
     下面是一份英语学习自我评价表,每个评价项目后有若干个选项。请在符合自己实际情况的选项方框中打√(可以多选)。根据你的选择,以“My English learning,介绍你英语学习中的优势与不足,并针对自己的不足之处,提出改进方法。
     注意::1. 语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;
                  2. 80词左右。短文开头已经写好,不计入总词数。
One possible version:
                                                     My English learning
     English is a very important subject at school. With the help of the teachers, my English has improved
a lot. I can remember most of the words I have learned. Of all the activities I like pair work best, because
I enjoy working with my classmates. For me, the most difficult part is speaking.
     We don't often have the chance to speak English, so I find it really useful to take an active part in class discussions. However, I am still very weak at listening. I think I must listen to more English stories and
tapes. And I believe I can learn English well by doing so in the future.  

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