

1.Lucy found the new supermarket by asking the policeman for help.(对画线部分提问)

________ did Lucy ________ the new supermarket?

2.Whenever he comes back to Chongqing, he will visit his grandparents first.(同义句转换)

_______ ______ when he comes back to Chongqing , he will visit his grandparents first.

3.A thief stole the medicine when Jim was not at home.(一般疑问句)

________ a thief ________ the medicine when Jim was not at home ?


I took Lisa’s umbrella ________ ________ yesterday.


Tina's English teacher has had a great ________ ________ her.


A young painter completed a painting. To get people's opinions about his painting sills, he put his painting at a crossing on a street and put up a board that read, "Gentlemen, I have painted this work. Since I'm new, I might have made some mistakes. Please put a cross wherever you see a mistake."

When he came back in the evening, he was shocked (震惊的) to see that the whole painting was filled with crosses He ran to his teacher and said, useless. The teacher said, "I'll let you know that you are a great artist Just paint the same painting again and give it to me."

Then they went to the same street the next morning and put the same painting at the same place. The teacher took out another board which read, "Gentlemen, I have painted this work 1 might have made some mistakes. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. If you see a mistake, pick up the brush and correct it." Two days later, they came back to the place. The young painter was surprised to see that there was not a single correction.

If you want to help people improve their behavior (行为),you'd better learn how to help people change their behavior. Always remember not to judge (批评) yourself by someone else's criticism (批评),because you are the best judge to judge yourself.

1.Why did the young painter put his painting on a busy street?

A.To let others know he has the ability to paint.

B.To make money by selling his painting.

C.To get others' ideas about his painting skills.

D.To let his teacher know he was a good student.

2.How might the young painter feel when he saw the crosses on the painting?

A.Proud. B.Excited. C.Sad. D.Moved.

3.How did the teacher help his student know he was a great painter?

A.By teaching the student more painting skills.

B.By asking people not to put any crosses on the painting.

C.By panting a different painting himself and putting it on the street.

D.By putting up a board with different words beside the same painting.

配对阅读。左栏是五个人喜欢的电视节目类型,右栏是七种节目的介绍。请予以匹配(其 中两项是多余的),并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

1.. Ivan and Anna like to get the latest information about what's happening in the world and enjoy watching interviews. They prefer to watch programs which last about 30 minutes.

2.. Pat likes watching comedy programs which last about half an hour.

She enjoys watching a series( 连续剧 )

where she follows what the characters are doing from one episode (集) to another.

3. Rosa enjoys pop music and films and wants to watch interviews with popular stars. She likes programs which are a mixture of interviews and live music.

4.. Grace is interested in traveling and she likes watching documentaries about different parts of the world. She especially enjoys programs which show animals and birds.

5..William is interested in general knowledge and likes watching quizzes to see how many questions he can answer. He prefers programs which have questions on lots of different subjects.

A. Every Saturday evening between 8: 30 and 9: 30 pm, Kevin presents an hour of fun. There is music and chat with well-known stars from the world of films and music. Each guest is interviewed and then one of them sings their latest song.

B. This is a short comedy film which lasts about half an hour. It was made 30 years ago. The actors were unknown at that time but they have become famous since then.

C. Robert Burroughs has traveled all around the world. His documentaries show us amazing scenery, animals and different ways of living.

D. This is the weekly chance to try to get a better score than the stars in the studio (演播室). As usual, Billie spends half an hour asking the two teams questions. They need to be experts(专家) in many topic from music to animals to international news.

E. Find out about the latest news with Aarin Williams every day between 6: 00 and 6:30 pm. His interviews with those in the news always get to the point of a story.

F. Joel and Charlie return with another comedy series. This series should be as funny as the last, with some unexpected things in each 30-minute program.

G. Basketball Show will present excellent basketball games from the NBA. You can not only enjoy famous stars' matches, but also learn more about basketball skills.

Print a mobile phone at home. Download a film in just one second. Amazing things like these might become reality in 2019 as new technology enters our lives. Check out a few examples here.

