Boys and girls, do you know James Dashner? He is a famous screenwriter(编剧) in the USA. He is good at writing books. His science fiction book The Maze Runner《移动迷宫》 is very popular among young people. Now another interesting film about his book comes out.

In this new film, you will meet the teenage boy, Thomas, again. Thomas and his friends run away from a maze together. Here is the story: When Thomas falls asleep in an elevator(电梯), the elevator’s door opens and other boys take him out and wake him up. But Thomas doesn’t remember anything. They have come into a new world. It’s a large maze. It isn’t lucky for the boys to find some special tattoos(纹身)on their bodies. They want to remove(除去)the tattoos, so they have to walk across a very hot place in the maze in two weeks and get to the north.

What do they do on their way? let’s enjoy the wonderful film together.

1.What is James Dashner?

A.A teacher B.A screenwriter C.An artist D.An engineer

2.Thomas may be between ________and ________years old.

A.4;8 B.9;12 C.13;19 D.20;25

3.Where does Thomas sleep in the story?

A.In his bedroom. B.At school. C.In a hotel. D.In an elevator.

4.How long does Thomas have to spend walking across the hot place?

A.Less than two weeks. B.More than two months.

C.Less than two days. D.More than two weeks.

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.James does well in writing books. B.The Maze Runner is popular among young people.

C.The tattoos on the boy’s bodies are good for them. D.Thomas and his friends need to get to the north.

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