
Last summer, Cathy’s whole family went to New York City for their summer vacation. They stayed there for two weeks.
New York City has more than seven and a half million people. It is the largest city in the United States. It is also the home of the United Nations.
First they visited The Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is one of New York’s most well known historic sites. Millions of people visit New York City every year.
On the second day they went to the Empire State Building. It is the tallest building in New York City now. From the top of the building, they saw most parts of New York. On the third day, they visited the Metropolitan Museum. In this museum, they saw a lot of famous paintings. During the rest time of the week, Bob went to Bronx Zoo with his younger brother and sister. There they were glad to see a lot of their favorite animals-tigers, lions, monkeys, and elephants.
In the second week, the family visited Long Island. On the island, they spent most of their time swimming sunbathing and playing on the beach. They all had a good time.
Many people live in New York.
The UN is in 小题1:______.
First they visited
How long
Cathy’s family stayed there for
Saw the famous painting
They visited 小题4:___________.

小题1:New York
小题2:Statue of Liberty
小题3:two weeks
小题4:the Metropolitan Museum

小题1:细节理解题。问题:联合国所在地是哪?联系原文:It is also the home of the United Nations.句意:它也是联合国的家。它指代的是纽约。故填:New York
小题2:细节理解题。问题:他们首先参观了什么?联系原文:First they visited The Statue of Liberty.句意:首先他们参观了自由女神像。明确答案为Statue of Liberty。故填:Statue of Liberty
小题3:细节理解题。问题:凯西的家人在这里待多长时间?联系短文:They stayed there for two weeks.
句意:他们待了两个星期。明确指出两个星期的时间。故填:two weeks
小题4:细节理解题。问题:他们在哪里看著名的画?联系原文:they visited the Metropolitan Museum. In this museum, they saw a lot of famous paintings.句意:他们参观了大都会博物馆。在这个博物馆里,他们看到了很多著名的画。提到参观的地点是the Metropolitan Museum.故填:the Metropolitan Museum
I shook hands with my father in the truck, and for a long time he looked straight ahead and didn’t say a word. But I knew he was going to say a little to me. “I can’t tell     ,” he finally said. “I never went to college, andnone of your      went to college. I can’t say don’t do this and do that,      everything is different. And I don’t know      is going to come up. I can’t help much with money,     , but I think things will work out. ”
He gave me a new check-book(支票簿). “If you are short of money,      a small check. But when you write one, send me a letter and let me     how much. There are some things we can always sell.” In four years all the checks I wrote were less than a thousand dollars. My part-time jobs such as      to the blind student and sitting with the teachers’ kids filled in the financial gaps.
“You know what you want to be, and they’ll tell you what to take,” my father went on. “When you get a job, be sure it’s honest, and work hard.”
Then my dad reached down beside his seat and brought the old,      Bible that he had read so often. He didn’t say read this every morning. He just said, “This can help you if you will let it.”
Did it help? I got through college      being a burden on the family. I have been able to make money since.
A.everythingB.anythingC.nothing D.something
A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.as well
A.to knowB.knewC.knowingD.know
A.readB.readingC.to readD.writing
Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I wanted to have a rest before catching the train. I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table and then  (A) 去要一杯咖啡.
When I came back with the coffee, there was someone sitting in the next seat. It was a boy,  with dark glasses and old clothes, and his hair was coloured bright red at the front. He had started to eat my chocolate!
Naturally, I was rather uneasy about him, but I didn’t want to have any trouble. I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me closely. Then he took a second piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. (B)Still I didn’t say anything to him. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got (C) it.
The boy gave me a strange look, then stood up. As he left he shouted out, “There’s something wrong with that woman!” Everyone looked at me, but I did not want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had made mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to leave. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate (D) _______ the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boy’s!
小题1: 将划线部分A 译成英语 _________________________________________________
小题2: 将划线部分B 改写为 Still I _________  __________ to him.
小题3:文中能替代划线部分C 的短语是 _____________________
小题4: 在D的空白处填入一个适当的词语 ______________
小题5: 文中描写男孩目光神情的词语是 _________________________
Pedro Rossi is happy--he is very,very happy! He won(赢得) $500,000! He won the lottery(彩票)!
Pedro is happy for only a few days. Then he remembers his lottery ticket! He throws it in the garbage can!
Pedro runs to the garbage can and looks in it. The garbage can is not over there at all!
“The garbage is gone,”his wife says. “The garbage truck(卡车) comes in the morning.”
The garbage truck takes the garbage can to the garbage dump(垃圾堆)! Pedro runs to the dump. He looks for it for two days. But he can't find it.
Pedro lives in town in Brazil. Pedro tells the people in the town,“Look for my lottery ticket at the dump. If you find it,I can give you half the money.”
Everyday hundreds of people go to the dump to look for the ticket. Five days later,a man finds it. Pedro gives the man $250,000.
Pedro won $500,000 in the lottery. Now he won only 250,000. But he is not sad. “Before,one man was happy,”Pedro says. “Now two men are happy!”
小题1:Pedro is very happy for only a few days because __________.
A.he lost(丢失) the money on the way home
B.he can't find the lottery in his box
C.he throws the lottery in a garbage can
D.he can't find his money in his pockets(口袋)
小题2:Pedro looks for his lottery for _____ days.
A.twoB.fiveC.sevenD.a few
小题3:He gives _________ of his money to the man.
A.500,000B.a little 
小题4:Pedro can only get 250,000,but he is very _____.
小题5:The meaning of the underlined word “can” may be _______.
Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city."
The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, "Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid.
After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy than to be rich and afraid."
小题1:The City mouse think the Country mouse’s life is not good because ______.
A.the food is not good
B.the Country mouse lives in a hole in the field
C.both the food and the house are bad
D.the house is not made of stone
小题2:When the Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse, he thinks the City mouse has ______.
A.bad house and bad foodB.bad house but nice food
C.good house and nice foodD.good house but bad food
小题3:From the passage, we know that ______.
A.The great noise is made by the cat
B.They are caught by the cat
C.They are not afraid of the cat
D.The City mouse lives a rich and happy life
小题4: The Country mouse prefer the ______ life before.
A. poor and afraid              B. poor and happy
C. rich and afraid              B. rich and happy
小题5:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.The City Mouse
B.The Country Mouse
C.The Rich and the Poor
D.The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
A French writer __    a story about a cat and a parrot(鹦鹉).
A friend of __     came to visit him one day. The friend said, "I' m going away for a short time. Will you please  __    my parrot for me?"The writer said he would do so, and his friend __           his parrot to the house. The cat saw the parrot and wanted to know whether(是否) it was a bird or not. If so, it would be nice__    . Very__    the cat came nearer and nearer. It was thinking how nice it would be to have this animal for its meal.
The poor parrot was very afraid. It didn' t know __     at first. It kept quiet and didn' t move __     the cat was near enough to jump on it. Then suddenly the parrot asks, " __    you have your breakfast?"
The cat is afraid. It ran away as fast as it can. Maybe it was saying to itself, "That thing can speak. It can' t be a bird. It must be __     !"
小题1:A. spoke            B. told             C. said
小题2:A. his               B.him                     C.she
小题3:A. help              B. look for              C. look after
小题4:A. take              B. brought              C. put
小题5:A. to play           B. to drink              C. to eat
小题6:A. slowly            B. quickly             C. soon
小题7:A. him               B. how to do           C. what to do
小题8:A. when              B. that                  C. until
小题9:A. Didn' t            B. Weren' t             C. Were
小题10:A. a bird            B. a cat                  C. a man

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