Iron Man suit


Have you ever imagined what fun it would be to fly to school? This Iron Man-style suit from a British company could make your dreams come true.

The suit allows users to fly just like Iron Man. Wearers can take off straight and fly through the air. It is powered by five mini jet engines— four are built into units close to the hands and one is built into a backpack. It can reach a top speed of 80 km per hour. There is a long way to go before this technology is available to everyone, as the suit is still quite expensive - one model recently sold for $ 440, 000 (about 3 million yuan). It is also very noisy. The inventors hope to improve it in the future.

3D-printed houses 3D


Food, water and home are basic human needs. But there are 1.2 billion people in the world who don’t have a proper house to live in. The 3D printed houses made by ICON in Texas may help to solve this problem. The company can print a single- storey 60-square- meter house in just 12 to 24 hours. The walls of the house are made of a special cement(水泥) that looks like cream. Later, workers can make the walls stronger. The 3D-printed houses use less cement than normal houses, If all goes according to plan, 100 homes will be built for people in The Republic of Panama in Central America this year. Each house costs $ 10, 000 (about 69,000 yuan).

Huawei Mate X


Is it possible to fold(折叠) your phone screen? Huawei’s newest phone, the Mate X, is foldable , You can fold it in half as if you are closing a book. But what makes the Mate x different is that it is folded from the outside, The Mate X is both a phone and a table(平板电脑). When folded, it works as a phone. When unfolded, it is a tablet. The phone is very thin. When open, it is 5.4 mm thick, and when closed t 1s just 11 mm.

The other highlight of Mate X is that it supports 5G which means users can download a whole movie in just a second. But users can only take selfies when the phone is folded. That’s because the phone doesn't have a front camera. You have to turn the phone over and use the back camera instead.

1.Why is the Iron Man suit not available to everyone now?

A.Because of its flying speed. B.Because of its price and noise.

C.Because of its flying distance. D.Because of its great fashion.

2.What is the advantage about a 3D-printed house?

A.The new technology is green but quite expensive.

B.The 3D-printed walls are made of special cream.

C.The new technology will make the poor people rich.

D.A 60m2 -3D printed house can be built within one day.

3.What is the most amazing development about Huawei Mate X?

A.The phone is very thin and easy to carry around.

B.You can fold the Mate X which supports 5G network.

C.It's possible for you to take photos when you turn it off

D.There is a front camera and a back one on the Mate X.

4.Which of the following can be the best title?

A.Technologies Have Become True B.The Future May Destroy Our Lives

C.New Technologies Entering Our Lives D.The Importance of New Inventions

The day when the jobs were handed out was one of the most exciting for all the children in the class. Some jobs were more interesting than others. When giving them out, the teacher took account of(考虑) which pupils had been most responsible before. Among them Rita stood out. All the children knew Rita was the favorite to be given the best job of all: to look after the class dog.

But this year there was a big surprise. Each child received one of the normal jobs, like telling the time, cleaning the blackboard, looking after pets and so on. But Rita was given a little box with some sand and one ant (蚂蚁). Most of her classmates felt sorry for her. Even her father became very angry with the teacher. However, Rita preferred to show the teacher by doing something special with such a boring job.

So Rita started studying all about her little ant. She gave the ant the very best food, and as a result it grew quite a bit bigger than anyone had expected.

One day a man came into the classroom. The teacher said with great joy, “This is Doctor Martinez. He has come to tell us a wonderful piece of news. Isn’t that right?”

“Exactly! "said the Doctor. “This class has best cared for the little ant given to you. You have been chosen to go with me, this summer, on a journey to the rainforest. Congratulations!”

That day everyone thanked Rita for having been so patient and responsible.

1.What is Rita’s job this year? (no more than 9 words)

2.What did Rita’s classmates think after the teacher gave the job to her? (no more than 5 words)

3.Why did everyone in Rita’s class thank her? (no more than 13 words)



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