

Billy is a boy. He’s fifteen years old. His parents (1) for three years. One day when he was walking in the street, he (2) a wallet. He (3) to the owner, Mr Baker. He gave his (4) to the boy. As the boy had no job, Mr Baker made him (5) for him in his (6) . Billy worked so hard that Mr and Mrs Baker were (7) with him.

Mr Baker loved planting (8) . The week before last, he brought (9) trees home, planted them in the (10) himself and watered them every day. Several days (11) , he had to leave for another city. Before he started, he said to Billy, “Take good care of the trees. Some boys near our house always want to steal them.” “Don’t (12) about them, sir,”answered Billy, “I’ll try my best to (13) them.”Six days passed and Mr Baker came back. He asked, “(14) anyone ever come to steal the trees?” “No, sir.”said Billy, “To stop someone from stealing the trees, I (15) them up six days ago. I have hidden them for almost a week!”


A. has died    B. have been dead    C. die    D. has dead

[  ]


A. bought    B. found    C. carried    D. wanted

[  ]


A. gave it back    B. gave back it    

C. returned it back    D. returned back it

[  ]


A. wallet    B. pity    C. thanks    D. excuses

[  ]


A. to work    B. worked    C. working    D. work

[  ]


A. office    B. factory    C. town    D. home

[  ]


A. pleased    B. angry    C. popular    D. sad

[  ]


A. grass    B. flowers    C. vegetables    D. trees

[  ]


A. few    B. a few    C. little    D. a little

[  ]


A. garden    B. office    C. city    D. room

[  ]


A. ago    B. later    C. before    D. after

[  ]


A. think    B. talk    C. learn    D. worry

[  ]


A. watch    B. see    C. look at    D. find

[  ]


A. Did    B. Does    C. Has    D. Will

[  ]


A. sent    B. pulled    C. put    D. picked

[  ]
答案:1.B ;2.B ;3.A ;4.C ;5.D ;6.D ;7.A ;8.D ;9.B ;10.A ;11.B ;12.D ;13.A ;14.C ;15.B ;


Billy is a boy of fifteen.His parents died three years ago.One day when he was walking in the street.he 1   a wallet.He returned it to the owner,Mr.Baker.He gave his tartline2   to the boy.As the boy had no job,Mr.Baker made him work for him in his 3   .Billy worked so hard that Mr.and Mrs.Baker were 4   with him.Mr.Baker loved planting 5 ndline.The week before last,he brought a few trees home,planted them in the 6   himself and watered them every day.Several days 7 ndline,he had to 1eave for another city Before he started,he said to Billy.“Take good care of these trees.Some boys near our house always want to steal(偷)them.”“Don't 8   about them,sir,"answered Billy.“I'll try my best to watch them.”Six days passed and Mr.Baker came back.He asked,“9   anyone come to steal the trees when we were away?” “No,sir,” said Billy.“To stop someone from stealing the tress,I 10   them up six days ago.I have hidden (藏)them for almost a week.”


A.bought  B.found  C.carried D.wanted

[  ]


A.wallet  B.pity  C.thanks D.excuses

[  ]


A.office  B.factory  C.town D.home

[  ]


A.pleased  B.angry  C.bored D.sad

[  ]


A.grass  B.flowers C.vegetables D.trees

[  ]


A.garden  B.office C.city D.room

[  ]


A.ago  B.later  C.before D.after

[  ]


A.think  B.talk  C.learn   D.worry

[  ]


A.Did  B.Does  C.Has  D.Will

[  ]


A.sent  B.pulled C.put   D.picked

[  ]


Mrs Black was waiting ___1__ an important __2___, but she had ___3___ bread in the house, so she left the baby at home and said to her five-year-old son. “I’m going to the shop, Jimmy, and I’ll __4___ in a few minutes.”

When she was __5__, the telephone rang, and Jimmy answered. “Hello,” said a man, “Is your mother there?” “No,” Jimmy answered. “Well, when she comes back, tell her that Mr Baker telephoned.” “What?” “Mr Baker. Write it __6___.” “I can’t write.” “Little boy, is there anybody else ___7__ you? Any brothers or sisters?” “My brother Billy is here.” “Good! I want to talk to him, please.” “All right,” Jimmy took the ___8___ to the baby’s bed and gave it to Billy.

When their mother came back, she asked, “Did ___9___ telephone?” “Yes,” said Jimmy, “A man only wants to talk to ___10__.”

1.                A.at             B.for            C.in   D.to


2.                A.telephone call   B.bus            C.man D.woman


3.                A.some          B.no             C.and  D.not


4.                A.back           B.to back         C.be back   D.to be back


5.                A.home          B.in             C.out  D.back


6.                A.up            B.down          C.away D.out


7.                A.with           B.and            C./    D.or


8.                A.read           B.pen            C.paper    D.telephone


9.                A.someone       B.anyone         C.somebody D.no one


10.               A.me            B.Billy           C.Jimmy D.You



                                                                   "See the doctor"
      In the waiting room,the patients (病人) , men and women,old and young,were sitting __1__ on the chairs, _2 _  for their turns. Billy, a school boy, was sitting there,too. They all looked very sad _ 3 _Billy. He _4_ an interesting story,and there was a smile on his face. Just then,the doctor came in to say he was ready for the next patient. Billy jumped up and ran into the __5 _  room.  
     " Good  morning, doctor!" " Good morning!  What's your __6_  ,young man?"asked the doctor.  _ 7_ Billy could say a word,the doctor made him   _8_ down on a bed. "Now,let me listen to your heart. " Billy tried to speak,but the doctor told him   __9_ anything."_10__,I'll take your temperature.”" Billy tried to sit up, but the doctor stopped him. "Now open your mouth... Mm, good."__11__with you.""I know there  12 _,"said the boy. "I just came to get some medicine for my father. "
(     )1. A. quickly        
(     )2. A. waiting        
(     )3. A. with          
(     )4. A. saw            
(     )5. A. patients      
(     )6. A. story          
(     )7. A. Before        
(     )8. A. to lie          
(     )9. A. say            
(     )10. A. After        
(     )11. A. wrong nothing
(     )12. A. aren't        

B. quietly        
B. waited          
B. and            
B. was seeing      
B. waiting        
B. trouble        
B. After          
B. lay              
B. not to say      
B. In              
B. something wrong
B. are            

C. luckily        
C. to wait      
C. except        
C. read          
C. sitting      
C. matter        
C. Until        
C. lying          
C. not say      
C. On            
C. nothing wrong
C. isn't          

D. noisily        
D. wait            
D. without        
D. was reading    
D. doctor's        
D. wrong          
D. While          
D. lie              
D. to say          
D. At              
D. wrong something
D. is              

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