Make Your Own Money

It's holiday time, while it's the great time to make some money. Some US teenagers use their imagination and skills to get more money.

New York tennis player Antonio Rivera, 15, serves as a hitter or practice partner for players who want to improve their skills. "You might think, 'why would a parent want to hire (雇佣) me when there are more professional tennis teachers'?" Rivera said. "But as a teen, I can offer my lessons for less money and give a more personal experience."

Many teens turn their extracurricular (课外的) activities into money-making businesses. "If you're good at something—sports, arts, math, science, English, computer software or languages, you can trade that for money," Rivera said.

Harlan Feet, 17, of New York, is a good example. He makes money by getting rid of (消除) computer viruses (病毒) and maintaining (维护) social media accounts on sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. He also takes photos of products and posts them online for people who sell goods through online stores.

"Today's kids have grown up with skills that many adults don't like to spend time learning," said Feet, laughing. "That just means money for me." For example, he's found a way to make money by helping families scan (扫描) old photos and save digital versions (数字版本) of the pictures.

If you have artistic skills, there's a market for you, too. Texan Shyla Boehm, 17, makes and sells handmade things such as small bags and greeting cards. Boehm has set up a shop online and offers her skills online.

1.How does Rivera make money?

A.By being a tennis teacher. B.By posting photos online.

C.By selling handmade items. D.By cleaning people's computers.

2.From the story, we know Feet is good at ________.

A.sports C.computers D.languages

3.What is the story about?

A.What US teenagers usually do on vacation. B.How US teenagers make money on holidays.

C.How US teenagers make plans for their future. D.Why US teenagers should make their own money.

Science and technology makes our life easier and better than before. For example, a pair of shoes that helps you run faster and jumps higher, a cup that keeps your drink warm all the time, or a cute robot that talks to you, just like a human. The iPhone X is a “dream come true”, according to Apple. It does have some eye-catching selling points. The biggest selling point is Face ID. It can help users unlock their phone and pay for things just by looking at their smart phones.

According to Apple, Face ID has to do with a camera system(系统) called TrueDepth. When the camera system sees a person’s face, it “maps” the face with 30,000 invisible dots (看不见的点). Then the system creates and saves (保存)the model of the face in the phone.

The next time a person looks at the iPhone X, the same dots will compare his or her face with the saved model. If the two match, the phone unlocks. This happens in less than a second.

Apple says that the system is smart. So if you change your hairstyle, put on sunglasses, or use the phone in the dark, then it will still work.

But Face ID may not work with twins. According to Apple, the chance(机率) of someone unlocking your iPhone X by using Face ID is one in a million. Twins will make the statistics (数据) fall down, so you would really need to make a password for twins.

Apple also says that Face ID only unlocks when you look at it. So if you are sleeping or just taking a look at the phone very quickly, then it won’t unlock.

1.Why is our life easier and better according to this passage?


2.What is the biggest selling point of the iPhone X?


3.How long does it take to unlock the iPhone X by using Face ID?


4.To unlock the iPhone X, what do twins need?


5.Does Face ID unlock if you are looking at the phone with sunglasses?


Why is that many teenagers have energy to play computer games until late at night, but can't find the energy to get out of bed in time for school? According to a new report, today's teenagers are getting so little sleep but their health is in danger.

This raises serious questions about whether being short of sleep is influencing children's ability to pay attention at school. Research has shown that losing even just half an hour's sleep at night can have deep influences on how children perform the next day.

So why aren't teenagers getting enough sleep?Some experts suggest that televisions, computers and mobile phones in children's bedrooms may cause problems.Instead of reading a book at bedtime,children are playing computer games,surfing the web,sending messages, or watching television.As these new pre-sleep activities have become more common,more traditional ones such as reading have become less,Dr.Luci Wiggs,a researcher at Oxford

University's Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry said,“One of the problems with these pre-sleep activities is that they do not have clear start and end times which leads to being short of sleep.”

Research has shown that teenagers have different sleep patterns from adults.Human bodies produce melatonin(褪黑激素)to help fall asleep. Most adults start to produce melatonin at

about 10 pm,while teenagers only begin to produce it three hours later.It is possible that this delay in melatonin production is caused by the behaviors of teenagers such as playing with phones late at night.

Problems about sleep- who needs how much and when -are usually connected to students' achievements. But modern brain researchers say it is time that more schools wake up to both biological and social facts and make a better timetable for their teenager students.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A.It's very common for teenagers to have less sleep.

B.It doesn't matter if children sleep half an hour less.

C.Being short of sleep has influence on children.

D.A good night sleep at weekends helps children study well.

2.According to Dr.Luci Wiggs,.

A.too many pre-sleep activities take up teenagers' sleeping time.

B.playing computer games before bedtimes does harm to health.

C.fewer and fewer children read books at bedtime today.

D.teenagers shouldn't watch TV before they go to sleep.

3.What does the underlined word 'delay' mean?

A.Rushing. B.Changing. C.Putting off. D.Cutting off.

4.What can we infer from Paragraphs 4 and 5?

A.Schools need to offer more biology classes.

B.Teenagers may be kept awake by themselves.

C.Melatonin influences teenagers' achievements.

D.It's necessary for schools to start classes later.

5.Which can be the best title for this passage?

A.Wake Up Sleeping Teenagers

B.Let Sleeping Teenagers Lie

C.Keep Away From Electronic Products

D.How to Sleep

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