
— I'll drive to the supermarket. Would you like me to get something for you?

— Oh, ______. I want some bananas, but my hands are full now.

A.it's up to you B.you'd better not C.that couldn't be better D.it's too bad



How to Get Children to Stop Touching Their Faces

Kids seem like they're always touching everything in their environment, from tables and chairs to doors and stairs. Since those surfaces may hold germs(细菌), you can help your child avoid illness by encouraging them not to touch their face throughout the day.

1. Once your child is about 3 years old, you can begin having conversations with them and avoiding germs, including the importance of washing their hands and how touching their face can spread germs to their nose and mouth. While just knowing this information probably won't help them break the habit, it can help set the groundwork.

2. If you don't want to criticize(批评)your child when they forget, it is important to remind them when you see them with their hands around their face or mouth. Sometimes, just knowing that they're doing it will be enough to help them stop doing it.

3. It can be hard to remember sometimes, but look for chances to let your child know when they're doing a good job of keeping their hands away from their face. Encouraging words can be a really powerful motivation(动机)for kids to keep trying when they're learning something new.

4. Children often touch their faces or mouths without thinking about it. Many times, it's just because they're bored and they're looking for a way to excite themselves. If you think that might be the case, try giving your child a toy they can hold onto.

The passage is most probably chosen from the part of 5.in a newspaper.

A.Point out any time you see your child touching their face.


C.Offer your child something they can hold.

D.Explain why it' important if your child is old enough.

E.Praise your child when they aren't touching their face.

F.Encourage your child to wash their face carefully.


The balalaika, also called the "Russian guitar", is a traditional Russian musical instrument. It has a long neck, a wooden triangle-shaped body and strings. It is usually used to play Russian music by plucking the strings with fingers or a pick.

Russians like the balalaika. The music played with it can be cheerful, as if the farmers were dancing happily to celebrate their harvest. It can also be energetic, as if the workers were working hard to make their country richer and stronger. If a Russian moves to live or work abroad, he will probably take a balalaika with him. When he feels lonely and sad, he will play it to cheer himself up.

The balalaika was originally played by the poor in Russia. At that time, balalaikas were made by the players themselves. They were rough, simple and cheap with different numbers of strings, from two to even six. Later a Russian musician Vasily Vasil'yevich Andreev (1861-1918) improved the balalaka. He created a whole family of balalaikas of different sizes, all with three strings. The smallest balalaika is called Prima. It is 60-70cm long. The biggest, Contrabass, is almost 2metres high with a leg to sit on the floor. Andreev founded the first balalaika orchestra in the world, mainly using balalaikas to perform. He gave concerts at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1889, which was a great success.

Today, there are blalaika groups performing around the world. More and more people get to know the balalaika and are attracted by its Russian style music.

1.The balalaika is a musical instrument __________.

A.without strings B.with a long neck

C.of a round shape D.with a metal body

2.The music played with a balalaika is usually__________.

A.slow and sad B.strong and serious

C.soft and modern D.cheerful and energetic

3.Andreev is mentioned in Paragraph Three to introduce __________.

A.the success of balalaika concerts B.the history of balalaika orchestras

C.his talent for playing the balalaika D.his contributions to the balalaika

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Balalaika: The "Russian Guitar" for the Poor

B.Russia: The Home of Famous Balalaika Musicians

C.Balalaika: A Traditional Russian Musical Instrument

D.Russia: The International Hand-made Balalaika Factory

One day, when Albert Einstein was a small boy, his father brought him a compass (指南针). Albert felt excited as he looked at the ‘magic’ needle turning towards north. For ______, the compass was not a plaything but a miracle (奇迹).

It was the same way when he played the violin. His ______ shone and his hands shook. It was the music that moved him.

He was a curious (好奇的) child and would often daydream. His father was pained at the reports from his teachers. They told him that the boy was not ______ in his studies and making friends. He was lost in his foolish dreams. ______ Albert was full of joy and thought the world as a wonderful place. He played in his garden or walked in the streets singing songs aloud, and was extremely happy.

On leaving school, his father wanted him to study electrical engineering. But he disliked becoming an engineer. He ______ himself for a teaching position in mathematics and physics. Although he finished his studies and received his teacher’s certificate (证书), he was ______ to get a job.

Finally, he got a job as a clerk. In his spare time, he filled his note-paper with difficult mathematical formulas (公式). Some of these later ______ to great scientific discoveries.

At last the clerk became one of the most famous scientists in the world. He could not take his daily walk ______ being surrounded (包围) by photographers and reporters. He would only smile at them, and ______ with his work in his quiet way.

In 1921, Einstein was awarded (授予) the Nobel Prize for physics and he is ______ as the father of modern physics.

1.A.he B.him C.they D.them

2.A.face B.head C.eyes D.hair

3.A.good B.used C.strict D.interested

4.A.But B.So C.Though D.Because

5.A.helped B.got C.prepared D.replied

6.A.unable B.able C.happy D.ready

7.A.brought B.led C.happened D.had

8.A.for B.by C.with D.without

9.A.got on B.went on C.caught up D.ended up

10.A.born B.connected C.attended D.regarded

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