
Lin Feng is a student of Class One, Grade Seven. He likes basketball very much. He often plays it after school. And he often goes home late. His home is not far from school. And his mother knows that. So she doesn’t worry about him.
One Saturday morning Lin Feng goes to a shop with his mother. The shop is very big. There are many things in it. It sells clothes, food and books. Then his mother says to him, “What do you want?” “I want a red blouse.” says Lin Feng. “a red blouse?” asks his mother. “You can’t wear a red blouse.”
Lin Feng smiled, “OK, please get me basketball clothes.”
小题1:What’s Lin Feng’s favorite sport?
A.Basketball.B.Football.C.Ping-pong ball.D.Tennis.
小题2: What does the word “that” mean?
A.The thing that their home is far from school.
B.The thing that their home isn’t far from school.
C.The thing that her son usually plays basketball late after school.
D.The thing that her son doesn’t want to go home
小题3:Does Lin Feng really like a red blouse?
A.Yes, he doesB.No, he doesn’tC.Yes, he doesn’t.D.No, he does.
小题4:The shop has many things except (不包括)          .
小题5:What does Lin Feng really want?
A.A blouse.B.Basketball clothes.C.A T-shirt.D.A pair of shoes.


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第一段He likes basketball very much. 可知他最喜欢的运动是篮球项目;故选A。
小题2:细节理解题。根据短文第一段He often plays it after school. And he often goes home late.可知,后面的that指代的是经常在放学后打篮球回家晚这件事;故选C。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文第二段It sells clothes, food and books. 可知该商店卖的产品不含有电视;故选D。
小题5:细节理解题。根据短文最后一段 Lin Feng smiled, “OK, please get me basketball clothes.”可知他最想要买的是篮球服;故选B。

