
     A tall man and a short man were waiting for a taxi on the same corner. An old lady joined them on the
corner because she (1)a______ wanted to catch a taxi.
     It was raining hard, and all the taxis passed without (2)s______. At last, a taxi stopped, and the tall man
rushed ahead of the short man The short man (3)s______ him and they (4)s______ to argue (争吵). The
tall man was in a (5)h______, but the short man was on the corner (6)f______. The short man pushed the
tall man, and the tall man grabbed (抓住) the short (7)m______ coat. The old lady calmly closed her umbrella,
(8)o______ the door and got into the taxi. The taxi (9)d______ smiled and (10)d______ away with the woman.
1. also   2. stopping   3. stopped   4. started   5. hurry
6. first   7. man's   8. opened   9. driver   10. drove
短文填空。 根据短文内容和以下提示:
Dear editor,
     I am a high school student. I'd like to tell you something about 1______ friend, Wu Gang. A few
days ago, he told me that he was going to stop school. He said that he wanted to start his own business.
I tried my 2______  to get him to change his mind. However, I know it's difficult 3 f______ him to change his mind. He studies hard, 4 b______ he doesn't do well in his studies. Now he is tired of studying. He plays
computer games day and 5______ (晚上). I still think that he should finish his studies. The course is more
important than the 6______  Now there are only 60 days 7______  before the final examination. I'm not
8______ (确定) whether I can persuade (说服) him to continue his studies. Could you 9______ (给) me
some advice? I really need your help. I'm 10______  forward to your reply.
     Best wishes!
                                                                                                                                    Yu Li

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