

介绍自己一天的作息:周一至周五6:00起床,6:10 刷牙,6:30吃早餐。7:00骑自行车去上学,大概会花费20分钟。中午在校吃午餐。每天必须穿校服,虽然不漂亮,但是这是学校的规定。我通常5:30到家,晚餐前要么看电视,要么写作业。十点前上床睡觉。每天都过得很开心。


My Day








My Day

I am a student. I usually have a happy day from Monday to Friday.

In the morning, I often get up at 6:00 and brush my teeth at 6:10. Then I have breakfast at 6:30. And I go to school by bike at 7:00. It takes me about 20 minutes. I have lunch at school. I have to wear uniform every day. Although its not nice. it is a rule in our school. In the afternoon, I usually get home at 5:30. I do my homework and have dinner. After dinner, I either watch TV or do my homework. I go to bed by 10:00.

I have a good time every day.



写作亮点:本范文叙述清楚,结构合理,层次分明。第一段总写每天过得快乐。第二段详细介绍自己的一天,本段按时间先后顺序,由in the morning, in the afternoon 及after dinner引出各时段的主要活动。重点突出,中心突出。第三段用have a good time与第一段的happy遥相呼应,点明中心。


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