Can you remember a world before the Internet?
If you answer is “no,” then you are probably a millennial. Millennials are the
new generation of young Americans. They were born between 1982 and 1992. There
are 33 million of them, and they are just starting to enter the workforce(劳动力). Many experts believe that
millennials are different from young Americans of past generations. They also
believe that millenials will change the workforce in important ways.
How are millennials different? They are the
first generation born in the computer age. The internet has always been a part
of their lives. They spend about 16 hours a week on the Internet, and this
doesn’t include e-mail. And they spend 72 hours a week using other electronic
media(媒体), including
mobile phones and video games. They are “nation speakers” of the language of
the computer age. People who were born earlier will never be native speakers of
that language. Why not? They did not grow up “speaking” it.
How will millennials change the workforce? To
answer that question, it is important to understand how millennials use the
Internet. They use the Internet to communicate. They visit website such as
FaceBook and MySpace every day. They share(分享)ideas, music, information, games, and friendships with
people all over the world. When they start working, they will want to share
their work and ideas with others.
It is also important to understand the
way millennials grew up. Thair parents and teachers gave them a lot of
attention. They taught them that their opinions were valuable(有价值的). As a result, amny millennials
are very cinfident. At work, they will expect their co-workers and bosses to
listen to their opinions.
Millennials also grew up with a lot of
structure in their lives. Many of them went to school from the age of two or
three and played on sports teams. At work, they will expect the rules to be
clear. They will also expect a strong but fair boss, like a coach on a sports
team. They will follow the person in charge (主管) if he or she is fair. But they will not follow an
unfair boss. They will also expect their work to be fun and creative, similar
to their experience on a sports team.
These are a few of the changes that experts
believe millennials will bring to the American workforce. But the world is
changing very fast. There will probably be more changes that are difficult to
imagine today.
1.According to the first paragraph of the
passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Millennials belong to a new generation.
B. Millennials were born about ten years ago.
C. Millennials are entering the workforce.
D. Millennials know little about the world
before the Internet.
2.Which is the main reason that make the
experts believe millennials are different from young Americans of past generations?
A. Millennials can speak a better native
B. Millennials grow up with computers and
C. Millennials use mobile phones and e-mails
often. D. Millennials spend long hours playing video games.
3.Why do the millennials experct to share
their work and ideas with others?
A. Because they know how to use the Internet
to make new friends.
B. Because they understand how to communicate
with new friends.
C. Because they grow up sharing ideas, music,
information, games, and friendships with others by the Internet.
D. Because the Internet can provide all the
information they need.
4.According to the passage, which of the
following is NOT true?
A. Millennials grow up with more attention
from their parents and teachers.
B. Many millennials are showing more confident
than others at work.
C. Many millennials give more valuable
opinions to their co-workers and bosses.
D. Many of the millennials have had fun and
creative experiences when they are on sports teams.
5. From the passage we know that ______.
A. the number of the millennials had come to
33 million by the end of 1982
B. most of the millennnials learn native
computer language in schools.
C. millennials require their bosses to be healthier
and the rules clearer at work
D. more changes will probably be brought to
the American workforce by millennials