
Now, there is a new-type school in New York, which has no everyday lessons, no class teachers and even no school buildings. It is called “City-as-School”. The name just means the city itself is the place where students learn their lessons. They are from the age of 15 to 18. The students choose areas of work which interest them. Then they help to do that work. One girl spends her week in a government office helping the public with problems like housing. Then she goes to help in a theatre for a day and she spends a week for first-year courses at college.
Well, students have to pass Maths and science exams before they enter the “school”. These subjects are not easy to provide in“City-as-School”. Teachers watch the progress of the students. The success rate (比率) is high. 80% of the students go to college after the “City-as-School”.
The students like the duty of their work. They have the sense of purpose. They know a lot about different kinds of work in the city. One of the students, Lizette Martinez, writes “ I want to say that I do not know where I would be right now if I had never become part of City-as-School. Leaving my regular high school and going to City-as-School was the best decision I have ever made. The way the school works to get you to go out there and learn different fields instead of sitting in a classroom is wonderful. For all those who are in between school and dropping out, go to CAS and it will change your life forever.”
City-as-School High School is the nation’s leading (引导) external (外部地) learning or experiential (来自经验的) learning model for high school students.
小题1:What can we learn about“City-as-School”?
A.It has no teachers.
B.It has no school buildings.
C.It has only girl students.
D.It is the only school in the city.
小题2:What do students do in“City-as-School”most of the time?
A.They do whatever they like.
B.They learn Maths and Science.
C.They help with work in a certain area.
D.They learn all the college courses.
小题3:According to the passage,“City-as–School” can help _________.
A.all the students go to college
B.students forget the duty of their work
C.students earn much money while studying
D.students learn a lot about different kinds of work
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.A New CityB.A New School
C.A New-type SchoolD.A Girl in New York


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Now, there is a new-type school in New York, which has no everyday lessons, no class teachers and even no school buildings. It is called “City-as-School”.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The students choose areas of work which interest them. Then they help to do that work.”理解可知。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The way the school works to get you to go out there and learn different fields instead of sitting in a classroom is wonderful.”理解可知。
小题4:标题理解归纳题,根据文中语句“Now, there is a new-type school in New York, which has no everyday lessons, no class teachers and even no school buildings. It is called “City-as-School”.”理解可知。

Stop. Listen! What do you hear? You may hear many different sounds. Some of those sounds may be noise. Noise is a loud or unwanted sound.
Noise can be caused by many kinds of machines, such as motorcycles, jet planes, farm tractors(拖拉机), rock music is also noise.
What happens to people who live near noisy machines or use them over a period of time? Doctors have found that these people have trouble in sleeping. But, most important, constant(不断的) loud noise can cause a loss of hearing.
Scientists use a unit of measure called decibel(分贝) to measure the loudness of a sound. The sound of a quiet room, for example, measures 35 decibels. Talking measures between 40 and 65 decibels. Sounds from traffic and from some rock bands can measure over 120 decibels. Noise at this high level(层次) causes the great hearing loss.
小题1:According to the passage, noise is      .
A.any kind of soundB.a loud or unwanted sound
C.all sounds that you can hearD.terrible sound
小题2:A decibel is a      .
A.unit that measures soundB.kind of noise
C.machine that makes loud noiseD.person who hates sound
小题3:According to the passage, loud noise can      .
A.help people to sleep betterB.stop machines
C.cause a loss of hearingD.kill people
小题4:We can conclude(推断) from the passage that      .
A.noise is a serious problemB.rock music isn’t noisy
C.noise is only from trafficD.some people hate any sound
小题5:Study that diagram below.       would be the quietest.
 Room   Noise Level
A      40~65 decibels
B      35 decibels
C      120 decibels
D      130 decibels
      A. Room A        B. Room B           C. Room C           D. Room D 

