
Ann’s grandpa was very rich and he had some shops. The old man began to learn drawing(绘画) when he was sixty, and he loved it very much.  For twelve years he drew(画画)a lot and there were many pictures in his workroom. He was pleased with them and kept them well. One
day, the old man was ill. He had to stay in hospital. Before he died, he said to Ann, “I want to give my pictures to a school as presents. Then the students can remember me forever. But I don’t know which school I’m going to give them to. Can you help me? ” “Well,” said the little girl, “you’d better give them to a blind(盲的,瞎的) school. ”
【小题1】 Ann’s grandpa was ____________.

A.a driverB.a teacherC.a blind manD.a rich man
【小题2】The old man tried his best to be ____________.
A.an artistB.a farmerC.a doctorD.a teacher
【小题3】The old man loved ____________ very much when he was sixty.
A.writingB.his shopsC.moneyD.drawing
【小题4】 When the old man was in hospital, he was ____________ years old.
【小题5】 Ann thought her grandpa’s pictures were ____________.


【小题1】根据Ann’s grandpa was very rich and he had some shops.描述,可知他是个富人,故选D,一个富有的人。
【小题2】根据and he loved it very much.及下文描述,可知他想成为一名画家,故选A,画家,艺术家。
【小题3】根据The old man began to learn drawing(绘画) when he was sixty, and he loved it very much. 及下文描述,可知他很爱绘画,故选D。
【小题4】根据The old man began to…… For twelve years he drew(画画)a lot,计算可知选C。


The nine-year-old Marc Yu is called Little Mozart. He is too short to reach the pedals (踏板) of a piano. Marc, from California, USA, says, “The problem is that my legs aren’t straight enough, so I have to get very close to the piano.”
Marc’s 34-year-old mother played Beethoven’s CDs to him when she was pregnant . Marc started playing the piano at a birthday party when he was only two. While the other children were singing “twinkle, twinkle, little star …”, he walked over to the piano and started playing the song. It astonished his mother, because that was the first time he’d been near a piano. Marc gave his first public performance, playing Beethoven, at six, the same age as Mozart. After that concert, Marc won a £225,000 university scholarship.
At present he practices the piano eight hours a day. He also studies part-time at the famous Colbum Music School in Los Angeles, and flies once a month to China for lessons at Shanghai Music School. Marc says, “I like playing the piano because it makes me have a lot of different feelings —sadness, excitement, happiness and so on. I like playing difficult pieces, especially those that my teacher says I shouldn’t.”
【小题1】The nine-year-old Marc Yu is from       .

A.ChinaB.FranceC.CanadaD.the United States
【小题2】Marc played the piano at the age of        for the first time.
【小题3】According to the passage, the underlined word “astonished” means “     ” in Chinese.
【小题4】At present Marc practices playing the piano        .
A.once a monthB.eight hours a day
C.in his free timeD.only on weekends
【小题5】What Marc says in the last paragraph tells us that       .
A.he likes challengesB.he doesn’t like challenges
C.he is afraid of challengesD.he wants to be happy and famous.

People have used pigeons to carry messages to one another for hundreds of years. In the 12th century, the royal palaces of Iraq and Syria included pigeon houses so the kings could be kept informed of their generals’ victories and defeats on the battlefield. In fact, pigeons were a common way to send messages right up through World War II.
Many countries, such as the United States, England, France, Germany, and Italy, in both World War I and World War II, used carrier pigeons. Not only were the birds often the fastest, most reliable way to send messages, they could also be used to reach soldiers far behind enemy lines, where radios and field telephone lines were useless. Since they could easily be released (释放) from airplanes or ships, every branch of the armed services used the birds. In World War II, more than 3,000 soldiers and 150 officers were needed to care for and train the tens of thousands of birds in the U.S. Pigeon Service.
Carrying messages could be a dangerous job. Some pigeons performed with such bravery that they became famous and were even awarded medals, such as England’s Dicken Medal of Gallantry. In a few cases, pigeons even became prisoners of war. In 1918 American forces captured a pigeon named Kaiser, which had been trained to fly special missions for Germany during battle. He was taken to America, where he lived to the age of 32. The most famous pigeon of all may have been Cher Ami. Stationed in France during World War I, he carried twelve important messages for American forces. On his last mission, though wounded, he carried a message that saved the lives of 194 American soldiers. For his extraordinary service, he was awarded the French “Croix de Guerre.”
Carrier pigeons are a slightly different breed (品种) from the kind of pigeons you see on city streets. They are much thinner and taller, with longer legs. Many people find carrier pigeons ugly because of their big wattle, a bent buildup of skin on the beak(鸟嘴); however, people who raise pigeons often enjoy this strange appearance and consider carriers the best of their breed.
Today, modern communication methods can carry information from one place to another hundreds of times faster than a pigeon could do. However, few people would argue with the fact that carrier pigeons—especially those that served in the military—have earned their place in history. Stories about brave pigeons such as Cher Ami, President Wilson, and Colonel’s Lady have the power to inspire us as no fax machine or high-speed Internet connection could ever do.
【小题1】Many countries used carrier pigeons in the war because_______.

