
       Everyone wants to own the friendship, because without a friend, the world is like a desert. The
friendship is thought very important. Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don't
give friendship back. That is one of the causes why some friendships don't last very long. To have a
friend, you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to
treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning the following rules.
        Honesty (诚实) is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust (信任) one another.
If you don't tell the truth, people usually find out, and you may lose your friend's trust. Good friends
always trust in one another to speak and do things honestly. 
       Generosity means sharing (分享) and sharing makes a friendship grow. You don't have to give your
lunch money or your clothes, of course. Instead you share your ideas and feelings. These can be valuable
(宝贵的) to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them, you help your friends
know you better.
       Sooner or late everyone needs understanding and help with a problem. Something may go wrong at
school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in
solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your
friend's place, so you can understand the problem better. 
       No two friendships are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. In fact,
good friendship will just not easily last. That is to say, you must give as much as you take, or friendship will
die away.
1. Is it easy to keep a good friendship?
2. What are the three rules to be a good friend?
3. Which is the base of friendship among the three rules?
4. How do you let your friends know you? 
5. In what way can you keep friendships long? 
1. No, it isn't.
2. Honesty, generosity and understanding.
3. Honesty.
4. By sharing your ideas and feelings.
5. We should follow the three rules and give the friendship back.
    Before you decide want to be writers when they grow up. It means that they want to   1   stories or books
for people to   2   That sounds nice. It is   3   to write something for people! But they should   4   that they
need to be good readers   5   before they Are really good writhers, They should read a lot of books and read
   6   hours every Day. They can not spend much time watching TV or playing games when they are   7  .
    If you are a good reader, it doesn't   8      9   for fun before you decide to be a good writer, you'd better
say to  10  I must read and read more and more!"
(     )1.A.1earn  
(     )2.A.read   
(     )3.A.well   
(     )4.A.teach  
(     )5.A.first  
(     )6.A.in     
(     )7.A.busy  
(     )8.A.spend  
(     )9.A.games  
(     )10.A.yourself 
B.look at       
D. find          
D. look           
D. funny          
D. know            
D. still       
D. for                                
D. necessary     
D. depend        
D. homework         
D. himself   

      There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it,
guide-book in hand. Of course, we may    1    with our guide-books the history and special developments
of a town and get to know them.    2    then, if we take our time and stay in a town for a while, we may
get to know it better. When we look at it as a whole, we begin to have some    3   , which even the best
guide-books do not answer. Why is the town just    4   this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its
streets    5   in this particular way, and not in any other way?
      Here even the best guide-book fails us. One can't find in it the information about how a town has
developed to the    6   appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的) design of a town. However,
one may get some ideas of what it    7   to look like by walking around the town. One can also imagine 
   8    the town was first planned and built. Then one can learn more about in what direction the town    9   
to develop.
     What is the point of studying towns in this way? For me, it is simply that one gets greater pleasure by
visiting and seeing a town with one's own eyes. A personal visit to a town may help one better understand
why it is attractive   10  just reading about it in a guide-book.

(     )1. A. write  
(     )2. A. But    
(     )3. A. ideas  
(     )4. A. of     
(     )5. A. open   
(     )6. A. old    
(     )7. A. used   
(     )8. A. what           
(     )9. A. stops  
(     )10. A. from   
B. study     
B. Before       
B. opinions  
B. for         
B. run          
B. normal  
B. was like    
B. how             
B. appears            
B. through   
C. tell           
C. Since         
C. feelings    
C. like        
C. begin           
C. first       
C. had        
C. when             
C. starts      
C. than      
D. remember         
D. Until             
D. questions      
D. as             
D. move                
D. present                          
D. happened     
D. where                 
D. continues   
D. with         
        I remember as a small child at gatherings (聚会) with family or friends, someone would ask: "What are you
going to be when you grow up?"
        At first I said I wanted to be a cowboy or some super hero. Later it was a fireman, artist, architect
(建筑师)… As I grew older my dreams of the future changed. When at last I was in college, I was asked: "What
will you major (主修) in?" By then I had my heart set on becoming a computer programmer. So I studied and
prepared for that life. I was designing software full-time for much of my life.
        I am content (满意的) that could realize my dream. However, for many, there is a "thief" who goes around
stealing our dreams.
        We find ourselves close to reaching our goal. Then we hear this small voice inside our heads saying: "You'll
never make it." "You can't possibly do this." "Very few have ever done this successfully." On and on, the voice
predicts (预言) some kind of failure.
        Don't listen to that voice. There are no overnight (突如其来的) successes, but with perseverance
(坚定不移). It will come. Imagine yourself in the life you dream of living. Then in your heart, believe it will
happen for you, as it has for others. Then work, work, and work! You get the picture.
        Be true to your dream, and don't let anyone steal it from you — especially yourself. You can do anything
your heart desires, so don't give up or give in.
1. As a child, the writer didn't want to be ______.
[     ]
A. a cowboy
B. a fireman
C. an artist
D. a computer programmer
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
[     ]
A. The author felt sorry that his dreams were not realized
B. The author thought that he had too many dreams.
C. The author was happy to be a computer programmer
D. The author hated the thief that stole his dreams.
3. The phrase "make it" in the 4th paragraph means "_______".
[     ]
A. be successful
B. create things
C. have a dream
D. win a game
4. The writer thinks one has to ______ to succeed.
[     ]
A. listen to a small voice
B. hold on to one's dream
C. have rich parents
D. go to good schools
5. The story mainly tells us the importance of ______.
[     ]
A. jobs
B. honesty
C. education
D. dreams
     Everybody wishes to be successful in life. Nobody wants to    1   in work or study. Success brings
happiness    2   to the person who succeeds    3   to his family members or friends.
     It is said that success can be achieved (完成) through diligence (勤奋的). So according to this we
can say, "where there's a    4  , there's a    5  ." Although    6   is always difficult to start, we can also
be successful if we don't    7  .
     Devotion is also important    8    success. Devotion means, "Put your heart    9   the things you do."
The gardeners' work is an example. They take   10   of the fruit trees every day-water them, cut the
branches, so that they can bear (结出) delicious fruit. So in the same way success can only be achieved
through hard work.
(     )1. A. do nothing
(     )2. A. only      
(     )3. A. till      
(     )4. A. success   
(     )5. A. way       
(     )6. A. he        
(     )7. A. go away   
(     )8. A. for       
(     )9. A. into      
(     )10. A. out        
B. do anything   
B. has           
B. always        
B. will          
B. unhappy      
B. people        
B. give up      
B. with          
B. on            
B. away        
C. be nothing   
C. not only     
C. but yet      
C. happiness    
C. hope         
C. person       
C. afraid       
C. to          
C. at            
C. care    
D. has         
D. not yet     
D. but also   
D. person     
D. fail       
D. it                             
D. say        
D. in         
D. as           
D. leaves 

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