
【题目】 ----Danny went to the gym yesterday. -----_____________.

A. So Jenny did. B. So did Jenny.

C. Jenny did so. D. So did Danny.





【题目】 The best way of learning a language is using it .The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up ( 混合)and people will not understand you .Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can’t understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor (幽默感)you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make(你所犯的错误). Don’t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes(错误). It is better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you. because they don’t understand what you are saying .The most important thing for learning English is : “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.

【1】The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is ________.

A. writing B. using it

C. listening D. learning grammar

【2】What should you do in learning English?

A. Be careful not to make any mistakes .

B .Write as quickly as you can .

C .Speak English as much as you can.

D .Laugh more often .

【3】When people laugh at your mistakes you should ___________.

A. not care(不在意) B. be happy

C. feel worried D. be unhappy

【4】When you make a mistake you should _______.

A. keep quiet B. get angry

C. be kind D. keep your sense of humor

【5】The story tells us :”__________”.

A. Only foolish ( 愚蠢的 )people make mistakes

B. Few people make mistakes

C. People never make mistakes

D .There is no one who doesn’t make mistakes

【题目】 If you are like me and you love drawing a lot, then I’m sure you’ll love “Drawing With Mark”. “Drawing With Mark” is a great show and Mark is really helpful. He gives kids some tips(窍门) on how to draw and often teaches kids some history about the things they draw. Kids can also learn three or four fun facts about what they are drawing.

“Happy Tails” is about cats and dogs. Mark shows how to draw them and talks about how to look after them, too.

In “A Day With The Dinosaurs”, Mark visits the Museum of Boston and speaks to an expert (专家) to learn how the dinosaurs lived, what they ate and how long they lived.

In “Reach For The Stars”, Mark is also at the Museum of Boston. He speaks to another expert about the stars. I learned how far we are from the stars. I thought that the stars were just about 100 miles (英里) from us, but they are millions of (数百万的) miles from us. That’s really far!

If you love drawing, you can watch this show. You can have fun with the tips Mark gives you. The tips will help you to become an artist.

【1】What’s “Drawing with Mark”?

A. A movie. B. A book.

C. A show. D. A magazine.

【2】What’s “Happy Tails” about?

A. Cats and dogs. B. stars and the moon.

C. Dinosaurs. D. Artists.

【3】How does Mark learn how long the dinosaurs lived?

A. By reading a book.

B. By talking with an expert.

C. By surfing the Internet.

D. By watchingspan> TV.

【4】Where does Mark go to learn about the stars?

A. To a zoo. B. To a museum.

C. To a library. D. To a gym.

【5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Kids can’t learn any history about the things they draw.

B. Mark thought the stars were very far from us.

C. The writer likes “Drawing With Mark” a lot.

D. Mark can’t draw any kinds of animals.

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