









1. 文章必须包括表格中的全部内容,可适当增加细节;

2. 建议可面向学生或教师提出,但至少写三条;

3. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;

4. 词数:80—100个。

参考词汇:合适的suitable 材料material

Recently, our school has done a survey of students’ English reading situation, but the results are not pleasing. ______________________________________________




Recently, our school has done a survey of students’ English reading situation, but the results are not pleasing.

Most of the students aren’t interested in reading. And they can find little time to read. They have too much homework. On the other hand, they can’t read in right ways. Besides, there are not enough suitable materials for them to read.

In my opinion, we should spend more time in reading. We need to practice reading everyday. As for teachers, I hope they can give us less homework. What’s more, they had better teach us how to read and provide us more suitable materials.



【亮点说明】这篇范文是很优秀的一篇,首先文章的层次很分明,写作时分成了三段,第一段点明了主题,第二段是介绍了这次调查的具体情况,第三段是提出的建议。另外本文行文流畅,注意到了句与句之间的连接,使用了一些较好的连接词,如On the other hand、Besides、In my opinion、As for、What’s more等。提出的建议比较贴合主题。文章中使用了一些较好的句型,如Most of the students aren’t interested in reading、there are not enough suitable materials for them to read. 、we should spend more time in reading、they had better teach us how to read and provide us more suitable materials等,这些句型为文章增色不少。

考点: 提纲类作文。



Two famous cartoons

The Lion Kings

Mufasa , the king of the lions , has a baby son called Simba .Mufasa has a brother , Scar , who hates Simba and his father because he wants to be king . With the help of some hyenas Simba(土狼).Scar kills Mufasa , but very cleverly makes Simba believe that he killed his father .

Simba leaves and goes far away and Scar becomes king . But as Simba becomes older, he understands what really happened , and returns home with his friends . He fights Scar and becomes king of the lions .


Farquaadthe ruler of a country called Duloc , decides that all the characters from fantasy stories must leave the country . There is a a very big , ugly monster called Shrek who lives in a forest and all the fantasy characters hide in his home , although Shrek doesn’t want them to .

Shrek visits Farquaad . Farquaad agrees that the fantasy characters can come back if Shrek can find the beautiful princess (公主)that Farquaad wants to marry .Shrek goes to look for the princess called Fiona . He finds her and discovers that at night she becomes as ugly as him .When Farquaad discovers that Fiona is ugly , he doesn’t want to marry her . The monster and the princess marry , and the princess(公主)decides to stay ugly all the time for love !


1.Mufasa’s son is called ______________.

2.Scar ________ Simba and his father because he wants to be __________ of the lions .

3.Simba goes back home and fights Scar when he _______ _________.

4.Shrek ,a very big, ugly _______, visits Farquaad because he wants to help all the ________ _________.

5.Farquaad wants to ________ the beautiful princess called Fiona .

6.At last the princess and Shrek gets married for _______ .


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