
A  The best way to prevent tooth problems is to take good care of your teeth.Brush your teeth after eating,and use dental floss(牙线)after every meal.It's also important to go to the dentist for a regular check-up every three to six months.
B  Recently,Iran has successfully sent a monkey into space.The rocket reached a height of 72miles.And then the monkey,called Fargam,returned to the earth.It lasted 15minutes.Scientists could make good use of the information coming from Fargarm during the flight.
C  The slogans of the 2014FIFA World Cup are placed on the teams'buses.Some of the slogans are inspiration to their nations.Russians say"No one can catch us"and"The dream of one team,the heartbeat of millions"is from England."One nation,one team,one dream"comes from Germany.
D  He Liangcai,a Chinese businessman,turns a regular suitcase into a rechargeable scooter(电动摩托).He says the suitcase scooter can carry two adults once.He spent over 10years breaking through the technology problems such as how to develop the right kind of wheels.
E U.S.First Lady Michelle Obama visited China in March.Besides Beijing,she visited Xi'an and Chengdu.She also met American and Chinese students to promote(促进)education and cultural exchanges.
61.A Special Suitcase ScooterD
62.How to Take Care of Your TeethA
63.Send a Monkey into Outer SpaceB
64.U.S.First Lady's Visit to ChinaE
65.Slogans of the 2014FIFA World Cup.C.

分析 A 一个最好的防治牙齿的办法是照顾好你的牙齿.每顿饭后使用牙线.每三到六个月去看牙医做定期检查也很重要.
B 近日,伊朗已成功把一只猴子送入太空.火箭达到了72英里的高度.然后这只叫作fargam的猴子返回地球.它持续了15分钟.科学家可以充分利用飞行中由fargarm带回的信息.
C 2014年的世界杯的口号被放在球队的公共巴士上.一些口号来自于他们国家的灵感.俄罗斯人说,"没有人能抓住我们,"和"一个团队的梦想,百万人的心跳"来自于英国."一个国家,一个团队,一个梦想"来自德国.
D 何亮才,一个中国商人,将一个普通的手提箱变为电动摩托.他说手提箱摩托车可以一次携带两成人.他花了10多年突破技术难题,比如如何开发适合的轮子.
E 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马在三月访问了中国,除了北京,她还访问了西安和成都.她还会见了美国和中国的学生促进了教育和文化的交流.

解答 61.D 根据D篇的关键句子turns a regular suitcase into a rechargeable scooter(电动摩托).及整篇新闻内容可知,本篇主要介绍了一种特殊的用普通的手提箱改装成的电动摩托车的发明.标题正好与D篇新闻相契合.故选D.
62.A 根据A篇的关键句子The best way to prevent tooth problems is to take good care of your teeth.及整篇新闻内容可知,本篇主要报道了如何爱牙护牙的知识.标题正好与A篇新闻相契合.故选A.
63.B 根据B篇的中心句Recently,Iran has successfully sent a monkey into space.及整篇新闻内容可知,本篇主要报道了伊朗已成功把一只猴子送入太空的事情.标题正好与B篇新闻相契合.故选B.
64.E 根据E篇的中心句 U.S.First Lady Michelle Obama visited China in March.及整篇新闻内容可知,本篇新闻主要报道了美国第一夫人米歇尔访华的情况.标题正好与E篇新闻相契合.故选E.
65.C 根据C篇的中心句The slogans of the 2014FIFA World Cup are placed on the teams'buses.及整篇新闻内容可知,本篇新闻主要介绍了2014世界杯各个国家的口号.标题正好与C篇新闻相契合.故选C.

点评 这是一篇配对的阅读理解题,给新闻选出合适的新闻标题.做此类题要把选项和各个新闻有机结合起来,可以先根据新闻标题去找与之相匹配的新闻,找的时候一定要抓住和标题有关的关键词或者是新闻的大意,从而选择出具有概括性的合适的标题.

1.Have you ever heard of a mobile phone company called Nokia?And do you know that there's a mobile phone throwing competition in Finland every year?
    In order to recycle old mobile phones,the town of Savonlinna in southeast Finland holds a Mobile Phone Throwing Competition every year.And people can have a little fun from the games.
     While  competitors cannot throw their own phones,the competition organizers provide hundreds of mobiles to choose from. Then people throw as far as possible from the throwing area.Last year's winner Ere Karjalainen set a world record with his 101.46m throw.As a prize,he got a chance of drinking and practiced again as his
preferred training methods.
     Those without a strong throwing arm can enter the freestyle competition.During the competition,the style of the throw are judged (判断) rather than the distance.
    A three person jury (评委) gives scores from one to six,and the thrower with the highest number of points wins.This Year's competition will be held on August 24.Sign ups(报名 注 册) are still being accepted for five dollars per person or two
dollars for children 12and under.Once all the day's phones have been thrown,they are taken to a recycling center.

