
( A )
China news, Beijing, Dec. 28 – High oil prices make more Chinese public feel the pressure it brings on them. It is said that oil prices will continue to hover(徘徊) at a high level next year, the China Economic Times reported.  
( B )
An English Christmas evening party is to be held in the meeting hall of our school from 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. on Christmas Eve. Each group has to give at least two performances, such as singing English songs, giving English plays, telling jokes or stories in English and reading English poems. Please get everything ready and be present at the party on time.
( C )
Whether your interest is the language, the food or the culture of China in general, whether you wish to travel, live or study in China, "Travel in Chinese" has something for you. This series has a total of 100 lessons. It was on CCTV, China´s national TV station.
Host: Mark Rowswell, also known as "大山"                (Da Shan).
( D )
Students need enough sports and activities to do physical exercises and relax. But in some schools they are not given enough time to do outside activities. It is harmful for students' growth. In fact, teachers should know how to attract the students' attention. It is necessary to do outside activities. When students feel tired and bored, they can't concentrate on studies. Some students are unhealthy because of little activities.
小题1:According to Passage A, oil prices will _____________ next year.
A.be the same as usualB.be higher
C.be lowerD.have nothing to do with Chinese public
小题2:Passage B may be a/ an piece of _____________.
A.adviceB.sick leaveC.noticeD.invitation
小题3:From Passage C, we know _________________________.    
A.people can learn Chinese on TV.
B.if foreign people want to stay in China, "Travel in Chinese" can help them a lot.
C.Da Shan is good at Chinese.
D.all of the above.
小题4:Passage D mainly tells us that_________________________.]
A.some students don’t have enough time to do outside activities.
B.students need enough sports and activities
C.teachers should know how to attract the students' attention.
D.students feel tired and bored, they can't concentrate on studies.


小题1:细节理解题,由文中语句“It is said that oil prices will continue to hover(徘徊) at a high level next year,”可知。
根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
Why do we take school trips? School trips are a great chance to learn outside the classroom      41      new and interesting ways. For example, on a trip to a farm, we can see   42          of the things we        43     about so far in biology lessons. While   44       science
museums, we can see science in action.
Where can we go on a school trip? In Japan, cherry (樱花) trees are blossoming (开花) by the beginning of the year for students to take school trips. School children have picnic lunches, sing songs and dance under the trees. They       45    go boating and hiking around the lakes and hills. Some kids even take baths in hot springs. If there is     46     , don’t worry. They will go to a museum     47     .
In China, students often take school   48     to parks, museums or to visit a mountain. But nowadays it’s very popular to take an outward bound(野外拓展) trip.  Students can learn about survival skills.(生存技能)
In the UK, students go to many interesting places. They     49     shells(贝壳) on the seaside . Kids may also learn about      50        when they go to a castle(城堡) or a famous old home.
A.learnB.learnedC.have learnedD.is learning
A.insteadB.instead ofC.rather thanD.rather
A.meetingsB.trips C.lunchesD.classes
A.pick upB.bring C.carryD.put down
A.musicB.math C.biologyD.history
Did you notice the number on the book in a library? That number is part of the system used by libraries to organize their collections of books. And it’s used in many countries. The number on each book tells you exactly what kind of book it is. This system is also useful for knowing where to go in the library to find a book.
In this system, there are ten large groups of books. Each of these groups has its own number, such as 100, 200, etc. So, for example, any books about language will have a number 400. On the other hand, any books about history will have a number 900. So, a number in the hundreds place tells you what general group a book is in. If you find a book that has a number in the 500s, you know it is a book about science.
However, science is a big group, so the tens place is used to make a more detailed set of science books. For example, math books are included in the group of science books. Math books all have numbers between 510 and 519. Books about the history of Africa have numbers between 960 and 969.
The system uses the ones place to give a more exact limit for the subject of a book. A book on the history of South Africa will have the number 968.
As you can see, it is a simple system to use as long as you understand what the numbers mean. With this system, the library can keep its books well organized, and people can easily find the book that they want.
小题1:The reading is about       .
B.working in a library
C.how numbers are organized
D.how books are organized in libraries
小题2:The number system is NOT used to       .
A.find where a book is
B.tell you the title of a book
C.tell you what kind of book a book is
D.organize the collections of books in libraries
小题3:According to the reading, which sentence is TRUE?
A.The number on a book can’t be bigger than 900.
B.There are ten big groups for books in this system.
C.History books can have any number between 500 and 900.
D.This system uses both numbers and letters for some books.
小题4:A book about math can be found in the same group of books as       .
A.reference booksB.school booksC.science booksD.art books
小题5:Which two numbers would indicate a book about language and a book about science?
A.439 and 493B.439 and 568 C.530 and 560D.563 and 436