How much sleep do we need? We are all different. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night. Others need ten hours of sleep a night. Most Americans sleep an average (平均值) of seven to eight hours a night. After the age of fifty the average sleep time goes down to 6.5 hours a night.
Most people have a bad night when they can not sleep. About one in three Americans has a problem with sleep. Many of these people can not fall sleep. This problem is called (叫做) insomnia. This is not a new problem. Many famous people in history had insomnia. Some of these people had special (特别的) ideas to another to make them sleep. Benjaming Franklin, the famous stateman (政治家) and inventor (发明家),had four beds. He moved from one to another to fall asleep. King Lousis XIV of France had 13 beds and hoped that he could fall asleep in one of them. Mark Twain, the famous American writer, had a different way. He lay on his side on the end of the bed!
小题1:.Most American people need________ hours of sleep a night.
小题2:People need_________ sleep as they get older.
小题3:“The problem is called insomnia.” Here “insomnia” means_________.
A.going to sleep easilyB.sleep at daytime
C.the ways of sleepD.not being able to(能够)go to sleep
小题4:Mark Twain lay on his side on the end of the bed because he_________.
A.was an old manB.thought it was easy to go sleep
C.was a famous writerD.didn’t have much room to sleep in
小题5:The passage is mainly (主要地) talking about_________.
C.how to go to bedD.the famous person
Everyone has got two personalities(性格)the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake because you can control your behavior, but when you’re asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their positions. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.
If you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. You don’t like to displease people. So you never express your real feelings. You’re quite shy and you aren’t quite sure of yourself.
If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and you’re always easily upset. You always stick to your own opinions or judgment, but you don’t raise your hopes too much. You usually live for today not tomorrow. This means that you enjoy having a good time.
If you sleep curled up(蜷缩), you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and so you’re often defensive. You’re shy and you don’t normally like meeting people. You prefer to be on your own. You’re easily hurt.
If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well—balanced personality. You know your strengths and weakness. You’re usually careful. You believe in yourself. You sometimes feel anxious, but you don’t often get sad. You always say what you think even if it makes people rather angry
小题1:You may find the passage in       .
A. a science magazine            B A guide book
C. a sports newspaper            D. a story book
小题2:When does the sleeping position best show your secret personality?
A.In the daytimeB.At the beginning of sleep
C.At nightD.During the deep sleep
小题3:Tina hardly tells her secrets to her friends. She probably goes to sleep       .
A.on curled upB.on her stomachC.on her backD.on her side
小题4:What does the word “defensive” mean in the passage?
小题5:What does the passage tell us?
A.Sleeping on your side is the best way of sleeping
B.Changing positions will cause sleeping problems.
C.Sleeping positions show people’s secret personalities.
D.Enough sleep makes people look better and healthier.
Yoga(瑜伽) is a kind of sport.It is very    46 around the world now. Every one can do yoga. It’s good   47 men and women.
  48 do people like yoga? It’s  49 to say.. The short answer is that yoga helps you to    50 fit. For many people , this answer is enough(足够),   51 there is more if you have an interest in it.
Yoga    52  in india about 5000 years ago. At that time, people wanted to be free,  53 and live a long life.so this kind of exercise was born. Yoga is a Sanskrit(梵语) word and it    54   “to join together”. There are    55  parts in yoga: exercise,brething and thinking. Yoga can give you peace(平静) and help you feel relaxed.
小题1:A.easy              B.popular            C. interesting
小题2:A. to                 B. for               C. with
小题3:A. Why               B. How             C. Where
小题4:A.hard                B. different          C. heavy
小题5:A. take               B. turn             C.keep
小题6:A. so                 B. or               C. but
小题7:A. begin              B. begins            C.began
小题8:A. healthy            B. warm            C. busy
小题9:A. shows             Bmeans             C. plans
小题10:A. two                B. three            C. four
International students in Christine Rhodes’ English class in Australia share their impressions (印象) of places they have visited in Australia.
Canberra, the nicest city in Australia
I went for a short holiday to Canberra. My uncle lives there. It’s the nicest city in Australia, a little bit similar to Cairns. There’re lots of big rivers and trees around the city.
Siggi Siebold from Germany
The small city of Mount Isa
I went to Mount Isa six months ago. It’s a long way from Brisbane — about 2,000 km. It’s a small city, with a population of 21,000, but it has all the basic facilities such as a base hospital, six schools and supermarkets. Here the weather is hot and gets very little rain. There’re two big lakes to keep rainwater for people in the city to drink.
Indra Ekanayake
Lake Moondarra and a mine (矿)
In Mount Isa, there’s a dam (水坝) called Lake Moondarra. At weekends you can go there with your friends, and it is beautiful. On the lake, there is water skiing. Also, people can go fishing there.
There’s a big mine in Mount Isa. Many people go to work in the mine and earn a lot of money. Mount Isa isn’t a beautiful green place, but many people love it.
Ida Robb from Indonesia
小题1:Siggi Siebold is from    .
A.Australia B.GermanyC.EnglandD.Indonesia
小题2:What does the underlined word “facilities” probably mean in Chinese?
小题3:Lake Moondarra is a    .
A.cityB.mountain C.mineD.dam
小题4:Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Ida Robb?
A.People can go fishing on Lake Moondarra.
B.There are 21,000 people in Mount Isa.
C.There’s a big mine in Mount Isa.
D.Many people like Mount Isa though it isn’t a beautiful green place.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Siggi Siebold stayed in Canberra for six months.
B.Mount Isa is a famous village in Australia.
C.People in Mount Isa drink rainwater.
D.People can’t go water skiing on the lake.
The lecture on smoking was over at last. As we boys were rushing towards the playground, Jim passed by the table. The watch, which Mrs Smith had 41_____ on the table as she started her lecture, had disappeared.
We were about to go back for class again when the headmaster called us 42_____ and said, “ I’ve got little 43_______ for you boys. Mrs Smith has just lost her watch on the playground. This kind of thing has happened 44______”.She said, “It just falls off her wrist (手腕).So, look around for it, will you? 45______ if you’re clever enough to find it. You will get a big reward(奖赏)”
At once we started looking for the watch. Everybody wished to be the 46____ one. Suddenly, Jim stopped and bent(弯)down as if to 47_____ something. And 48­­­­_______ he was in front of Mrs Smith, all smiles, 49______ the watch to her.
Mrs Smith, however, didn’t seem 50______ at all. In fact, she looked angry. She took the watch without 51______a “Thank you.”
Jim got his reward—a large piece of paper from the headmaster. He 52______Jim to write a composition 53______ the dangers of smoking. What could 54______ Jim write about? He hadn’t listened to the lecture and had nothing to say on the 55_____.
小题5:A. Say         B see               C. Gues             D. Check
A.put downB.give outC.find outD.pick out
A.the following momentB.the next moment
C.for a momentD.just a moment
A.handing outB.turning inC.giving upD.send back.

