
仔细阅读下列短文, 根据题目, 选出最佳选项. Dear Sir, Thirty years ago, I walked into your bakery and asked for some loaves(条;块)of bread to sell. At the time I was twelve years old. A young lady was working that day. She gave me five loaves and wished me good luck. I took the loaves and went out to sell them. It took me all day, but I sold them all. At the end of the day, I had some money. I was the happiest boy in the world as I walked home that evening. The next day, I went to a bicycle shop. I paid a deposit(订金)on a new bicycle. And then I started my next job-as a newspaper delivery(递送)boy. Soon I could pay the rest of the money for the bicycle and the bike was mine. I was so proud! Today, I still work in the delivery business. I have a lot of trucks to send goods(货物)all over the country. I live in a beautiful house, but I don't ride a bicycle these days桰 drive a large and nice car. I do not know who that young lady was. But because she gave me the start, I have become a successful(成功)man I'd like to show my thanks to her.                     Yours,                    George Jenkins


George Jenkins is ________ years old now.

A. 30

B. 12

C. 42

D. We don't know.

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Thirty years ago, the man went to a bakery and ________.

A. asked a young lady for some bread to sell

B. asked a young man for some bread to sell

C. asked a young lady for some bread to eat

D. asked a young lady for some money to buy a bicycle

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What did the man do with the money he earned by selling bread

A. He went home to give it to his parents.

B. He bought some newspapers to read.

C. He paid the money as a deposit on a new bike.

D. He bought some more bread.

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What's the man's job now

A. He still delivers newspapers by bicycle.

B. He has become a successful man.

C. He delivers goods all over the country by truck.

D. Both B and C.

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Why did the man write the letter Because he wanted to ________.

A. give the money back to that young lady

B. pay for the bread

C. thank the young lady for giving him the start thirty years ago

D. let the boss of the bakery know the young lady was kind

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答案:1.C ;2.A ;3.C ;4.C ;5.C ;

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