
66.Animal LOST 5/23/2014
A black cat,old and thin.He's about 14years old.Our children have grown up with him and he is part of our family.If you see him,please call us right away.
Posted by:Debbie 6424111
67.Animal LOST 6/5/2014
Medium short haired,all black,about two years old,ears standing up,a very sweet dog.
Posted by:Kori 3480542
68.Animal LOST 5/4/2014
A dog,3months old.She is brown with white hairs on her chest.Her eyes are greenish colored.Her nose is pink.
Posted by:Senia 3405442
69.Animal LOST 4/30/2014
1/2years old.She has big ears and white chest with white front legs.She is a small dog and weighs about 6pounds.One of her front legs got hurt,so she walks with difficulties.
Posted by:Jennifer Tomlinson 3607734
70.Animal LOST 5/11/2014
Our pet is a small,medium white haired,4-year-old cat.She has two big eyes and they are bright green.
Posted by:Lauren 2407131.
66.Animal LOST 5/23/2014
A black cat,old and thin.He's about 14 years old.Our children have grown up with him and he is part of our family.If you see him,please call us right away.
Posted by:Debbie 6424111D67.Animal LOST 6/5/2014
Medium short haired,all black,about two years old,ears standing up,a very sweet dog.
   Posted by:Kori 3480542G

68.Animal LOST 5/4/2014
   A dog,3 months old.She is brown with white hairs on her chest.Her eyes are greenish colored.Her nose is pink.

   Posted by:Se nia 3405442F

69.Animal LOST 4/30/2014
   1/2 years old.She has big ears and white chest with white front legs.She is a small dog and weighs about 6 pounds.One of her front legs got hurt,so she walks with difficulties.
   Posted by:Jennifer Tomlinson 3607734B

70.Animal LOST 5/11/2014
   Our pet is a small,medium white haired,4-year-old cat.She has two big eyes and they are bright green.
   Posted by:Lauren 2407131A.
A.I found a cat in my backyard around NW Street on May 11th,2014.It's a small cat with white hairs and big green eyes.Please call Paul Smith at 9503341.
B.A wounded dog was found at the corner of
   my house at Millplain on April 30th,2014.
   She has white front legs and big ears.Please call me at 9108846.
C.A white dog was found in our yard playing
  with our dog on March 23rd,2014.She is
  a lovely big dog.There seems something wrong with one of her legs.Adamson at 8024156.
D.Our kids found a cat close to our house at
  SW Alexander Street.It's a black cat.It is
  old and thin.Please call Gordon at 7768585.
E.A cat was found in my garden on April 30th,2014.It's old and thin.Please call Jeff at 8034477.
F.A baby dog was found around Kauffman
  Street.It's about 3-5 months old.She has
  green eyes and a pink nose.Please call
  Morrie at 9019968.
G.I found a dog at Molalla Area on June 5th,
  2014.It's a small black dog,about 2 years
  old.Please call Larry at 7058864.

分析 66,动物在2013年5月23日丢失
张贴人:Debbie 6424111
发布者:Kori 3480542
发布者:Senia 3405442
张贴人:Jennifer Tomlinson 3607734
张贴人:Lauren 2407131.

解答 66.D 根据A black cat,old and thin 描述,可知选D,我们的孩子找到一只又黑又瘦的老猫.
67.G 根据all black,about two years old,描述,可知选G,这是一个大约两岁的小狗.
68.F 根据A dog,3 months old.…Her eyes are greenish colored.Her nose is pink.可知选F,这是一只三个月大小的,绿眼睛,红鼻子的小狗.
69.B 根据One of her front legs got hurt,so she walks with difficulties.描述,可知选B,这是一条前腿有伤的狗.
70.A 根据Our pet is a small,medium white haired,4-year-old cat.She has two big eyes and they are bright green.描述,可知选A,这是一只四岁的长着白毛,绿色的大眼睛的小猫.

点评 此题考查阅读的信息匹配.做题时先把每只丢失的动物的情况读一遍,做到心中有数;再根据题目从寻找动物的启事和宠物招领的启事中抓住一致性的关键词和句子,从而结合选项选出相匹配的正确答案.尤其要注意选项和原文描述说法不一致,但是同一个意思的情况,要仔细辨别,注意灵活,如69题.

A  The best way to prevent tooth problems is to take good care of your teeth.Brush your teeth after eating,and use dental floss(牙线)after every meal.It's also important to go to the dentist for a regular check-up every three to six months.
B  Recently,Iran has successfully sent a monkey into space.The rocket reached a height of 72miles.And then the monkey,called Fargam,returned to the earth.It lasted 15minutes.Scientists could make good use of the information coming from Fargarm during the flight.
C  The slogans of the 2014FIFA World Cup are placed on the teams'buses.Some of the slogans are inspiration to their nations.Russians say"No one can catch us"and"The dream of one team,the heartbeat of millions"is from England."One nation,one team,one dream"comes from Germany.
D  He Liangcai,a Chinese businessman,turns a regular suitcase into a rechargeable scooter(电动摩托).He says the suitcase scooter can carry two adults once.He spent over 10years breaking through the technology problems such as how to develop the right kind of wheels.
E U.S.First Lady Michelle Obama visited China in March.Besides Beijing,she visited Xi'an and Chengdu.She also met American and Chinese students to promote(促进)education and cultural exchanges.
61.A Special Suitcase ScooterD
62.How to Take Care of Your TeethA
63.Send a Monkey into Outer SpaceB
64.U.S.First Lady's Visit to ChinaE
65.Slogans of the 2014FIFA World Cup.C.

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