64.Finland holds the mobile phone throwing competition mainly in order toA
A.recycle old Nokia mobile phones 
B.raise money for the poor
C.have fun and enjoy the competition
D.take exercise and keep healthy
65.The underlined word"competitors"in the passage means"D".
A.The competition organizers
B.Members of the competition juries
C.Those who have nothing to do with the competition
D.Those who take part in the competition
66.A child at the age of ten must payB dollars for the sign up.
67.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.People only can throw the mobile phones provided by the organizers.
B.Those who throw the farthest will win the freestyle competition.
C.If you are weak,you can take part in the freestyle competition.
D.Ere Karjaiainen won last year's competition with his 101.46m throw.
A recent survey has shown that China is considered to be (he most indusuious nation in the world,(106)F.
The survey 一with more than 8,000people surveyed from Canada.France,Germany,India,Netherlands,the UK and the US-ranks their'industriousness(勤奋度),which describes (he level to which a country is"hard-working,creative in producing new ideas or products".
According to the international survey,(107)D,followed by workers from Germany and the US.Employees from a France are considered 10be the laziest people in the world.German employees replied confidently to the survey,placing themselves first in the order of global industriousness French employees,on the other hand,seem to know (heir limitations (能力局限) (108)C.
A Germany newspaper reported that Chinese employees work on average 44.6hours per work,(109)E
 (110)B,Chinese employees have only ten days of paid leave on average,while German employees have twenty-five days.Industriousness Ranking:China,Germany,the US,Canada,India,the UK,Netherland,France.

A.emplyees from China get second place in the list
B.Although China has more public holidays than Germany
C.and many of those surveyed placed France in the last place
D.Chinese employees are the most industrious people in the world
E.while German employees average about 33.5hours of work per week
F.according to the research from Monster Worldwide and GFK,a German global market research institute.
66.Animal LOST 5/23/2014
A black cat,old and thin.He's about 14years old.Our children have grown up with him and he is part of our family.If you see him,please call us right away.
Posted by:Debbie 6424111
67.Animal LOST 6/5/2014
Medium short haired,all black,about two years old,ears standing up,a very sweet dog.
Posted by:Kori 3480542
68.Animal LOST 5/4/2014
A dog,3months old.She is brown with white hairs on her chest.Her eyes are greenish colored.Her nose is pink.
Posted by:Senia 3405442
69.Animal LOST 4/30/2014
1/2years old.She has big ears and white chest with white front legs.She is a small dog and weighs about 6pounds.One of her front legs got hurt,so she walks with difficulties.
Posted by:Jennifer Tomlinson 3607734
70.Animal LOST 5/11/2014
Our pet is a small,medium white haired,4-year-old cat.She has two big eyes and they are bright green.
Posted by:Lauren 2407131.
66.Animal LOST 5/23/2014
A black cat,old and thin.He's about 14 years old.Our children have grown up with him and he is part of our family.If you see him,please call us right away.
Posted by:Debbie 6424111D67.Animal LOST 6/5/2014
Medium short haired,all black,about two years old,ears standing up,a very sweet dog.
   Posted by:Kori 3480542G

68.Animal LOST 5/4/2014
   A dog,3 months old.She is brown with white hairs on her chest.Her eyes are greenish colored.Her nose is pink.

   Posted by:Se nia 3405442F

69.Animal LOST 4/30/2014
   1/2 years old.She has big ears and white chest with white front legs.She is a small dog and weighs about 6 pounds.One of her front legs got hurt,so she walks with difficulties.
   Posted by:Jennifer Tomlinson 3607734B

70.Animal LOST 5/11/2014
   Our pet is a small,medium white haired,4-year-old cat.She has two big eyes and they are bright green.
   Posted by:Lauren 2407131A.
A.I found a cat in my backyard around NW Street on May 11th,2014.It's a small cat with white hairs and big green eyes.Please call Paul Smith at 9503341.
B.A wounded dog was found at the corner of
   my house at Millplain on April 30th,2014.
   She has white front legs and big ears.Please call me at 9108846.
C.A white dog was found in our yard playing
  with our dog on March 23rd,2014.She is
  a lovely big dog.There seems something wrong with one of her legs.Adamson at 8024156.
D.Our kids found a cat close to our house at
  SW Alexander Street.It's a black cat.It is
  old and thin.Please call Gordon at 7768585.
E.A cat was found in my garden on April 30th,2014.It's old and thin.Please call Jeff at 8034477.
F.A baby dog was found around Kauffman
  Street.It's about 3-5 months old.She has
  green eyes and a pink nose.Please call
  Morrie at 9019968.
G.I found a dog at Molalla Area on June 5th,
  2014.It's a small black dog,about 2 years
  old.Please call Larry at 7058864.

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