

1.Supermarkets can’t offer plastic shopping __________(袋)to the customers for free now.

2.Sleep is _____________(必要的) to health.

3.I am pleased that he gladly _______________(接受)our invitation.

4.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more ________________(舒服地).

5.The patient kept_______________(咳嗽) all night.

6.During the Spring Festival, a heavy __________(暴风雪) hit many areas across southern China.

7.Many people gathered at Tai Miao to _________(庆祝) the 100-day countdown(倒计时)to the Beijing Olympic Games on the evening of April 30.

8.She has been a very_______________(勇敢的)little girl.

9.The book should be returned no_____________(迟) than next Friday.

10.Traditional Beijing opera will be ______(增加) to the music courses in 200 schools in China.

1. bags                 2. necessary         3. accepted    4. comfortably      5. coughing

6. snowstorm               7. celebrate           8.brave          9. later                  10. added
