
Mrs Black was waiting ___1__ an important __2___, but she had ___3___ bread in the house, so she left the baby at home and said to her five-year-old son. “I’m going to the shop, Jimmy, and I’ll __4___ in a few minutes.”
When she was __5__, the telephone rang, and Jimmy answered. “Hello,” said a man, “Is your mother there?” “No,” Jimmy answered. “Well, when she comes back, tell her that Mr Baker telephoned.” “What?” “Mr Baker. Write it __6___.” “I can’t write.” “Little boy, is there anybody else ___7__ you? Any brothers or sisters?” “My brother Billy is here.” “Good! I want to talk to him, please.” “All right,” Jimmy took the ___8___ to the baby’s bed and gave it to Billy.
When their mother came back, she asked, “Did ___9___ telephone?” “Yes,” said Jimmy, “A man only wants to talk to ___10__.”

A.telephone callB.busC.manD.woman
A.backB.to backC.be backD.to be back
A.someoneB.anyoneC.somebodyD.no one


【小题1】根据句意:布莱克太太正在等待什么。wait for等待 故选B
【小题2】 A. telephone call电话  B. bus 公车   C. man 男人    D. woman女人 根据第二段可知,她正在等一个非常重要的电话。故选A
【小题6】A. up向上    B. down向下  C. away 离去  D. out外面 根据句意:把它写下来。Write down 写下来 故选B
【小题8】A. read读   B. pen钢笔    C. paper纸  D. telephone电话 根据句意:吉姆把电话拿到了婴儿床那里,把电话给了比利。故选D
【小题9】A. someone有人  B. anyone 任何人  C. somebody有人   D. no one没有人 根据句意:妈妈问有人来电话吗?疑问句用anyone。故选B
【小题10】A. me 我    B. Billy比利   C. Jimmy吉姆   D. You你 根据句意:那个男人只想和比利说话。故选B


Even a child knows that nodding the head means" Yes".But some people will probably be puzzled(迷惑的)when they first come to India.When they talk to an Indian,he often shakes his head.They might think that the Indian does not like what he said,but on the contrary,he is expressing agreement.
The Indians have a habit of shaking their heads slightly when they talk to somebody.It doesn’t mean" No",but" Yes".
If a person doesn’t know this,it might cause misunderstanding(误解).
At one time a foreigner in India told his driver who was an Indian to take him to his office.The driver shook his head.The foreigner said his request again and the driver still shook his head.At last,the foreigner shouted angrily,“Drive me to my office at once!” The driver said in a low voice," Yes,sir,"smiling and shaking his head again at the same time.
【小题1】In general,nodding the head means and shaking the head means_____.

A."Yes"..." No"B."No"..." Yes"
C."Yes"..." Yes"D."No"..." No"
【小题2】According to the habit of India,if someone agrees with you,he will ______.
A.nod his head
B.shake his head
C.neither nod his head nor shake his head
D.both nod his head and shake his head
【小题3】Why did the Indian driver shake his head when the foreigner asked him to drive him to his office? Because_________.
A.the Indian driver had something important to do
B.the foreigner agreed to give him only a little money
C.the driver felt uncomfortable at that time
D.in India shaking the head means agreement
【小题4】The foreigner became angry because_______.
A.the Indian driver didn’t want to send him to his office
B.he misunderstood the meaning of shaking the head in India
C.he asked the driver to send him to his office,but the driver didn’t say any words
D.the Indian driver asked him for a lot of money
【小题5】The phrase" on the contrary" means_____.

