country. 4.When he begins to work, he may move from job to job. Moving from one job to another , which is called “job-hopping”, is very common in the United States.
Job-hopping is good to workers because every change of a job gives them a chance to get better pay. And job-hopping also gives bosses the chance to get new ideas and skills from the workers.
1. How many people live in a place for more than five years in some places?
2. How far could an American drive if he wants to have dinner with a friend?
3. __________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. What does “job-hopping” mean in English?
6.    What does “job-hopping” mean in Chinese ?       __________________________________________________________

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