A.they could be believed in
B.they were easily raised
C.they could reach the enemy lines
D.they could hardly be found by airplanes
【小题2】Which is the best example to show the bravery of carrier pigeons?
A.Carrier pigeons could fly to places where radios and telephone lines were useless.
B.For his extraordinary service, Cher Ami was awarded the French “Croix de Guerre”.
C.In World War II, more than 3,000 soldiers were needed to care for and train the pigeons.
D.In the 12th century, kings in Iraq were kept informed of the victories and defeats by pigeons.
【小题3】From the passage, we can learn _________.
A.how carrier pigeons developed in history
B.how to train carrier pigeons to get victory
C.carrier pigeons played an important role in the wars in the old days
D.pigeons inspired soldiers to fight before high-speed Internet invented

A primary school teacher asked her students to write a composition about what they would like God to do for them. At the end of the day, while marking the compositions, she read one that impressed her deeply. Her husband, who had just walked in, saw her crying and asked her, “What happened?”
She answered, “Read this. It is one of my students’ compositions.”
“Dear God, tonight I ask you for something very special: Make me into a television. I want to take its place and live like the TV in my house. Have my own special place, and have my family around me. To be taken seriously when I talk. I want to be the centre of attention and be heard without interruption(打断) or questions. I want to receive the same special care that the TV receives even when it is not working. Have the company of my dad when he arrives home from work, even when he is tired. And I want my mom to want me close when she is sad and upset, instead of ignoring(不理) me. And ...I want my brothers to fight to be with me...I want to feel that my family just put everything aside, every now and then, just to spend some time with me. And last but not least, make sure that I can make them all happy and entertain them. God, I don’t ask you for much. I just want to live like our TV. ”
At that moment the husband said, “My God, poor kid, what horrible parents!” .The teacher looked up at him and said, “That composition is our son’s!”
【小题1】Why did the teacher cry?

A.Because a composition moved her deeply.B.Because the composition was very bad.
C.Because the students were lazy.D.Because she had a fight with her husband.
【小题2】Who was the boy that wrote the composition?
A student who was with God.               B. A student who was like a television
C. A student in her class, but not her son.         D. A student in her class, in fact, her son.
【小题3】According to the article, what will happen when the boy talks?
A.Everyone will pay attention to him.B.He will be interrupted.
C.No one will pay attention.D.His mother will talk to him.
【小题4】Which is not right according to the passages?
A.TV can entertain themB.TV can catch the attention of his family.
C.TV can give you answers when you ask question.D.TV can receive special care from his family.
【小题5】According to the article, we can know the boy is_________.

James and Harry came to London and stayed in the same hotel.
James came in in a great hurry one evening.A friend had offered him a ticket for a play. He saw a 1etter on the hall table.“That will keep till I get back,”he thought,“no time to lose now.”And he went off.
Harry came in a minute after James.There was a letter for him,too,which he opened at once.It was from the secretary(秘书)of a company,offering him a post(职位)in their office. He Was told to be there at 10 a.m.the next morning,as there were others who wanted the job.
James got back from the play at midnight.He was sleepy.“That letter can be opened in the morning,”he thought.The next morning when he woke up,he at once jumped out of bed,tore(撕)it open-his face fell .It was a similar letter to the one Harry had received the night before. But James’ chance was gone .It was five to ten, and he could never be at the office in time.
【小题1】One evening James came in in a great hurry because       .

A.he knew there was a letter on the hall table
B.he had to tell someone to keep his letter until he got back
C.he was afraid he would be late for the play
D.his friend was waiting for him outside the hotel
【小题2】As soon as he woke up,James        .
A.wondered where Harry had gone
B.was eager(急切的)to know the time
C.knew he could never be at the office in time
D.remembered the letter from the company
【小题3】The underlined sentence “his face fell” in the passage means“      ”.
A.he knew there was something wrong with his face
B.he felt very sorry for missing the chance
C.he fell down on his face
D.he realized that he had lost his face

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