
1. I write to my mother every week,____________(主要)on Sundays.
2. It's one of my____________ (责任)to give out all the leaflets.
3. He made a____________ (决定)not to go there this week.
4. They were so interested in getting up early, ____________(尤其)in winter.
5. My English teacher told me to____________(提高)my reading and spelling.
6. It's____________ (不健康的)for you to eat too much sweet snacks.    
7. When we heard the good news,we shouted with____________ (激动).
8. What he has said will be____________ (记录).
9. Will you please show me your____________ (最近的)photos?
10. You will have a lot of____________ (机会)to go abroad when you grow up.
1. mostly   2. duties   3. decision  4. especially  5. improve  6. unhealthy  7. excitement  8. recorded  
9. recent  10. chances