

      There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it,
guide-book in hand. Of course, we may    1    with our guide-books the history and special developments
of a town and get to know them.    2    then, if we take our time and stay in a town for a while, we may
get to know it better. When we look at it as a whole, we begin to have some    3   , which even the best
guide-books do not answer. Why is the town just    4   this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its
streets    5   in this particular way, and not in any other way?
      Here even the best guide-book fails us. One can't find in it the information about how a town has
developed to the    6   appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的) design of a town. However,
one may get some ideas of what it    7   to look like by walking around the town. One can also imagine 
   8    the town was first planned and built. Then one can learn more about in what direction the town    9   
to develop.
     What is the point of studying towns in this way? For me, it is simply that one gets greater pleasure by
visiting and seeing a town with one's own eyes. A personal visit to a town may help one better understand
why it is attractive   10  just reading about it in a guide-book.

(     )1. A. write  
(     )2. A. But    
(     )3. A. ideas  
(     )4. A. of     
(     )5. A. open   
(     )6. A. old    
(     )7. A. used   
(     )8. A. what           
(     )9. A. stops  
(     )10. A. from   
B. study     
B. Before       
B. opinions  
B. for         
B. run          
B. normal  
B. was like    
B. how             
B. appears            
B. through   
C. tell           
C. Since         
C. feelings    
C. like        
C. begin           
C. first       
C. had        
C. when             
C. starts      
C. than      
D. remember         
D. Until             
D. questions      
D. as             
D. move                
D. present                          
D. happened     
D. where                 
D. continues   
D. with         
1-5: BADCB    6-10: DABDC


Once, in a small village, lived a family with eight children. Two of the children loved   1  very much, but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send   2   of them to study at the art college at the same time. After many discussions, the two boys finally   3   a plan. They would toss(抛) a coin. The loser would go  4 into the mines (煤矿) and, with his earnings(赚得的钱),   5  his brother studying at the college. Then, when the brother who won the toss finished his studies, after four years, he would support the other brother studying at the   6  

James won the toss and Jack went down into the mines. James worked with all his heart and his paintings were much   7  than those of most of his teachers, and by the time he   8  , he was beginning to make a lot of money for his paintings.

  9  James returned, the family held a big dinner for his great success. Soon after the meal began, James  10 up from his seat to drink a toast (举杯祝酒) to his dear   11    He said, "Jack, now you can go to the art college and your   12   will come true. I will take care of you. "

But Jack said   13  , "Brother, the four years in the mines has done too much to my hands, so it' s too   14   Now I can' t even hold a glass. "

To show his great love and respect, James drew his brother' s hands with   15  towards the sky.

He called his drawing "The Praying Hands", which became very famous years later.

1.                A.painting        B.books          C.school    D.money


2.                A.any            B.all             C.both D.neither


3.                A.looked out      B.worked out      C.took out  D.got out


4.                A.off            B.away           C.up   D.down


5.                A.support        B.agree          C.follow    D.let


6.                A.home          B.mine           C.college   D.school


7.                A.better          B.worse          C.cheaper  D.older


8.                A.arrived         B.graduated       C.walked   D.waited


9.                A.Before         B.When          C.Though   D.While


10.               A.picked         B.turned         C.looked    D.stood


11.               A.brother        B.sister          C.father D.mother


12.               A.way           B.idea           C.dream D.practice


13.               A.happily         B.surprisedly      C.angrily    D.softly


14.               A.early          B.late            C.good D.helpful


15.               A.legs           B.feet           C.arms  D.fingers




Bruce is only an 8 years old boy.He loves the 33    very much.Many students in his class have pets(宠物), 34    he doesn’t have one.So he wants his mother to buy him a 35    .It’s Sunday today.Bruce and his mother go shopping.Bruce asks,”Mom,could you buy me a pet?”

“Let me see…What pet do you 36  ?”his mother asks.

“I want a  37   .I like it very much.”

“Oh,dear.You can’t have a pet monkey.It will  38  your bananas.”

“How about a panda?It’s cute.It’s my 39   animal.”

“A panda?No.It will drink your milk.”

“Well,”Bruce 40   a moment(一会儿).”Oh,I can have a pet elephant.It can’t drink my milk.It is very kind,too.”

“It’s so 41  and we don’t have a big room for it,”says his mother.”You can have a pet.It isn’t big,and it can’t drink your milk or eat your bananas.”

“Well,I know.”

42   is it,my dear?”

“Dad!Bruce says happily.

1.                A.food           B.animals         C.clothes   D.vegetables


2.                A.so             B.and            C.but  D.then


3.                A.book           B.banana         C.desk D.pet


4.                A.want           B.bring           C.see  D.give


5.                A.lion            B.tiger           C.monkey  D.cat


6.                A.drink          B.eat            C.wait D.cook


7.                A.good           B.well            C.love D.favorite


8.                A.thinks          B.looks           C.helps D.goes


9.                A.old            B.young          C.big  D.nice


10.               A.How           B.Where         C.Whos     D.What



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