Last summer vacation, I volunteered to work at a vet’s(兽医诊所). There I saw a lot of dogs. Minnie was the funniest-looking dog I’d ever seen. Short thin curly hair covered her sausage-shaped(香肠形)body. Her eyes always seemed surprised. And her tail looked like a rats tail.
She was brought to the vet because her owners didn’t want her any more. I thought Minnie had a sweet personality, though.“No one should judge her by her looks,”I thought. Finally, I advertised Minnie in the local paper.“Funny-looking dog, well-behaved, needs a loving family.”
When a boy called, I warned him that Minnie was strange-looking. The boy on the phone told me that his grandfather’s sixteen-year-old dog had just died. They wanted Minnie no matter what. I gave Minnie a good bath. Then we waited for them to arrive. At last, an old car pulled up in front of the vet’s. Two kids raced to the door. They picked Minnie up and rushed her out to their grandfather, who was waiting in the car. I hurried behind them to see his reaction to Minnie. Inside the car, the grandfather held Minnie in his arms and stroked her soft hair. She licked(舔)his face. Her tail wagged(摇摆)around so quickly that it looked like it might fly off her body.
“She’s perfect!”the old man said happily.
I was thankful that Minnie had found a good home.
Suddenly, I saw that the grandfather’s eyes were a milky white colour—he was blind.
【小题1】The last three sentences in the first paragraph tell us      .

A.how funny Minnie lookedB.how well Minnie behaved
C.Minnie was a beautiful dogD.Minnie was dying
【小题2】Why did the writer advertise Minnie in the local newspaper?
A.Because he wanted to sell her at a good price.
B.Because he didn’t want her any more, either.
C.Because he wanted to find a family for her.
D.Because he wanted to have another dog.
【小题3】Why did the boy who called the writer want Minnie?
A.Because he loved all kinds of dogs very much.
B.Because he had seen Minnie and loved her very much.
C.Because his grandfather’s dog was too old.
D.Because his grandfather’s dog had just died.
【小题4】The underlined word“stroke”may mean      .
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Minnie wasn’t the type of dog the old man loved.
B.The old man couldn’t see how funny Minnie looked.
C.Minnie knew very well how to make others dislike her.
D.Minnie was like the old man’s dog which had just died

Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has everything that money can buy, well, almost everything. The problem is that the people in Jean’s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite lonely.
So Jean spends a lot of time on her QQ. She likes being anonymous(匿名), talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she keeps in touch with quite often.
Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a common(共同的)interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot their time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself. He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.
When Jean’s father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let her go with him so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. She would take him the latest DVD of their own rock singer. But when she knocked on David’s door in San Francisco, she found that her special friend was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim.
【小题1】Jean spends a lot of time on QQ because she is ____________.

【小题2】Jean thought “David” was special because he __________.
A.made her quite happy on QQ
B.was from San Francisco
C.sent her a picture of himself
D.was tall and good-looking
【小题3】When Jean and “David” met and introduces themselves to each other, who felt surprised?
B.Both “David” and Jean
D.Neither “David ”nor Jean
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Don’t believe those you get to know on QQ so easily.
B.People don’t use their real names on QQ so often.
C.Don’t go to meet those you get to know on QQ.
D.People should tell their real names to others on QQ.

A few years ago, Dave Stirling had the idea of selling CDs over the Internet. The business he started from his home in Ohio, the USA, now sells 500,000 CDs a year and has made him into a millionaire(百万富翁)at the age of 24.
“I could see that this was the future of shopping,” says Stirling. “Why should you pay $15 for a CD and spend the time and the money getting into the store and parking your car? You can have the same CD for half of the price by clicking(敲击)on your computer. And we can find any CD you want and bring it to your door in 24 hours!” 
According to Stirling, this is the only beginning, “I believe that one day we’ll do our shopping over the net: it’s easier, quicker and cheaper. Shops and supermarkets will be the past.” 
【小题1】Dave Stiring started his business from______.

A.his home B.his company C.the office D.the country
【小题2】How has Stirling become so rich?
A.By making ice cream. B.By making advertisements.
C.By selling ideas to others.D.By selling CDs over the Internet.
【小题3】If you pay $15 for a CD in the store, how much should you pay for it over the net?
A.$15. B.$12. C.$7.5. D.$30.
【小题4】By shopping over the net, you won’t_____.
A.spend the time and the money B.drive your car any more
C.click on your computer D.get into the store by yourself
【小题5】 What can we learn from the passage?
A.More than half of the Americans prefer to shop over the net.
B.Shops and supermarkets will be the past in the future.
C.Some people don’t like to go shopping over the Internet.
D.It’s easier, quicker and more expensive to do our shopping over the net.

Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like   46 . Red is used for signs of   47 , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of   48  in autumn. People say orange is a   49  color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of __50__. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in __51__. People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people __52__ two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and __53__. Where there are warm color and a lot of light, people usually want to be __54__. Those who like to be with __55 _ like red. The cool colors are __56_  and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to __57 _ more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good __58_  for a living room or a __59_ . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. __60  colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.

A.roadsB.waysC.danger D.places
A.landB.leaves C.grass D.mountains
A.livelyB.dark C.noisy D.frightening
A.moonlightB.light C.sunlight D.stars
A.summerB.spring C.autumnD.winter
A.speakB.say C.talk about D.tell
A.greenB.yellow C.white D.gray
A.calmB.sleepy C.active D.helpful
A.the otherB.another C.other one D.others
A.blackB.green C.golden D.yellow
A.go round B.go by C.go off D.go along
A.oneB.way C.fact D.matter
A.factoryB.classroomC.restaurant D.hospital
A.DifferentB.Cool C.Warm D.All

Have you ever complained (抱怨) why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes  36 dark to you? Are your lessons sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and  37  all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, you will find the whole world smiling to you.
On a sunny morning, you plan to have a walk to relax yourself. Just before you go out, it   38 starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start to complain about the weather. But dear friends, why  39  sit down and listen to the free concert that the nature brings you? And with the timely rain, crops(庄稼) in the fields will grow better and farmers will have a good harvest (收成).
  40   everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, life isn’t a bed of roses. It’s very common to meet difficulties on the way to success.  41   difficulty isn't terrible. The real terrible thing is that we are afraid of it. Difficulty is 42  a spring (弹簧). If you are   43   , it will be strong. So when you meet difficulties, don't give up. Instead, you should face them with a smile.
Attitude   44   everything. With an optimistic (乐观的) attitude, life is easy and 45 _. If you want to be happy, try to remember these five easy rules. Free your heart from hate; Free your mind from worries; Live an easy life; Give more; Expect less. The quickest way to receive happiness is to smile, the fastest way to lose it is to complain.
【小题1】A. seem    B. seems  C. seemed
【小题2】A. cry   B. smile   C. complain
【小题3】A. suddenly    B. finally   C. hardly
【小题4】A. don't   B. not   C. didn’t
【小题5】A. But B. For    C. Although
【小题6】 A. In fact    B. From early on   C. For example
【小题7】 A. unlike B. likes    C. like
【小题8】 A. powerful   B. weak   C. confident
【小题9】 A. decides   B. deciding   C. to decide
【小题10】A. please  B. pleased     C. pleasant

My mum only had one eye. She cooked for students and teachers to    16   the family when I was young.
One day my mum came to 17  hello to me in primary school. I was so embarrassed(尴尬的) that I threw her a hateful  18 and ran out.
The next day at school, one of my classmates said, “Your mum only has one eye!” and   19     at me.
I hated my mum and decided to leave her, so I studied very hard. Later I got a chance to go abroad to study and I left my mother. 20 graduation I worked, bought a house and got    21 there. Then I had kids of my own. I was happy with my wife and my kids. But one day someone knocked at my door. It was my  22  !When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I   23  at her, “How dare you come to my house and scare my children! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!” And to this, my mum 24   answered, “Oh, I’m so sorry. I may have got the wrong   25  ,”and she disappeared.
One day, a letter regarding a school reunion(聚会) came to my house. So I 26  to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old house.
My neighbors said that she    27   . I did not have a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have.
My dearest son,
    I am thinking 28  you all the time. I’m sorry that I came to your house and scared your  29  .
     I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. I’m sorry that I was still an embarrassment to you when you were growing up.
   You see…when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you grow up with one eye. So I gave you    30   .
   …  With all my love to you!
                                                               Your mother


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