
【题目】 If you are like me and you love drawing a lot, then I’m sure you’ll love “Drawing With Mark”. “Drawing With Mark” is a great show and Mark is really helpful. He gives kids some tips(窍门) on how to draw and often teaches kids some history about the things they draw. Kids can also learn three or four fun facts about what they are drawing.

“Happy Tails” is about cats and dogs. Mark shows how to draw them and talks about how to look after them, too.

In “A Day With The Dinosaurs”, Mark visits the Museum of Boston and speaks to an expert (专家) to learn how the dinosaurs lived, what they ate and how long they lived.

In “Reach For The Stars”, Mark is also at the Museum of Boston. He speaks to another expert about the stars. I learned how far we are from the stars. I thought that the stars were just about 100 miles (英里) from us, but they are millions of (数百万的) miles from us. That’s really far!

If you love drawing, you can watch this show. You can have fun with the tips Mark gives you. The tips will help you to become an artist.

【1】What’s “Drawing with Mark”?

A. A movie. B. A book.

C. A show. D. A magazine.

【2】What’s “Happy Tails” about?

A. Cats and dogs. B. stars and the moon.

C. Dinosaurs. D. Artists.

【3】How does Mark learn how long the dinosaurs lived?

A. By reading a book.

B. By talking with an expert.

C. By surfing the Internet.

D. By watchingspan> TV.

【4】Where does Mark go to learn about the stars?

A. To a zoo. B. To a museum.

C. To a library. D. To a gym.

【5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Kids can’t learn any history about the things they draw.

B. Mark thought the stars were very far from us.

C. The writer likes “Drawing With Mark” a lot.

D. Mark can’t draw any kinds of animals.









【1】C细节理解题。根据“Drawing With Mark” is a great show and Mark is really helpful.可知“和马克一起画画”是一个很棒的节目。故选C。

【2】A 细节理解题。根据“Happy Tails” is about cats and dogs.可知“快乐的尾巴”是关于猫和狗的。故选A。

【3】B细节理解题。根据He speaks to another expert about the stars.可知马克通过和专家交谈来了解星星。故选B。

【4】B细节理解题。根据In “Reach For The Stars”, Mark is also at the Museum of Boston. He speaks to another expert about the stars. 可知马克去波士顿的博物馆来了解星星。故选B。

【5】C 推理判断题。根据“Drawing With Mark” is a great show and Mark is really helpful. 可知作者认为“和马克一起画画”是一个很棒的节目。马克非常有帮助。作者称赞这个节目好,故推断作者喜欢这个节目,故选C。


【题目】All my friends at school smoked. My dad smoked; he didn’t want me to smoke but my friends kept saying I was stupid. They asked when I was going to grow up. So I started when I was sixteen and after a month I couldn’t stop. But two years later I could feel what smoking was doing to me. I couldn’t run far, and I coughed every morning. I got very ill and decided to stop. It wasn’t easy, but now I’ve done it, and I feel better. Now I have money for other things.

If you smoke, you are twice as likely to die from a heart attack. And the more you smoke, the earlier the heart attack is likely to be. For example, a 50-year-old who smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day, is four times more likely to have heart disease than a non-smoker of the same age.

What does smoking do to the heart? First of all, it makes the heart beat faster and increases the blood pressure. The cigarette smoke also reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. Consequently, the heart has to work harder, with less oxygen. Finally, your arteries will narrow faster if you smoke.

So if you want to reduce your chances of getting heart disease, the answer is easy –– not to smoke. Don’t copy your friends and other people who smoke. If you smoke, find out how to stop. Stopping isn’t easy, but you’ll be healthier, and ……

【1】Who is more likely to have heart disease?

A. A smoker

B. A non-smoker

C. A 50-year-old person

【2】What does the writer think of smoking?

A. It is good for his health

B. Smoking is bad for him

C. It is interesting

【3】What happens after the writer stopped smoking?

A. He becomes rich

B. He has more friends

C. He becomes healthier and has money to do other things

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