Ever since I was a kid, I have been always ready to help others. Earlier this year, I started Traveling Library by turning an old ice-cream cart(小推车) into a small library on _________. I gave out free books to kids. I wanted more kids to fall in love with reading instead of playing on the computer or _________ the smartphone all day.

_________ I started the first Traveling Library, I had only 100 books. I took my cart to parks and neighborhoods in my hometown. People loved _________ idea of Traveling Library and started to give me books for free. So far I _________ over 2,000 books.

One day in a park, a little girl saw my cart and ran to me. When I told her it held books, she was very _________. I opened the cart and let her _________ a book. She chose a book called Winnie the Pooh and began to read. The book was so interesting that she could _________ put it down, but it was time to go home. Then I told her she could keep it. The girl gave me a big smile and cried out with joy, “Thank you!”

That experience, along with many others, encouraged _________ to build more such libraries, so kids everywhere could get __________ free books to read.

1.A.wheel B.wheels C.stick D.sticks

2.A.to B.in C.with D.for

3.A.When B.If C.Unless D.Because

4.A.a B.an C.the D./

5.A.get B.got C.will get D.have got

6.A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.surprisingly

7.A.pick B.to pick C.picking D.to picking

8.A.hardly B.hard C.simply D.simple

9.A.I B.mine C.my D.me

10.A.few B.fewer C.more D.many

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