For many in the United States, Arab-Americans are an invisible part of the population. Though Arab-Americans as a community have made great contributions to American society in fields from literature to politics to medicine, many Americans know very little about Americans of Arab backgrounds.
Arab history in the United States goes back to the late 1800’s when large numbers of Arab immigrants first began making their journey to a land known simply as “Amreeka”.
Historians generally describe Arab immigration to America in two waves. The first wave took place between 1860 and 1924.The first wave consisted of Lebanese and Syrian, and some Egyptian immigrants. These new immigrants, who were mostly Christian, came to America in search of better opportunities. Even the doomed Titanic, which set sail for America in 1912,had close to a hundred Arab passengers aboard. The majority of Arab-Americans today are descendents of the first wave of immigrants; they are the third or more generation Americans.
The second wave of immigrants followed after World War Ⅱ,caused by political unrest in the Middle East. This second wave of immigrants consists of mainly Arab Muslims(穆斯林)and continues to this day.
Arab-Americans make up 3 million of the population in the United States, according to demographers. And quite different from popular belief, 64 percent of them are American-born. Eighty-two percent of Arab-Americans are US citizens.
Arab-Americans are beyond the national average in both education and income. Education is important among Arab-Americans; 82 percent have high school diplomas, 36 percent have bachelor’s degrees or higher, and 15 percent have graduate degrees. The-median(中位数的)average income among Arab-Americans is $39,580, which is higher than the US average.
小题1:The first wave of immigrants took place because__________.
A.all Arabs were Christian at that time
B.Arabs wanted to gain higher income
C.the Second World War broke out
D.Arabs wanted to hunt for a better development
小题2:The writer of this passage mentioned Titanic__________.
A.to tell us that taking ship at that time was dangerous
B.because Titanic became a well-known disaster
C.to show us there were many Arabs flocking into America at that time
D.to inform us that Arabs are brave enough
小题3:From the last paragraph we can infer that__________.
A.Arab-Americans are much more clever than native Americans
B.the higher education you receive, the higher income you will get in America
C.Arab-Americans are hard-working people
D.The-median average income among Americans is $39,580
小题4:Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.Arab-Americans have made great contributions to American society only in literature.
B.Arab history in the United States is to the early 1800’s.
C.The first Arab immigration to America took place between 1860 and 1924.
D.Few of Arab-Americans are US citizens.
小题5: What would be the best title for the text?
A.Arabs in America.
B.The Two Arab Immigration Waves to America.
C.Arab-Americans, Contributions to America.
D.Arab-Americans, Education and Income.
Students learn many subjects at school, like Chinese, English, math and physics. Some students think it’s hard to do well in math. They say it’s boring. Why do they say this? First, some math problems are so hard for them. They spend a lot of time on them, but they can’t work them out, so they lost heart(失去信心). Second, they are afraid( 害怕) to ask their teachers for help. They think the teachers will laugh at them. Third, they think math class is very tiring because they need to use their brain(大脑)to find out the answers all the time.
How can you do well in math? Here is some advice from a math teacher:
1. Listen to the teacher carefully in class and do some extra(额外的) exercises after class.
2. Ask the teacher for help if you don’t understand anything. Don’t be afraid.
3. Don’t forget to go over (复习) your old lessons.
If you do these things, you will find it much easier to do better in math.
小题1:Doing _______ math problem can make students lose heart.
A.easyB.difficultC.many D.few
小题2:The advice is from ____________.
A.a math teacherB.an English teacher
C.a studentD.a doctor
小题3:Some students think math class is very tiring because _____________
A.they have to listen to the teacher.
B.they have to look after themselves.
C.they need to use their brain to find out the answers all the time.
D.they need to help their classmates.
小题4:If you want to do better in math, you should NOT______________.
A.listen to the teachers carefully
B.ask the teacher for help
C.go over your old lessons
D.lose interest in studying math

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