WIRES is short for Wildlife Information and Rescue Service. It is an Australian  organization, established(成立) in 1985 to care for injured and orphaned(失去母兽的) native wildlife. WIRES has a network of hundreds of volunteers who rescue and care for native animals until they are well enough to be released (释放)into the wild. Volunteers look after rescued animals in their own homes and are trained in the special needs of native wild animals.
When Australians find a native animal in trouble, they often call WIRES for help. WIRES may be asked to look after a possum that has been attacked by a cat, rescue a large lizard that has got its head caught in a drink can, or care for a baby animal who has lost its mother. People call WIRES when they want to move a dangerous snake away from their garden or when they find a seabird that has swallowed(吞下) a fishing line or an owl with a broken wing. Sometimes kangaroos jumped onto the road in front of cars and are run over. Australians are encouraged to check the pouch(育儿袋)of dead kangaroos in case there is a baby in it. WIRES volunteers find themselves caring for many babies orphaned in this way.
Each year, in the summer, parts of Australia suffer from(受苦) huge bush fires. These fires not only destroy human homes and put people in danger, but they also destroy animal habitats(栖息地)and endanger the animals living in the bush. After a big fire, WIRES and other organizations go into the district to pick up surviving animals. They are treated for burns, shock, smoke and other problems and then cared for until new location can be found for them.
WIRES is also involved in educating people in the importance of caring for wildlife and wildlife habitats. Volunteers visit schools and other public places to talk about native animals. Sometimes they bring a bat or some other interesting animals with them to show to people who may never have seen one up close before.
小题1:What is WIRES?
A.It helps the pets in the street to look for their homes.
B.It rescues and cares for animals in order to set them free.
C.It consists of hundreds of volunteers from all over the world.
D.It provides services for wild animals and keeps them in a zoo.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Australians often call the police for help if they find animals in trouble.
B.Volunteers in WIRES are afraid to take snakes away from communities.
C.Australian government asks WIRES workers to save animals after a fire.
D.WIRES often go to the public places to give lessons of wild animals.
小题3:What’s the passage mainly about?
A.It mainly talks about what WIRES members usually do.
B.It tells us why WIRES develops so quickly in Australia.
C.It teaches us how WIRES can train wild animals at home.
D.It mainly tells us how we can join in WIRES successfully.

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