One day a big red hen(母鸡) plays with her chickens at home.After some time,she wants to eat something and she takes her chickens out to look for food.

When they eat,she finds a grain of wheat(一粒小麦),so she asks her chickens to plant it next to their home.But no one wants to do it.The big red hen has to do it.

After a long time,they get a lot of wheat.She says to her chickens,“Who will take the wheat to the shop and get some flour(面粉)?” But they don't want to do it.So she takes the wheat to the shop and takes the flour home.

After she gets home,she says,“Who will make some bread with the flour?” They all say they don't have time and don't want to do it.

When she makes the bread,she says to her chickens,“Who wants to eat the bread?”

“I will,” they say.

“No, you can't. You don't do anything.You have to know “No pains,no gains(一分耕耘一分收获) .” She doesn't give any bread to her chickens and she eats all the bread.

1.What do the chickens find when they eat?

A.Some bread. B.A grain of wheat.

C.Some flour. D.Some tigers.

2.The big hen plants the wheat____. to her home B.on the farm to the shop D.on the hill

3.Why does the hen want to plant the wheat?

A.She is free on Sunday.

B.She wants her chickens to do all the things.

C.She wants to get a lot of wheat.

D.She doesn't want to play with her chickens.

4.Why doesn't the big hen give any bread to her chickens?

A.They are not at home.

B.She doesn't like them.

C.They don't do anything.

D.They don't want to eat it.

5.What can we know from the passage?

A.The big hen is good at finding things.

B.The chickens help the hen plant the wheat.

C.The hen doesn't like her chickens.

D.If you want to get something,work hard first.

Chinese Culture Centers Abroad

We offer Chinese language courses and activities of Chinese culture.

In Mauritius

First overseas center Set up in July,1988

Recent activities: Chinese cooking

Chinese dancing


Email: cccmau @ culturalink

In Cairo First large-scale center overseas Set up on October 29, 2002

Recent activities: Chinese painting

Chinese films

Tel: 0020-2-37798203

Email: cario @ culturalink. gov. cn

In Seoul

First center in Asia

Opened in December, 2004

Recent activities: Chinese cooking

Chinese tea

Tel: 00822-733-8307

Email: cccsel @. culturalink. gov. cn

In Moscow

11th overseas center

Opened on December 5, 2012

Recent activities: Chinese tea

Chinese kung fu

Tel: 007-495-6121197

Email: cccmos @ culturalink. gov. cn


1.The first Chinese Culture Center in Asia was opened ______. ( ) July, 1988 B.on October 29, 2002 December, 2004 D.on December 5. 2012

2.If you want to learn Chinese painting, you can call _______. ( )

A.230-2088547 B.0020-2-37798203

C.00822733-8307 D.007-495-6121197

3.You can do Chinese kung fu at the Chinese Culture Center _______. ( ) Mauritius Cairo Seoul Moscow

4.If you want to get some information for Chinese films, you can email at ________. ( )

A.cccmau @ B.cario @

C.cccsel @ D.cccmos @

5.What does NOT Chinese Culture Centers Abroad include?( )

A.Chines cooking B.Chinese painting

C.Chinese tea D.Chinese singing

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