
Everyone worries. But how do you deal with your worries? Whether your worries are big or small, you can take these three steps to deal with your worries:
1. Try to find out what you're worded about
Sometimes, you will know what you're worried about. Other times ,you might not. Try to find it out first; if you can't, you can’t ask for help.
2. Think of ways to make it better
There is always something you can do to help you feel less worded. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won't solve your problem.[
Grades at school are often top worries for kids. If you're worded about grades, ask yourself these questions:
★ Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me?
★How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isn't a test?
★Do I have a good place to do my homework?
★ Have I tried different ways of studying?
If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could do: write a note to him or her, invite him or her to a basketball game, say sorry to him or her, etc. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose the one that gets your friend back.
3. Ask for help
When you're worried, it can help to find someone to talk to. You can ask your parents, friends, or teachers for help.
小题1:How many steps of dealing with your worries are mentioned in the passage?
小题2:When you don't know what you're worried about,_________
A.you should try to find it out.B.you can't ask for help
C.you don't need to think of waysD.you can sit there worrying
小题3:If you're worried about grades, you can ask yourself these questions except”_____”"
A.Why are grades important?B.What do grades mean to me?
C.How do I get ready for class?D.Why don't my friends like me?
小题4:According to the passage, what will you do if you have a fight with your friend?
A.Invite him or her to a basketball game.B.Don't talk to him or her any more.
C.Have another fight with him or her.D.Make a new friend.
小题5:The passage mainly tells us            .
A.who is often worriedB.when people are worried
C.how to deal with our worriesD.what kind of worries people have


小题1:细节理解题。根据Whether your worries are big or small, you can take these three steps to deal with your worries:描述,可知本题主要提到了三步应对烦恼的方法。故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据Try to find it out first; if you can't, you can’t ask for help.描述,可知当你不知道自己的烦恼是什么时,不要去请求帮助。故选B。
小题4:细节理解题。根据If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could do: write a note to him or her, invite him or her to a basketball game, 描述,可知如果和朋友吵架了可以邀请他们去打篮球。故选A。
Today the world's economy is not going well. Crisis(危机)is to our life just like     to our body. Just as fatal(致命)disease can destroy our body and sometimes even put an    to our lives, so does crisis knock us down so hopelessly that we might never have chance of standing up again.Just take my own country for instance.Of course,in the   twenty years,our economy has gained the highest speed.But haven't we paid too much?Our rivers are    .Our natural resources are becoming  and fewer.Is it worthy of it?
Crisis sometimes contributes(贡献)to our life treasure in a way that few can imagine.It can make us strong enough to face ourselves when we feel weak.Eric,my uncle is an      . He had hard time in his    going through such a fatal disease that he had never thought he survive.     ,he was saved by doctors.Ever since then he regarded his life as a second given by God and has been so grateful to the world that he      his best to do what he could. And now he is living a      and successful life.
A.exampleB.caseC.such asD.for example
A.childhoodB.childC.childrenD.child time
A.LuckB.Lucky C.LuckilyD.Luckly

    Canadian school buses are called “the safest school buses in the world”.All the school buses,which are in deep yellow,have the same style.School bus drivers have to receive strict training before getting driver’s licenses.

When a school bus runs through the city and carries children to a stop, the driver will turn on the red light and then show the sign“Stop”.At this time,all the vehicles(车辆)following the school bus must stop as if they met a red light.After all the children get on or off,the school bus will drive away.Then other vehicles can go on.
    Many people will think of cartoons as soon as they talk about Japanese school buses.For a long time,cartoon pictures on school buses have already been popular and become models of
Japanese school buses.When children see pink Hello Kitty or blue Doraemon, no one will refuse to go to school any more.

On Japanese school buses,there’s always a headman caring for kids.If something happens suddenly,the headman will tell parents about it as soon as possible.
小题1:The color of Canadian school buses is       
小题2:From the passage, we know that       
A.Canadian school buses must have a headman
B.Canadian school buses should follow other vehicles
C.Japanese school buses may look cute
D.Japanese school bus drivers can get licenses easily
小题3:The passage is written mainly to________.
A.introduce school buses in Canada and Japan
B.suggest schools choosing better school buses
C.welcome students to Canada and Japan
D.ask students to obey traffic rules

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