
An 11-year-old blind girl is proud of walking alone every day to and from school. Why? She has to walk past so many barriers (障碍物) in her way. The girl's home is near the school, yet her mother follows her without letting her know.

The case of the girl shows the barrier-free(障碍物) facilities (设施) are not enough in her city. Many other cities are short of barrier-free facilities as well. There's no well-designed path for the blind. In fact. in the early 2000s, some cities started to build barrier-free facilities for disabled people. However, almost 20 years later, only a few large cities have had facilities of high quality.

It's common that sidewalks are taken up with barriers. Few workers are sent to move them away, so it's dangerous for the blind to walk on them. Also, some other barrier-free facilities are badly destroyed(毁坏). Only a few workers are assigned (分配) to do the task of repairing the broken ones.

Some ideas can make a difference — build more barrier-free facilities, employ(雇用) more of workers and require money. In a word, more money is needed to carry on with the work. It’s our duty to make life easy for disabled people, so that they can live without barriers some day.

阅读以上信息, 用恰当的单词完成下面的表格, 每空一词。


A blind girl feels proud that she walks to and from school by 1. every day.

To be sure of her daughter safe, the mother always follows her and keeps it 2..


Barrier-free facilities are not enough, neither are the workers.

About facilities

Twenty years ago, some barrier-free facilities were 4. .

Now, most cities are short of facilities of high quality 5. several large cities.

About workers

Barriers on sidewalks aren’t moved away in time, so it’s dangerous for the blind to walk on 6..

7. facilities aren’t repaired sometimes.


To make the life of disabled people as 8. as common people, more money is needed to 9. the work .

Build more barrier-free facilities.

Employ 10. workers to protect them.


TOKYO, JAPAN-- What do you do when you see a cockroach? Do you hit it with a newspaper? Do you step on it?

When researchers at Tokyo University see a cockroach,they take the remote control and make the cockroach turn around,run left or right,or go forward.These scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots. Each cockroach has a very small pack that has a microprocessor in it. Then researchers can send signals from the remote control to the packet. The signals control the movements of the cockroaches.

Why does anyone want to control a cockroach? "Insects can do many things that people can't,” says Isao Shimoyama, head of robot research at Tokyo University. In a few years, he says, these robot insects will carry very small cameras. They will be able to move through earthquake rubble to look for people or move under door to find information about someone.

This may seem strange, but the Japanese government thinks the research is very important. The government is giving the scientists $5 million for this research.

First, the researchers breed hundreds of cockroaches. They use only the American cockroach because it is bigger and stronger than other cockroaches. Then they choose the best cockroaches and remove their wings and antennae. They put small packets where the antennae were. The packets weigh about three grams, or about two times the weight of the cockroaches themselves. “Cockroaches are very strong,” says Ralph Holzer,who is a researcher at Tokyo University. "They can lift 20 times their own weight.”

With a remote control, the scientists send signals to the packets. When a cockroach gets the signal, it moves. The problem is that the cockroaches don' t always move in the right direction.

1.The scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots because________.

A.they want cockroaches to take photos of the earthquakes

B.they want to send signals to the packets on the cockroaches

C.they want to control the movements of cockroaches

D.they want cockroaches to do things people can't

2.What can cockroaches do to help people in the future?

A.They can turn around, run left or right or go around.

B.They can help people to carry very small cameras.

C.They can search for those people in rubble after an earthquake.

D.They can breed hundreds of cockroaches.

3.Scientists control cockroaches movements ________.

A.by removing their wings B.by using very small cameras

C.by removing their antennae D.by sending signals from the remote control

4.What problem do the researchers meet with?

A.The cockroaches sometimes don't move.

B.The cockroaches sometimes move in the wrong direction.

C.The cockroaches are too big to move through earthquake rubble.

D.The cockroaches often lift 20 times their own weight.

5.What's the object of this article?

A.The cockroaches B.The signals

C.The cockroach robot D.The researchers

One day I was sitting on my bike outside of a little store. A _______ with an old man and three kids pulled up. This old man was about _______ his late 70s. The _______ got out and went into the store. A minute later, the old man got out and came over and started a _______.

