
It was a great day, ______ we did not enjoy it at the beginning.

A.and              B.but              C.or               D.then









Sixteen year ago a boy gave me an important gift. 1.       
It was the early autumn of my first year at a middle school, and my old school was far away. As a result, no one knew who I was. I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone.
Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I felt my heart break. 2.     
Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat at my desk unhappily as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. 3.      He passed me and then turned back. He looked at me, with a smile.
Suddenly, I felt the touch (触动) of something bright and friendly. It made me feel happy, lively and warm. 4.      I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend now.
One day I asked him why he smiled, but he couldn’t remember smiling at me!
It doesn’t matter because all the dark days have gone. 5.      If you think it lonely, you might always be alone. So smile at world and it will smile back.
A. It’s his friendship.
B. I believe that the world is what you think it is.
C. I didn’t know who he was.
D. That smile changed my life.
E. I couldn’t talk with anyone about my problems.
F. It was a smile.
G. He helped me to talk with other friends.

One day, a teacher was giving a speech to his students. He held up a glass of water and asked the class, "How heavy do you think this glass of water is?"
The students' answers ranged from 20 g to 500 g. "It does not matter on the weight itself. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to call an ambulance (救护车). It is exactly the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. "
If we carry our burdens (负担) all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming increasingly heavier. "
"What you have to do is to put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again. "
We have to put down the burden sometimes, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.
So before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.
Whatever burdens you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can.
【小题1】   The teacher brought a glass of water to the class because         .

A.he was very thirstyB.his arms were strong
C.it was a good exampleD.he wants to share the water with students
【小题2】"A glass of water" in this passage referred to          .
A.knowledgeB.the burdenC.the timeD.the money
【小题3】According to the teacher, you may feel      _  if you put down the burden sometimes.
A.more stressedB.much heavier
C.more relaxedD.much happier
【小题4】   This was a lesson about     ____ .
A.how to relax oneself in life
B.how to solve a physics problem
C.how to keep fit by drinking water
D.how to study well
【小题5】   Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.You could become heavier and heavier if you held a glass of water in your hand.
B.All the students in the class knew what the weight of the glass of water exactly was.
C.The teacher had a good way of making his lesson clear and easy to be understood.
D.All the students can understand the teacher’s lesson.


Many books have been written about “the art of giving”. But what about the art of r  1  ? Sometimes, receiving a gift can be difficult, especially when someone buys you a gift you don’t want!

“I remember when I was about twelve years old, my parents b  2  me a purple purse,” laughs Guo Xiaojing. “It really made me feel embarrassed(尴尬), because I thought the purse was really ugly!Still, I pretended (假装)that I liked it b  3  I knew it would make my parents happy!”

Han Ling agrees. “That sounds like my grandparents!A few years ago, my grandparents gave me an orange sweater f  4  my birthday. I used to wear it every time I visited them, but when I left their house, I took it off! Of course, this made me feel g  5  . It was a very nice thought, but my grandparents have different taste from me! I think it’s hard to buy clothes or other personal things for people.”

To make things easier, some people would rather just give money. In some cultures, h  6   , receiving money can make people uncomfortable. “When someone gives me money, it j   7    makes me think they’re being lazy,” says John Wilson. “In England, we have a saying: It’s the thought that counts. When s   8   gives me money, I feel they don’t think at all. I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it. I don’t mind if it’s something I don’t need. If someone has thought about a g   9   for me, it always makes me happy.”

Different people have very different thoughts on this subject! So maybe the art of receiving is e 10   more difficult than the art of giving! What do you think?


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