
The taxis in this city ________ in the same color. You can see them every day.








【解析】本题的主语为the taxis表示复数形式,所以be动词应该为are,故选A




  Many people think New York is a noisy city, even inside the taxis. When you get into a taxi, you hear the voice of a well-known singer, a sport star or some other famous persons giving instructions. The voice of the famous person tells you what to do. One popular singer gives this message, “Cats have nine lives, but you have only one, so buckle your seat belt (系好安全带).” Other voices say things such as “Don't forget to take your things when you leave.”

  Many people get annoyed by the voices. Taxi drivers also don't like the messages. “I play the messages 12 hours a day, I hear the same voice 60 times a day. It makes me crazy (发疯) ” says Amir, a taxi driver. “But if I don't play the messages, I'll get fined (罚款) 100 dollars.”A lot of passengers (乘客) complain (抱怨)too. “It's too much noise,” says a passenger, “I asked the driver to turn off the message, but he said he couldn't.”

  Other people think the voices are a great idea. One taxi driver says, “People like to hear the voice, they put on their seat belts more often.” And passengers from out of the city really like the idea. “Most of the time taxi drivers are in bad mood (心情),” says Melainie Benton, who visits New York often on business. “It's nice to hear such a voice when you get into a taxi.”

1.Why should people buckle the seat belts in the taxi?

[  ]

A.Because it can make people safe.

B.Because people can hear the voices clearly.

C.Because people are afraid to be fined by the policemen.

D.Because it can help people not forget to take their things.

2.The underlined word “annoyed” means________.

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3.From the text we know________.

[  ]

A.cats have nine lives but men have only one

B.the voices make all the taxi drivers crazy

C.the voices can let you know many famous persons

D.there are two different ideas about playing the messages

SINA _____ In order to let people go out more easily during the 2008 Olympic Games,Beijing is going to start a special bus line and seven more night bus line.40%of the taxis will

be in service for 24 hours.The subway will run longer hours,too.(December 27,2007)

YAHOO _____ An old man called Shen Yuanyan made five Fuwa toys with 6,000 pieces of paper.It took him a few months to finish them.Mr. Shen will make another five bigger Fuwa toys and send them to Beijing.(January 7,2008)

BAIDU _____ The Olympic Flame(圣火)has arrived in Beijing,showing that the O1ympic Games in China will soon begin.From today,the torch(火炬)will carry the Flame across the word.(March 31,2008)

XINHUA——Yang Yang,a famous Chinese skater,received the Beijing Olympic torch from a leader in Sanya,May 4,2008.Yang ran the first 200 meters during the torch re1ay(接力)in Sanya,the first leg in the Chinese mainland(大陆).(May 4,2008)

1.________ isn't mentioned in the news above.

A.The bus               B.The taxi               C.The subway           D.The plane

2.The old man's Fuwa toys were made of ________.

A.glass                     B.paper                   C.cotton                    D.silk

3.The torch has carried the Flame across the word since ________.

A.December 27,2007                                B.January 7,2008

C.March 31,2008                                       D.May 4,2008

4.In the Chinese mainland,the first leg of the torch rely started in ________.

A.Beijing                 B.Chongqing             C.Shanghai                D.Sanya

5.There ________of news about the Olympic torch rely here.

A.is only one piece                                      B.are two pieces

C.are three pieces                                          D.are four pieces

SINA —In order to let people go out more easily during the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing is going to start a special bus line and seven more night bus lines. 40% of the taxis will be in service for 24 hours. The subway will run longer hours, too. (December 27, 2007)

YAHOO— An old man called Shen Yuanyan made five Fuwa toys with 6,000 pieces of paper. It took him a few months to finish them. Mr. Shen will make another five bigger Fuwa toys and send them to Beijing. (January 7, 2008)

BAIDU —The Olympic Flame (圣火) has arrived in Beijing, showing that the Olympic Games in China will soon begin. From today, the torch (火炬) will carry the Flame across the world. (March 31, 2008)

XINHUA —Yang Yang, a famous Chinese skater, received the Beijing Olympic torch

from a leader in Sanya, May 4, 2008. Yang ran the first 200 meters during the torch relay (接力) in Sanya, the first leg in the Chinese mainland(大陆) . (May 4, 2008)

1. ______ isn’t mentioned in the news above.

   A. The bus             B. The taxi            C. The subway             D. The plane

2. The old man’s Fuwa toys were made of______

   A. glass                  B. paper                C. cotton                     D. silk

3. The torch has carried the Flame across the world since _______

   A. December 27, 2007    B. January 7, 2008        C. March 31, 2008       D. May 4, 2008

4. In the Chinese mainland, the first leg of the torch relay started in ______

   A. Beijing         B. Chongqing               C. Shanghai          D. Sanya

5. There ______ of news about the Olympic torch relay here.

   A. is only one piece        B. are two pieces   C. are three pieces        D. are four pieces

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