It was Daniel’s first trip to Disney World, and he couldn’t wait to get there.

At first he played all the silly car games with his sister Emily and parents. But there were still hours to get there. “Are we...?”

“No, Daniel,” his father said. “Please try to be patient.”

“Yeah, but this is so boring!” Daniel said.

“It's more than boring,” Emily said.

“You want to hear something about torture(折磨)?” Dad asked. “When I was your age, your grandparents took your aunt Jan and me to travel. About halfway there, we got a flat tire(轮胎). Luckily, we had a spare one, but it took a long time to change it because Grandpa dropped the lug nuts(螺母) and they rolled into the highway. He had to flag down a police car to close the right lane(车道) , so he could get the lug nuts.”

Daniel laughed, “Grandpa must have been really mad!”

“Oh, he wasn’t happy, but it got worse,” Dad said. “About fifty miles later, the engine died. Grandpa tried to fix it but he failed. So he had to walk three miles to get to a pay phone and call for help.”

“What happened next?” Daniel asked.

“We had to pay for a cheap hotel room for the night while the car was in a car repair shop being fixed.” Both Daniel and Emily laughed.

1.How did Emily like the trip to Disney World at first?

A.She thought it was wonderful. B.She thought it was comfortable.

C.She thought it was dangerous. D.She thought it was very boring.

2.Why did Daniel's grandpa have to flag down a police car to close the right lane?

A.Because he thought a policeman could help him to change the tire.

B.Because he wanted to get the lug nuts and change the tire himself.

C.Because he wanted another driver driving on the highway to help him.

D.Because he thought he could drive the police car to Disney World.

3.Who most probably succeeded in fixing the engine at last?

A.Daniel’s grandpa. B.Someone in the cheap hotel.

C.Daniel's father. D.Someone in the car repair shop.

4.How did Daniel feel when he was listening to his father’s story?

A.Bored. B.Interested. C.Sad. D.Hopeless.

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