
     Agatha Christic would never forget the night when she met a robber(抢劫者) many years ago .
     That evening, she went to a birthday partly which    l    until two o'clock in the morning
Agatha walked in the __2      street alone. Suddenly from the back of a dark    3     , a tall man with a
sharp knife in his right hand ran out at her.  "Good    4 _, lady," the man said in a low voice. "I don't.
think you wish to     5    here! " “What do you want?" “Your earrings.  Take them off! "
     Agatha suddenly had a     6      idea. She tried to cover her necklace with the collar (衣领) of her
overcoat while she used __7  _ hand to take off both of her earrings and then quickly   8     them on the
      "Take them and let me go," she said. The robber thought that the girl didn't like the earrings at all,
only trying to     9  _ the necklace. It would cost     10 _, so he said, "Give me your necklace. "
      "Oh, sir. It doesn't    11   much. Please let me wear it. "
      "I'm not that     12     .Quick!"
      With shaking     13    , Agatha took off her necklace. As soon as the robber left, she picked up her
earring sand ran as    14     as she could to one of her friends.
       The earrings cost 480 pounds and the necklace the robber had taken away cost _  15     six pounds.
(     )1. A. ended  
(     )2. A. busy  
(     )3. A. part  
(     )4. A. morning
(     )5. A. die    
(     )6. A. funny  
(     )7. A. other  
(     )8. A. handed
(     )9. A. own    
(     )10. A. cheap
(     )11. A. weigh
(     )12. A. afraid
(     )13. A. hands
(     )14. A. much  
(     )15. A. really
B. quiet    
B. block    
B. afternoon
B. escape  
B. safe    
B. others  
B. threw    
B. expensive
B. take    
B. angry    
B. feel    
B. early    
B. already  
C. noisy    
C. building
C. evening  
C. right    
C. brave    
C. the other
C. passed  
C. have    
C. more    
C. spend    
C. silly    
C. head    
C. carefully
C. only    
D. wide    
D. street  
D. night    
D. stay    
D. bright  
D. another  
D. put      
D. protect  
D. less                          
D. cost    
D. bad      
D. body    
D. fast    
D. hardly  
1-5 DBCAA    6-10 DCBDC   11-15 DCADC
  There are two kinds of music in the world-one is written down and the other
is not.  Many people earn their living    1   music.  They write songs for pop stars
and music for films and TV plays. They usually write exact institutions on    2  
the music is played.
  Folk music has been passed down from one generationc(一人) to another.
At first it was never written down. People   3    the songs from their families,
relatives, neighbors and friends in the same village. These songs were   4    
country life, the seasons, animals and plants, and about love and   5   in people's
  Early performers of music were popular and respected. They    6   learn
hundreds of songs   7  . On festivals they used to act and sing in praise of heroes
   8   lived long ago.  This was at a time   9    there was no radio, TV or
cinema.  Many of the country people   10  read nor write.  In this way stories
were passed on from one person to another. This continues even today.
(     )1. A. writing    
(     )2. A. why        
(     )3. A. learn      
(     )4. A. about      
(     )5. A. sad        
(     )6. A. were used to
(     )7. A. with heart  
(     )8. A. who        
(     )9. A. where      
(     )10. A. can neither
B. by writing
B. when      
B. leamt    
B. to        
B. happy    
B. are using
B. by heart  
B. whom      
B. in when  
B. can either
C. in writing  
C. what        
C. are leaming  
C. for          
C. sorry        
C. used lo      
C. to heart    
C. when        
C. that        
C. could neither
D. to write    
D. how        
D. studied    
D. into        
D. sadness    
D. usedn't    
D. in mind    
D. which      
D. when        
D. could either
       I live in a village. Its name is North Thoresby. It is  1   the east of England. The village is very old   2 
a history of l,600 years. It was much   3   than it is now.There were more than 2, 000 people there   4    it
has now only 400 people. A lot of   5  have left(已经离开)the village. They go to work in larger towns and cities because there are   6   jobs for them. There are only two small  7  in the village,but we can buy
everything we need for life. There was a school a few years ago , but now it is   8   because the population
is too   9   . There are no cinemas or theatres.      
       I like our village because it is small and quiet. But elder sister doesn't like it. She wants to live in a
much  10_city than the quiet village because there are more shops , cinemas , buses and more jobs.
(     )1. A. in            
(     )2. A. have          
(     )3. A. smaller      
(     )4. A. and          
(     )5. A. homes        
(     )6. A. more          
(     )7. A. libraries    
(     )8. A. open          
(     )9. A. large        
(     )10.A. smaller      
B. on        
B. with      
B. richer    
B. so        
B. families  
B. many      
B. shops    
B. free      
B. much      
B. quieter  
C. at          
C. has        
C. bigger      
C. because    
C. houses      
C. much        
C. schools    
C. closed      
C. many        
C. busier      
D. to            
D. there is      
D. poorer        
D. but            
D. buildings      
D. good          
D. hotels        
D. different      
D. small          
D. newer          
     For some reason, Mr Robinson worked in South Africa(非洲). His son was born there. His name was John.
     One winter Mr and Mrs Robinson went to England, and they took John there.John was seven years old then.
     One day it snowed. The boy went into the garden, and he played in the snow. He said, "Snow is very
beautiful, but it is very cold.“Then he said, "What is this? It is a big, round piece of glass. It is beautiful but
it is very cold, too.”
     But it was not glass. It was ice. It was on a bucket(桶)of water. John said, "Who put this glass here?I
am going to take it into the house.”He took the ice to his father and said,  "This is a beautiful piece of glass, but it is very cold and wet.  It was on a bucket of water in the garden.”Mr Robinson smiled and said,"Take it to the kitchen(厨房), put it in front of the stove(炉子)there, and dry(弄干)it."
     The boy took the ice to the kitchen and put it in front of the stove. He dried(弄干)his hands, because
they were very cold and wet, and then he went to the ice again. He looked at“,and then he took it to his
father again.  He said,"I put this glass in front of the stove, but it does not get drier.It becomes wetter and
1. John didn't know what the ice was because_____.
A. he was very foolish
B.he was young
C. he was born in Africa
D.he didn't go to school
2. One winter Mr and Mrs Robinson went to England with_____.
A. their son
B.a boy of their friends
C. their daughter
D.one of their friend's sons
3. One day John found_____on a bucket of water.
A.a piece of glass
B.a piece of ice
C. some snow
D.some water
4. What clid Mr Robinson ask John to do?
A. He asked John to take the ice out.
B. He asked John to put the ice in front of the stove.
C. He asked John not to play with ice.
D. He askecl John to dry his hancls at once.
5.After John put the ice in front of the stove, he found that it became_____
A. drier

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