
Answer the questions according to the passage you read.
A great French writer said that we should help everyone as much as we can, because we often need help ourselves. Sometimes the small can help the great. And he told the following story.
An ant was drinking by a small river and fell in. She tried her best to reach the bank(岸), but she couldn’t move at all. The poor ant got too tried but was still doing her best. Then a big bird saw her. The bird threw a piece of wood into the water. With it the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself on the grass, she heard a man coming up. The man was walking with a gun(枪) in his hand. As soon as he saw the bird, he wanted to kill her. But the ant bit(咬) him on one of his feet and at the moment the bird flew away at once.
The ant saved the bird’s life.
小题1: According to the French writer, we often need help from others, so what should we do?
小题2:What does the sentence “we often need help ourselves”?
小题3:Why did the ant couldn’t reach the bank when it fell into the river?
小题4:Though the poor ant was too tried, what did she do?

小题1:So we should help others as much as possible.
小题2:It means we often need help from others.
小题3:Because she couldn’t move at all.
小题4:She still went on trying.

小题1:细节理解题。根据文章的第一句话A great French writer said that we should help everyone as much as we can, because we often need help ourselves.可知,一个法国作家曾说过,我们应该尽可能的去帮助别人,因为我们也经常需要别人的帮助。
小题2:句意理解题。we often need help ourselves,意为:我们自己经常需要帮助。在这里作者的意思是想说,我们也经常需要别人的帮助,所以我们也要去帮助别人。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文章的第二段An ant was drinking by a small river and fell in. She tried her best to reach the bank(岸), but she couldn’t move at all.可知,一只蚂蚁在河边喝水掉进了河里,它尽最大努力想游到岸边,但是它根本动不了。故填because she couldn’t move at all。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文章第二段The poor ant got too tried but was still doing her best.可知,这只蚂蚁想游到岸边,它很累了,但是它仍然尽它的最大努力。
Sudha Chandran, a classical dancer from India, had to have her right leg cut after a car accident. She was also cut off on her career(事业)road.
Though the accident brought her bright career to a _____, she didn’t give up. In the __ months that followed, Sudha met a doctor___ developed an artificial (人造的) feet made from rubber filled with sponge (海绵). So ______ she wanted to go back to dancing after she had been fitted with an artificial leg. Sudha knew that she believed in herself .___ __,she could realize her dream, so she began her courageous journey back to the world of ____— learning to balance, bend, stretch, walk, turn, twist and twirl.
After every public recital (个人表演), she might ask her dad about her performance. “You  ____ have a long way to go” was the answer she used to get in return . In January 1984, Sudha made a historic comeback by giving a public recital in Bombay. She performed in such a great manner that it  __ everyone to tears and this ______ pushed her to the number one position again. That evening when she asked her __ the same question, he didn’t say anything. He just touched her _____ as a praise.
Sudha’s comeback was _____moving that a film producer decided to make the story into a hit film.It has moved more and more people.
When someone asked Sudha how she had managed to dance again, she said quite ______, “__ DON’T NEED FEET TO DANCE.”  is impossible in this world. If you have the will to win, you can achieve anything.
A.StronglyB.SadlyC.in surpriseD.in excitement
A.slowlyB.politelyC.simplyD.happily c
Hannah was born and raised in a poor (贫困的)framily. She wore(穿)hand –me –downs(旧东西) from her older sisters.For Christmas she usually got used toys and books .As a chilld ,she wanted to have the beautiful clothes ,cars ,and homes that she often saw on TV and in magazines.
Five years after college,she became a manager.Her dream came true.She had her own company(公司)near Central Park.She took skiing vacations in the winter and travelled by ship in the summer .At the age of 30,Hannah was on top of the world.
Then she had her usual health check-up.Her doctor told her that she had a serious illness.Her doctor guessed that she had less than a year to live.
He advised ,“If you have any once –in –a-life time plans,do them now.”
Hannah spent her last months in her company.She was looked after by hospice (临终安养院)workers.Her family and friends often visited her .The moment before she died ,she opened her eyes and said,“If you have your health,you have everything.”
小题1:What did Hannah often get for Christmas when she was a child?
A.Beautiful cars.B.New magazines.
C.Her sisters’clothes.D.Used toys and books.
小题2:What did Hannah do ?
A.She was a doctor.
B.She was A TV host.
C.She worked for a famous company.
D.She was the manager of her own company.
小题3:Why did the doctor ask Hannah to do some once-in-a-lifetime plans?
A.Because she had a lot of time after vacations.
B.Because she would not live for more than a year.
C.Because she was busy every day .
D.Because she had enough money to do so.
小题4:What is the most importeant thing for people according to Hannah’s last words?
小题5:What did Hannah probably realize(认识到)at last?
A.She should buy lots of beautiful clothes and a big house.
B.She should go to see the famous doctors in foreign countries.
C.She should give her company to her family.
D.When a person loses his health,he kows how important it is.
A young man was getting ready to graduate(毕业)from college. For many months he had admired(欣赏,羡慕) a beautiful sports car in a seller's showroom, and knowing his father could      it, he told him that was all he wanted.
On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how     he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box.    but slightly(轻微地) disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely book.     ,he raised his voice at his father and said, "With all your money you only give me a book?" Then he rushed out of the house,     the book in the study.
He didn't contact(联系) his father for a whole year    one day he saw an old man who looked like his father in the street. He realized he had to go back home and see his father.
When he arrived at his father's house, he was told his father had been in hospital for a week. When he was going to      the hospital, he saw the new book still on the desk, just as he had left it one    before. He opened it and began to turn the pages. Suddenly, a car key _____ from an envelope(信封) behind the book. It had a tag(标签).On the tag was the     of his graduation, and the words PAID IN FULL.
A.get toB.leave forC.turn toD.arrive
Kindergartens may teach you very important things you need to know. Dancy, a 5-year-old boy, saved his father’s life with the skills he learned.
The boy’s father became seriously ill on the way home from a father-son shopping. He couldn’t speak and could hardly move, but he tried hard to stop the car safely. At that point, Dancy used his father’s phone to call his mother for help. The 5-year-old boy tried his best to give her useful information and he was able to tell where they were. Just as he had learned in the kindergarten, Dancy read the letters he saw on a nearby store sign: “F,U,R,N,I,T,U,R,E.” But that wasn’t enough for his mother to find them. Then he added that they were near a bridge. Finally, his mother understood he was talking about a store called Furniture 22 on New Jersey’s Route 22. The mother called 911 and the father was saved in time.
“He just thought his dad needed help,” Dancy’s mother told the reporter. She also pointed out that her husband was a hero, too. “It is surprising for him to get off the highway and get himself and his child to safety even when he was so sick,” she said.
Shine, head of the kindergarten, felt proud of his pupil. “Dancy’s spelling skills helped him seize(抓住)the moment,” he said. “And that’s the real value of education.”
小题1:When the father became seriously ill, he and his son were ______.
A.on the wayhomeB.in the kindergarten
C.in a shopping centerD.at a bus station
小题2:Dancy called ______for help when his father couldn’t speak.
A.911B.his motherC.ShineD.the reporter
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Dancy drove his father home.
B.The reporter was really a hero.
C.Shine sent Dancy’s father to hospital.
D.Dancy saved his father with his spelling skills.

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