Imagine you could remember everything that ever happened to you. The detail(细节)of every book you have ever read. Every moment in class you have ever taken. A perfect memory sounds like a wish come true, doesn't it?

But as the old saying goes, Be careful what you wish for. Believe it or not, there are some people in the world who have near perfect memories of their experiences. They remember almost every detail about almost every day of their lives. People with this ability have a "highly superior autobiographical memory(超级自传体记忆)," or HSAM.

If you are asked this evening to describe the events of your day in as much as detail as possible, you will probably do pretty well. But if I ask you to provide details about what you did on March 3, 2012, do you know what day of the week it was? What did you eat for lunch? Was it cold that day? You would have no idea where to even begin.

A person with HSAM would be able to provide all those details for almost any day of his or her life. In addition to(除了)every great moment they remember, they also remember each time they were embarrassed(难堪)or deeply sad. The negative(消极的)events replay in their minds in equal detail as the great moments. Sometimes,forgetting isn’t such a bad thing.

In fact, for most of us, forgetting is a natural part of how our brains function(运转). If we don't need to remember something or try to make an effort to remember it, the information fades away(消逝)and is lost. But for those people with HSAM, the problem is that they are unable to forget. All of their experiences, even the most unimportant, remain clear to them all the time.

Research has shown that the brains of people with HSAM do not simply function differently than other brains; their brains are structurally different. By studying the brains of people with HSAM, scientists may be able to find ways of helping others have better memories—not perfect memories with an inability to forget, but better memories.

1.The writer mentions three questions in Paragraph 3 to show that .

A.many people would like to share their life experience with others

B.few people can describe the events of the present moments

C.some people find it difficult to tell others about their life

D.most people can't remember lots of details in the past

2.People with HSAM .

A.often feel sorry or deeply sad for others

B.want negative events to stay clear in their minds

C.remember both great and bad moments in details

D.forget their unimportant experiences in daily life

3.The writer probably agrees that .

A.practice makes memory perfect

B.forgetting is important and helpful

C.people should remember everything

D.scientists should help people with HSAM

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Importance of Memory

B.The Imperfect Gift of Memory

C.The New Research of Memory

D.The Advantages of People with HSAM

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