Thomas Edison was born in America. He invented plenty of electric appliances(电器) and people from all over the world know him. At that time, there was no electric lamp in the world. And it brought people much trouble. Young Edison decided to invent it. He didn’t know which material was suited to be a lamp filament(灯丝). He failed and failed and he spent a lot of time on it. Some of his friends asked him to stop the experiments, but he didn’t listen to them and tried his best to find the material.
One afternoon, one of his friends came to visit him, he was doing his experiments in the lab when the man came in. But he only asked his friend to sit down and didn’t stop to talk with him. The man sat for a long time and Edison said nothing to him. His friend was angry with him and said, “You’ve done the experiments 1,200 times but you failed 1,200 times too!”
“You’re right, my friend,” Edison went on doing his experiments and said. “But I’ve known 1,200 materials are not suited to be a lamp filament!”
小题1:Why do many people know Edison?
A.Because he was very clever.
B.Because he worked hard.
C.Because he spent much time on his work.
D.Because he invented many electric appliances.
小题2:He tried to find a kind of material which was suited to be ______.
A.a lampB.a lamp filamentC.a telephoneD.a light
小题3: Edison was busy with his work, so ____________.
A.he asked his friend to help him
B.he asked his friend to go back first
C.he didn’t stop to talk with his friend
D.he asked his friend to watch him working
小题4:His friend was angry because ____________.
A.he couldn’t persuade Edison to give up
B.Edison didn’t say hello to him
C.Edison failed 1,200 times
D.he didn’t think Edison was polite to him
小题5:From the passage, we learn that ___________.
A.Edison was a hard-working personB.Edison never gave up
C.Edison was rude to friends. D.Both A and B
Time flies so quickly! We become mature (成熟的 ) girls or boys, or at least we     we are. At the same time, our parents are no longer young.
They        all they have to us but never look forward to getting        back. When we are ill in bed, it is our parents who look        us day and night; when we are trying to make        , it is our parents who are much happier than we are; when we're hungry or cold or sad, it is our parents who        give us help.
But what have we done for our parents?        we grow up, we have our own ideas and we think we are        enough to think and act by ourselves, so we usually dislike their care.          , sometimes we don't listen to them; even         with them !
To change the      , we must act at once, letting them know that we love them, too. In doing so, don't hesitate(犹豫) and don't be         .Try our best to understand our parents,        something for our parents and not to make them feel hopeless. In a word, make it a duty to bring        to our parents, for that's the very sign that we are really mature.
Children are parents’        and we are carrying both our dreams and theirs.
The pleasure of our parents is what we should try to do!
A.progressB.warmthC.a decisionD.a noise
A.If B.BeforeC.AsD.Though
A.At firstB.As a resultC.So farD.At once
Mr. Evans lives and works in Sydney. Last week he had a______holiday, but he didn’t know______ to go. He said to his friend Robert “I hate the hot weather here, but I can’t______a cool place in Australia. Where should I go______a holiday?”
“That’s easy,” said Robert, ” You can go to Moscow. Snow and ice are covering the ground there now.” Mr. Evens______ his advice. He bought a plane ticket and______Moscow. He enjoyed himself there, but one day he got into trouble. After lunch______a cold day, he went to a park in the city. He found that a dog followed him when he walked______a house. It seemed hungry. Maybe it wanted some food______,he thought. However, Mr. Evans had______ food in his pockets. He tried to make the dog______, but it began to bark at him. Just at that moment, he______a small stone on the ground. He tried to pick it up, but he______.
“______strange these Russians are!” Mr. Evans said to______.”They tie up stones instead of their dogs.
A.two weeksB.two weeks’C.two week’sD.two-week
A.think ofB.think aboutC.think overD.thought of
A.reached inB.arrived inC.get toD.arrived
A.eatB.eatingC.to eatD.ate
A.take awayB.throw awayC.go awayD.put away
A.can’tB.won’tC.couldn’tD.may not
A.What aB.How aC.WhatD.How
One day Mr Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. He came into the room, but people in the room didn’t look at him. They didn’t ask him to sit at the table. He wasn’t happy. But he said nothing.Mr Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat.Mr Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, “Eat, coat!”
The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?”Mr Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didn’t look at me. You didn’t ask me to sit down. Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.”
小题1:One day Mr Smith went to      .
A.a birthday partyB.a dinner party
C.an English partyD.a movie
小题2:When he came into the room, the people didn’t look at him. Why?
A.Because the people didn’t ask him to come.
B.Because Mr Smith wore old clothes.
C.Because Mr Smith didn’t say hello to them first.
D.Because it was night and they didn’t see him.
小题3:Why did he go home quickly?
A.Because he didn’t want to stay at a restaurant.
B.Because he went home for his best clothes..
C.Because the people there asked him to leave
D.Because he didn’t like the food there.
小题4:What’s the meaning of “surprised” in Chinese?
小题5:Which statement is right?
A.A person in good clothes should eat good food
B.A good coat should eat good food.
C.We can’t judge (判断) a man by his clothes.
D.Mr Smith is stupid (愚蠢的).
There are two main kinds of sports. These two kinds of sports are team sports and individual (个人的) sports. Team sports are such sports as baseball, basketball, and volleyball. Team sports need two separate (独立的) teams. The teams play against each other. They compete against each other to get the best score. For example, in a football game, if team A gets 8 points and team B gets 4 points, team A wins the game. Team sports are sometimes called competitive (竞争性的) sports.
Another kind of sports is individual sports. In individual sports there are no teams. There isn’t any competition. People play individual sports in order to get some exercise, not to win a game. Individual sports are such sports as swimming, skiing, and running.
Of course, it is possible (可能的) to compete in individual sports. It is possible to keep a score in individual sports. The main difference, however, between team sports and individual sports is that individual sports can be finished alone. But team sports always need more than one person.
小题1:There are ____ kinds of sports according to the passage.
小题2:In a football match team A gets 1 point and team B gets 3 points, then ____ .
A.team A winsB.team B winsC.team B losesD.both teams win
小题3:____ sports need more than one person in the games.
小题4:____ is a kind of individual sports.
A.The high jumpB.Table tennisC.VolleyballD.Basketball
小题5:Team sports ____ .
A.are also called individual sports
B.can be done alone
C.need two teams to play against each other
D.are the same as individual sports
In today’s world many people seem to be hungry for money. Money does have its most useful effect on the poor. But even if a person has already got plenty of money, he can’t get everything.
If money were everything, all millionaires would have real love, true friendship, good health and a long life. However, this is not always correct.
Since the beginning of time no three words have ever invited more pleasure than “I love you”. But can love be bought? I’m afraid not. Love means to give, not ________ (78). To every person, health and a long life are probably the best things. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is “No”.
(79) Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires. True friendship can’t be bought, either. In a word, where money is dreamed too much, it can cause brothers to quarrel, marriage to end, lovers to hate, and strangers to fight. No matter how much money you have, it is still not enough to make a happy person if you have no one to laugh with, no one to cry for.
It seems that a lot of people want money very much now.
What are probably the most important things to everyone?
小题5:给短文拟一个合适的标题。(within 10 words)
“what’s the matter, mum?” As soon as I enter the door, I find that my mother is      . It’s unusual —she usually       the door and welcomes me with a smile!
“She's dying,” mum says sadly. I       what she says. The tulip (郁金香), mother’s        is dying.
A month ago, we moved       our new house and mum bought a very beautiful tulip. Mum liked it very much.      . she was free, she would sit       her armchair beside the tulip and enjoys its beautiful colour       sweet smell.
She treated it like a baby and looked after it      . She put the tulip by window and moved it from one place to       to give the tulip enough sunshine. The first thing she did when she       every morning was       the tulip, Mum also fertilized (施肥) it many times.
She hoped that with great care, the tulip would become more and more beautiful and      , But the tulip was dying       too much sunshine, water and fertilizer.
It's true that mother loved the tulip. But this kind of love       be harmful. Love can sometimes kill what you love.
A.favourite B.hateC.unlikeD.like
A.otherB.placeC.two places D.another
A.got upB.made the bed C.played the pianoD.washed her face
A.to takeB.to cutC.to waterD.to pull
A.becauseB.forC.sinceD.because of

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