I asked what he was doing here and he said that his wife had just passed away(去世)." I saw that he was getting sad. I put my hand on his shoulder and asked _______ he was OK.

The whole time we talked, I _______ he was looking up into the sky. I thought he was looking into his past as he talked. He said when he and his wife got _______ they bought a bike and at that time he worked _______ an airline(航空公司). They would fly to different countries with the bike. He also said that he and his wife _______ around the world over the years together by plane or by bike.

By this time 1 had tears running __________ my face. He then said that the last word his wife said to him was that she lived a(n) __________ life with him. He looked at me and suddenly he turned and __________ to his car and showed a box of his wife’s ashes(骨灰) through the window and walked back to me.

He told me that he asked his grandsons to take __________ to his home village, a beach village. He would like to live there __________. Now he was taking his wife on the last ride. He looked at me for a second and then he reached over my bike to shake my hand and said, "My name is Leon. Thanks for __________ an old man."

“Listening is a good way to help others.” That is what I want to tell you.

1.A.bike B.car C.train D.bus

2.A.on B.at C.of D.in

3.A.adults B.kids C.women D.girls

4.A.story B.game C.celebration D.conversation

5.A.when B.if C.that D.why

6.A.wondered B.noticed C.forgot D.heard

7.A.surprised B.worried C.excited D.married

8.A.for B.with C.on D.to

9.A.rode B.travelled C.flew D.dreamed

10.A.on B.away C.down D.up

11.A.careful B.difficult C.happy D.empty

12.A.swam B.drove C.flew D.walked

13.A.us B.them C.her D.him

14.A.alone B.happily C.asleep D.carefully

15.A.listening to B.talking to C.looking after D.helping

“Get up, get up, Jim. It’s time to get up!” My mother said while she was pushing me. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. “Oh dear! It’s a quarter past eight already.” I’ll be late for school again,” I thought. I jumped out of the bed, washed my face, and then hurried to the bus stop without breakfast. As soon as I got on the bus, it started running. “I’m sure I can get to school in time,” I said to myself. Suddenly the bus stopped. The bus driver got off the bus, then got on the bus again and said, “I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen. There’s something wrong with the bus. Please get off the bus and wait for another one.” “I couldn’t wait. The school isn’t far. I’d better run to school,” I thought, and then I began to run. But before I got to school, it began to rain hard.

I reached the classroom but I was wet shivering with cold. The math teacher had already begun his lesson. It was Mr. Smith. He was very strict with his students and the students were a little afraid of him and so was I. I liked neither him nor his math lessons. I hesitated (犹豫) for a moment, and then I opened the door. “I’m very sorry, Mr. Smith. I’m late again,” I said with a red face.

“It’s you again, Jim,” Mr. Smith said angrily, “I’ve told you not to be late, but you...” he suddenly stopped and looked at my wet clothes. He turned to the class and said, “I’m very sorry, boys and girls. ” With these words he quickly took off his own jacket and handed it to me. “Now, take off your wet coat and put on this one or you’ll catch cold,” he said kindly.

I went to my seat with Mr. Smith’s jacket on. It was a bit larger for me but I felt very warm in it. I found, for the first time, math was so interesting and how well I could understand it!


1.Jim ________ to school today.

A. ran B. walked

C. took a bus D. took a bus and then ran

2.Mr. Smith, the math teacher, ________at first when Jim came into the classroom.

A. felt sad B. looked kind

C. was unhappy D. looked worried

3.Jim felt that ________.

A. Mr. Smith took good care of him

B. math was still easy for him to learn

C. the jacket was large enough to keep him warm

D. he understood what Mr. Smith said all the time

4.What does the underlined word “shivering” probably mean in the second passage?

A. 害怕 B. 跳动 C. 发抖 D. 紧张

5.From the story, we can learn that .

A. students can’t be late for school

B. you’ll catch a cold if your clothes are wet

C. math is easy if you like the math teachers

D. students can learn better if teachers love them

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